

Bed, Blanket and a lazy Saturday morning.

A fluffy Wonkyu piece stringing the above together.



A one-shot. NOT rated M. Heh...


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: So sweet and domestic, it gives a feeling of warmth that makes me feel happy and protected! Adorable!
Angela17 #2
Chapter 1: Sweet... Lovely WonKyu..
MasiChoiFan #3
Chapter 1: Oh, cuddling in the morning <3 Kyunnie is going to be a wonderful heater~

Thanks for this!<3
awolfska #4
Chapter 1: LOL, this is sooooooo cute. The way Kyu realizes what he's done during the night, even wrapping himself up 2 times ahahahaha. And Siwon's like the perfect hot gentlemanly BF <3
princess #5
Chapter 1: Hey! i want the rest of the scene!!!
Inner me: you ert! can't you enjoy some love-dovey scene without all the ?!
But i want Lemon!!
Inner me: shut up and enjoy the view...
Chapter 1: Siwon... I luv this guy... he's like the sweetest... so lovey-dovey... even in his sleeps he won't fight with Kyu... awwwww... ♥‿♥
Chapter 1: Siwon why you always turn every lovey-dovey moment into a scene? Haissssssh /frustrated but not complaining/

Nippy me love you so freakin much! This is so sweet huhuhu /pats my tiny heart/
Chapter 1: Gosh wonkyu....
Chapter 1: nice one...
chichi2 #10
Chapter 1: So sweet....