The Date :) Part 3- Namsan Tower

My Hip Hop Heart

Heyyy wassup guys? I know, long time, no update! Probably a month or something? It's been hectic because I've been sick and everything T_T But I'm good now and I've spend a few days making this looong chapter just for you guys! Remember, it's the last part of the date and it's at Namsan Tower! Yay! Thanks to everyone that voted on the poll! ANd I hope this chapter makes up for my long absense. ENJOY! ^_^


"Only I can heal your hip hop heart."

What was he mean by that? I suddenly grew more and more curious and started thinking of the most randomest things.

I got off the ice and I sat down on a bench with Taemin, while taking off our skates. After putting on our shoes back on and returned the skates, we walked out of the venue.


"So, are we going home now?" I ask. Taemin looks at me, "Are you serious? You think our date if over already? Now that's where you're wrong. I still have one more thing left prepared for this date."

"But it's 4:00pm, shouldn't we just call it a day?"

Taemin shakes his head, "You're gonna love it. Follow me."

Taemin leads me around the area. It was quite a long walk. "My feet hurt" I complain. I didn't expect Taemin to hear until he turned to face me. "Really?" I nodded my head. And next thing you know, he crouches down, back facing me, "Get on."

"Huh?" "If you're tired and your feet hurt get on."

"But what if I'm too heavy?" I ask worried. He chuckles, "There's no such thing as a heavy girl. Hurry and get on." I hesitate before climbing onto his back. I blush at the contact. I think he felt the same because he took a while to actually get up and start walking.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep on his back.


"Hey. Hey wake up." I hear a voice calling my name. I open my eyes to find Taemin's face turned to me. I rub my eyes and he puts me down. "Where are we?" I ask him. "We're gonna go up this mountain on a cable car" I look up at a really tall mountain. It was filled with lots of trees and nature, and there was a something on top of the mountain which looked like a tower. But I wasn't sure since my vision was still cloudy from waking up.

In the cable car, the view was absolutley amazing. The higher it got, the more beautiful the view. I grabbed tight onto Taemin's arm when I suddenly looked down. I didn't know we were this high up. He looked at me and I blinked in slight embarrassment. "You scared?"

"A little," I admit. "They should really put some seats and seatbelts here or something. I feel unsafe at this height. What if it suddenly falls?" Taemin laughs for a moment. "The cable car isnt even moving that fast, and yet you want a seatbelt?"

"Better safe than sorry!" I tell him. He just smiles at me and chuckles. Suddenly Taemin steps behind me and lines his arms with mine, our hands interwine on top of each other's at the end. He then wraps his aswell as my arms around my waist and rests his head on my right shoulder. "This safe enough?" he asks me. I smile and blush, nodding my head.

It's true. I did feel safe. Especially in his arms. With my body being secured by him, what's to be scared about?

"Just don't look down. And don't be scared, I've got you in my arms."he assures me softly. I couldnt hold back the smile.


To hold her like that and making her feel safe, it's a good feeling. I've always wanted to make a girl feel less scared and safe this way, because then I'd feel reliable and feel good about myself. Plus I feel like I'm her...boyfriend.

Wait, did I just say that? Do her? As more than a friend?

I look at her face, and I watch as she smiles, looking at the view. I love that smile. Her eyes are amazing. I can see it sparkle in the sunlight. Her face is just flawless. I could look at it all day. I know it sounds creepy, but she's just that beautiful.

She shuffles around in my hold, finding a new comfort spot and she leans on me a little which makes me tighten my grip a little. I see the smile on her face grow and this moment feels just right. Not perfect, but just right.


We arrive on a mountain and we get off the cable car. I started to grow more curious on this part of the date, "Are we going sight seeing?" I ask him.

He smiles almost mischivousley at me, takes my hand and says, "Something like that." When I give him a confused look he continues, "But there's way more to it."

We talk as we head off somewhere, I saw plently of other people and tourists in this area, so it must be famous. Suddenly Taemin lets go of my hand, gets a white cloth out of nowhere and ties it over my eyes. "Yah, what are you doing?" I ask him.

"It's more exciting this way, and I want to see your reaction when we get to the exact destination of this place." Taemin mischivously says. "You have a thing with blindfolds don't you? You even blindfolded me at the restaurant."

"Maybe. But it's surprising you, I'm more keen in." I chuckle at his answer. Cute.

When the blindfold is tied firmly over my eyes, Taemin takes my hand again and he leads me to an unknown destination. I walk slowly, but I trusted him to take care of me. After a while, I feel his presence behind me, "We're here. I'm gonna take the blindfold off now,"

I nod my head. "One...two...three" The blindfold is taken off and my eyes took a moment to adjust to the light and clear up. I see a bunch of couple and tourists, and fences covered almost entirely with locks. I immediatley knew where we were. "Are we at Namsan Tower?" I ask him excitedly.

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He  smiles too and nods. I squel with excitement. I've always wanted to go to Namsan Tower, even if I went by myself. 

It was the activity of just writing a message on a lock and locking it on a fence, semed like a fun thing to do.

I hug Taemin from too much excitement. He was surprised at first, but then hugged me back. When I realised what I was doing,  I let go and took a step away from him. We were both embarrassed.

"So, shall we?" Taemin asks, holding up two blue locks of different shades. I smile and he gives me a texture to write on the light blue lock. I needed to think of something to write. I've never given it much thought, and I wanted to it be perfect. Something to be remembered and if other people read it, they can smile.

I suddenly looked at Taemin, he was thinking too. That cute pout he does when he's thinking is adorable. I then hear my heart beat and my stomach started to feel weird. 

We made eye contact for a second, and I just knew I was blushing and my whole body felt like electric sparks were running through my veins.

That's one hell of a reaction.

Taemin's POV

I pouted as a lot of things were going through my mind. I thought I'd plan this out perfectly, but now I don't know what to write. All I knew, was that the message I was gonna write, was gonna be about her.

I thought of her indescribale beauty, her beautiful smile. My heart thumped at the very thought.

I unknowingly looked in her direction, to find that she was already looking at me. My body felt numb and weak and I swear my heart stopped beating.


Do I love her this much?.......................... Huh, I guess I do.

Now that I've confirmed this, it's one hell of a good feeling. I smiled at her and she smiled back, then looked back to her lock, thinking of what to write.

It was then, that I knew what my message would be. I seemed like a good desicion, like it's the right thing to do.

As I began writing, I wondered to myself, How could I not know, that this is the perfect thing to do?

I finished writing, and I locked it on the fence without waiting for her.

Normal Nararation

I looked up when I heard a 'click' sound. Taemin's already done? Aw, I'm still stuck with what I'm going to write.

However, when I looked at the message he wrote, I got the surprise of my life. Even bigger than seeing me in a dress.

On Taemin's lock, it read:

"Will you be my girlfriend? <3 ^_^"

I unknowingly smiled and looked at Taemin, shocked. He was chuckling and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand looking nervous and embarrassed.

He seemed more confident in the message.

I know what I'm going to write now. And it's just as perfect as it'll ever be. I quickly wrote my message and locked it on the fence and with Taemin's lock.

"I'd love to be. <3 ^_^"

I looked at him for his reaction and he seemed just as surprised as I was with his message. He then looked at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face and he pulled me in for a tight hug.

But I didn't mind. We were both happy.


After a while, we both held hands we walked around the place looking at the view.

The city of Seoul looks beautful from up here.





It soon fell into sunset and we were still looking out at the view. The place started to slowly fall empty, but we didn't move an inch.



"Do you..." Taemin then asked me out of the silence. "Still want to know how I know about you?"

This question came from no where. I honestly didn't expect it to be asked today. But curiosity grew on me when he asked, so I nodded my head, giving him my full attention.

He looked back out into the sunset, so I did too.

"Did you by chance, go to ______ High School?" he asks. "Yeah. How did you...?"

"I went there too," he says. "I was in the same year as you. I saw you eat by yourself at recess and lunch, and practice dancing in your dance class. I even saw when..."

I look at him. "When they bullied you and beat you up at times."

My eyes widen and I stopped breathing for a minute.

"I surely would've done something... but I'd always back out. You know TJ." he looked at me apolygetically.

"Whenever I see you dance, I always cheer for you. I was surely the loudest amoungst everyone. Especially when you performed that day when we celebrated the school's saint. I yelled out your name numerous of times. You must've heard me right?"

I suddenly remember hearing someone yell my name a number of times on that day. Was that him?

"That day, I wanted to finally say how good you were-to your face. But... I backed out because I was shy. After school finished, I walked out thinking that I was an idiot for not telling you earlier. Then suddenly... a girl bumped into me, and we fell on the ground..."

Why is he suddenly mentioning a random girl?

"She apolygised to me, then ran off. I looked back to see why she was running, and she was being chased by TJ and his friends..."

My eyes widen. That was Taemin?

"I managed to catch one of the guys and punch him out. TJ and the rest kept running towards her."

So that's why there was one guy missing.

"I followed the guys, hoping to lead to you, but I lost them. I didn't get to protect her... I didn't get to" he says so guiltily. It makes my heart wrench.

He looks at me with teary eyes, and then looks down at my shell necklace. The one he gave me.

"Do you remember how I said that I made this for my crush? And how I didn't get to give this to her and confess because I had to leave?" he asked while holding the shell.

I nodded without uttering a word. "That was you."  he told me.

Everything stops. I was his crush? Me?

"I don't think you've ever seen me in school, but I've seen you. You think you're unnoticed, but you aren't. You think no one cares for you, but I do. You think that men treat you so bad because you're a girl..."

Ohmygosh... Taemin knows how I feel...

"You think that no one understands, but I do. You think you can hide by being a guy...but you can't..."

He pauses and continues to look at me. "Because I found you."

His words... I can't....

"That day when you dance battled with me, I did think you were a guy. But then I saw your eyes, and I had the surprise of my life. I know those eyes anywhere. I was thinking, 'Is that really her? It couldn't be. No, this is definitley her. Why is she dressed like a guy?'  I was so confused and I had a billion thoughts running through my mind. So every time you'd flick your fringe to the side, I'd flinch because I was certain that it was you.

After the battle, I saw you had your luggage, and the puzzle pieces started coming together. I knew straight away that you ran away, and I knew that you'd need a place to stay, so I asked if you can join our crew. Half because you were a good dancer, and the other half because you needed a place to stay, and we had a place to offer.

It wasn't easy to convince the crew, but they agreed to it in the end. I watched over you. I finally felt like I knew you were safe because you'd be in my sight all the time. When you fought with the other members, I understood your immediate anger and temper. I never picked a fight with you and I always treated you good because I wanted you to understand that not all guys are the same.

I've never told the guys that I found out that you were a girl because I knew you had a purpose for doing so, and you'd somehow feel happy in a way, and I didn't want you to think that all hope is lost because I found you out."

I took a moment to just let all this sink in. When I had collected all my thoughts together, it suddenly hit me that there was one person who cared for me and thought of me after all. Not to mention the fact that he also wanted to protect me.

I never thought someone in this world would be like that towards me. Not to mention the fact that he wanted to protect me. And that person was Taemin. Lee Taemin.

"Thank you...." I managed to say. "Thank you for caring for me, even though it was from a distance." I then took a step forward and hugged Taemin, and he wrapped his arms around me. There were so many things I wanted to say to express my gratefullness, but hugging him seemed to be the perfect way to do it... without words.

"Thank you." I said again. "No problem."

No problem.

That's right. When I'm here with Taemin now, and in his embrace making me feel safe... there really is no problem.


After a while, I asked Taemin about his story. I noticed that he doesn't go to school, and he obviously doesn't live with his parents.

"They let me go." He simply said. I looked at him, confused. "They let you go?"

"Yep." "What do you mean?"

"Well, when we moved here, I was basically, unintentionally reunited with the SHINee crew. Before I was meant to start school again, I hung out with them, dancing in the street and hanging out at their place. By the time I was meant to start school, I told my parents that I didn't want to go to school anymore, I knew I was old enough and responsible enough to make my own desicions in life. And that was to quit school and dance with the guys, winning competetions, getting recognition and becoming famous.

They didn't accept it at all. We even had a fight about it. In the end, they seemed to understand and they just let me go. I know that they must still be disappointed in me, and everything, but this is what I want, you know?"

I understood him completely. "That's also one of the reasons why I ran away." I told him.

"Yeah, see? We get each other." he said while grabbing my hand. I smiled and he Taemin continued, "Just incase you're wondering why the SHINee crew all live together without their parents, Onew, Jonghyun and Minho ran away, Key's an orphan. That's how he learnt to cook and clean after himself and for us. He takes after his mum I guess. We all wanted the same dream, so this is what we did."

Now I seemed to understand SHINee better now. I suddenly felt even more guilty for fighting with them in the early days.

It soon became dark, and Namsan Tower seemed to be completely empty, leaving just us two. The night view of Seoul is amazingly beautiful.








Taemin took a step closer to me, so close, our shoulders touched. "What was it like with your uncle?" He asked.

"What's it like?" I repeated. "Yeah... when you were living with your uncle. What was it like?"

I suddenly went quiet as I remembered my uncle and the way he treated me. How he'd call me names and physically harrass me and tell me that I'm the reason my parents died. A tear unknowingly fell from my eye and Taemin quickly wiped it away with his thumb.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" He apolygised. I shook my head and looked up at him, "No, it's okay."

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to."

"No, I can handle it. I think it's best if I let it all out anyways." He nodded and listened to my story.

I told him about how he treated me. How he was always drinking, wasn't at home much, unemployed, hated it when I danced. I hated being home because he'd be there, and I hate going to school when the bullies were there. The only place I felt safe enough is in my room. I'd dance in there and listen to music, or I'd go to the beach once every month and look at the ocean and pick up seashells. They always fascinated me.

I told him about when I was younger I read a book, and even though it was just a story, it mentioned something about Beach Magic. There are different ways to get rid of your problems when you're at the beach. One of them was to pick up a stone which represented a problem. You can pick up as many as you want, but, choosing the right stone was important. Then you'd just chuck or skip them out to sea, as far away as possible, and the waves will take it away forever 

Another one was to whisper a message into a bottle. Like a wish or something. Add some seaweed, sand, small seashell or pebbles and seal it tight. Place it into the water and let the waves take it away. It was said that if you believe hard enough, the wish will come true. I did this twice. I thought that I was obsurd back then because no matter how much I believed, it never came true.

Except one.

"What did you wish for?" Taemin asked. I continued to stare out into the view, "My first wish was to have a better life, and for someone to love and care for me like how I've wanted all my life," I turned to look at him and smiled. "It came true." ^_^

"What was your second wish?" he smiled back. I sighed, "Even though it didn't come true, no matter how much I believed it would... I wished that my hip hop heart would be healed." Taemin's smiled dropped as it turned into a pityful yet serious face. He cotinued to listen to me.

I chuckled, "Cheesy, huh? But it's true. TJ and his friends and my uncle have torn it to pieces. Nothing can heal it." Tears began to slowly fall as the thought and the feeling of my broken heart returned. That's how much dancing meant to me

Taemin pulled me into a comforting embrace and we stayed still and quiet for a while as I waited for Taemin to say something.

"Only I'm the one that can heal your hip hop heart."  He says pulling away and looking at me right in the eye. I raise an eyebrow at him. He's said this before.

"What? What do you mean? How?" I ask.


"The only way to heal your hip hop heart is to dance...with me."


My mind still races in confusion as Taemin starts to pull me towards the centre of the tower. He pulls out his phone and searches for music. "Wait, are we actually doing this?" I ask him, feeling weird.

He chuckles lightly, "Well, we can't begin our first night in a relationship when someone has a broken heart, right?"

He suddenly winks at me. I smile. So cute! >w<

But he's has a point.

But he's right.

He puts his phone back into his pocket as I heard the intro of a piano. It sounded familiar. He walks up to me, and cups my face and wipes away the tears that still continued to flow down my face. He took both my hands and squuezed it a little and smiled warmly at me.

(the song is EXO'S 'Baby dont cry'... the link wouldn't work *cries*


When the singer starts singing, he dances around me, creating the mood. I recognised the dance moves as my own when I danced at a school showcase (like a talent show), and it was the same music aswell.


"Hey, Jongin, do you want to perform with me at showcase? I made a partner dance and thought of moves for both parts. Since we're really close, you wouldn't mind, right?"

Jongin and I used to be good friends through dance. That was until he started acting weird.

"Sorry, I... I'm already performing with someone."

"Really? Who?" I asked. "Um... just someone. I'm sorry I can't. I guess it was late notice?" he said and quickly walked away saying that he was late to be somewhere.

It turns out that Jongin wasn't performing with anyone at all. He just didn't want to be seen with me, especially on stage. He knew of my bully problems and didn't want to be a target.

Our friendship was a secret. But he always told me it was because he didn't want siblings to think he had a girlfriend, I understood. But truth was, he just didn't want to be a bullying target like me.

He only thought of himself.

We both avoided each other when I found out the real truth. I guess he wasn't man enough to face me.

So I'd practice both parts whenever we did practical lessons in dance, even though I never got to perform it.

*end of flashback*

I guess Taemin must've seen me practice all that time and mentally learnt it.

I joined in on cue as I grabbed his hand when the second verse started. It was like an emotional dance, hip-hop styled that also shows alot of emotion.

If we were close enough, Taemin would wipe away the tears or give me a quick hug before continuing the dance.

The dance basically shows an upset girl, and the boy comforts her. Alot of partership is shown, and the physical contact like the holding of hands or hugs or even close distance made me feel better.

It's like Taemin is comforting me and throughout the dance, I can actually feel my heart being slowly repaired.

Those bad memories were disappearing and it lifted the weight of my shoulders.

When the dance was drawing to an end, Taemin and I looked into each other's eyes, and we closely drawed ourselves to each other. We didn't look away from each other the closer we got. Taemin carressed my cheek before he put his hand behind my neck and we both closed our eyes as his lips locked with mine. Immediatley, I felt an electric spark throughout my body, followed by a warm 'glow'/feeling. I felt a lot happier, and I knew for sure, that my heart was healed.

I wish time could stop.

Taemin's POV

The closer we got, the more I couldn't control myself. I caressed her soft cheek and placed my hand behind her neck before my lips made contact with hers. Nothing could be better than this moment, right here, right now. Nothing could explain how happy I felt either. I was over the moon, the universe, the milky way.

I felt complete.

I wish time could stop.

Normal nararration

Even though the kiss lasted just about five seconds, the impact it had on me afterwards was unexplainable.

I felt better. Healed. Complete.

Taemin smiled warmly at me and I smiled back. He cupped my face, "You're blushing."

I closed my eyes tight from embarassment. Really? Right now? He chuckled, "It's cute, don't be embarassed." I opened my eyes at hearing this. "Did I heal your heart?" he asks.

I made no hesitation to show the biggest smile I've ever done and I nodded, "100% healed." His smile matched mine, and he enclosed me in his arms, his hand my hair softly.

"I told you I'm the only one that can heal it... I'm glad." he tells me softly. I just smile.

We remain like this, for the longest moment I've ever experienced in my life, and it felt perfect. Taemin and I both continued to look out at the night view of Namsan Tower and the soft wind blew. 




"Come on, it's time we go back home now, right?" Taemin asks me. I nod in reply and we make our way back down the mountain and decide to just walk it home instead of taking public transport.

We held hands the whole way.


YAAAAY!!! ASDFGHJKL THEY KISSED! Hahahaha! I had a few PM'S that were asking if they were gonna kiss (of course man!) so, yeah, there you go! To be honest, I was spazzing and getting excited while writing that scene, and I couldn't focus and handle it so I kinda rushed it ^^" Forgive me! But I tried to make it as sweet and fluffy as possible!

I want to know your thoughts on when you found out about how Taemin knew about her. Or both backstories if you want. but especially because this is the last date chapter... PLEASE COMMENT!! I really want to know how I did. Was it cheesy enough? Fluffy enough? Please tell me! And the dance scene! It's hard to decscribe the dance that I had in mind, but I hope I did okay.

And over the holidays, I don't think I'll be updating as much cause I normally update after school at the library, and cause there's gonna be no school... know where I'm getting at? Haha!

By the way guys, I'm graduating from high school in FOUR DAYS!!!! I'm so excited but I'm also sad to be leaving friends in the lower grades, teachers and just the school itself. But please support me!

Alright, I think that should be it x) LATERS GUYS! I LOVE ALL MY READERS! YOU! YES YOU! I'M TAKING ABOUT YOU! ;D












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Sorry guys, but I'll be on a hiatus for a while until I get my head straight. Life isn't the best right now, please be patient ^^


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Chapter 23: BB SAEGNIEEEEE I NEED UPDATES!! *begins the singing* I NEED U UPDATES WAE~ *randome korean mumbles XD* look at that time difference XD
Chapter 23: Awesome man!!!!! Haha glad y got your Lucifer cut!!!!
Shroomies123 #3
Chapter 22: I have no idea why anyone would unsuscribe, but I won't!!!!!! Even though this was short you still made up fort with keys cuteness!!!
Chapter 21: Dang it why is Key so adorable!!! Gah!
Shroomies123 #5
Chapter 21: Awwww KEY is too cute!!!~
Chapter 18: OMG GIRL!!!! I LOVED IT!!! ASDFGHJKL HAHA I LOVED IT!!!! Just OMG it was so good.... It made me feel good :) and congrats on graduating!!!
soaring_the_sky #7
Chapter 18: OMO!! I loved it soo much, it was simple but really cute. It was so sweet and flufffy. AND THEY KISSED!YAY!!! and thankyou for updating :)