The date :) Part 1

My Hip Hop Heart

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Taemin and I look at each other shyly just as Key closes the door. It's like we didn't what what to do now that he's gone. "Err... shall we get going now?" Taemin says. I nod my head and we begin walking.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask him. "It's a secret. For me to know, and for you to just wait" he tells me.

It suddenly became awkward. But I wouldn't blame him, this was an arranged date. I was going to say something, but Taemin spoke first. "So um... you look good... as a girl." he compliments. "Thanks" I reply.

"It's been a while since you wore a dress huh?"

"What? No, this is actually my first time." I tell him. He chuckles, "Figured." "And how do you know?" I ask him. "You look uncomfortable by the way you're walking and trying to cover your legs up somehow."

I look down at my legs embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed," he tells me as if he read my mind. "You look good."

"Yah! Are saying that about my legs?!" I raise my voice at him. "I didn't say that, now did I?"

He got me there.

"Oh by the way, I have something for you." Taemin says, and takes out a rope necklace with a seashell.



"Wow! It's so pretty! Where'd you buy it?" I ask amazed. "I didn't buy it. I made it a long time ago. Might as well give it to someone, right?" I smile. "Turn around." He instucts me, making the gesture that he's gonna put the necklace on for me. I do as I'm told, and I wait for the shell to necklace to go around my neck. When he does so, I feel nervous. This is what happens in movies, and it's happening to me. My heart begins to beat faster, but then it calms when I turn back around.

"It suits you." he compliments me. "Thank you. I've always wanted a seashell necklace." I mention, smiling.

Taemin's POV

"Wow! It's so pretty! Where'd you buy it?" she asked, amazed. "I didn't but it. I made it a long time ago. Might as well give it to someone, right?" I smile.

What I didn't tell her, was that I made this necklace for my crush back when I was still in school. She never noticed me, but I noticed her. She was always looking up seashells and beach locations on the laptop in the school library at lunch. She seemed to like it alot.

When I went to the beach one weekend, I saw her there unexpectedly. She was walking around the beach and picking up every seashell in her path. She'd admire it before putting it in a bucket. Then she'd go to the ocean's edge and wash them off carefully before putting them back in the bucket and walk away.

I don't know where she went. The beach was pretty far from anywhere. I wanted to go up and talk to her when I saw her, but I was too shy.

After she went, I sat on the sand and I saw the same seashell that's on the necklace. I picked it up and thought of her, and I decided to make this into a necklace so that I'd give it to her at school and confess my feelings to her. 

I managed to make it, but my parents had told me that we were moving to the city straight away because of a job offer for them. I never got to give this necklace to her back then.

Normal Narraration

We continue walking, until Taemin stops at an aquarium. "We're going here?" I ask. He nods, but excitedly. It made me curious on what his plan is. "Aren't we dressed a little to formally to be going into an aquarium?"

"Not for this aquarium. Follow me." he says, taking my hand with no hesitantion and leading me inside. His sudden act surprised me, and he's just smiling at me. Just what is his plan?

Taemin's POV

When I took her hand, an electric spark ran through my arm. We both seemed surprised at my act, but when she looked at me, I quickly put a smile on my face. I'm the man here. I can't look nervous, especially in front of her. I have to look confident.

Normal Narraration

Taemin tells me to wait aside as he goes to the front counter to get tickets. I take a look at all the fishes and different sea creatures from a distance. They're so beautiful.

When Taemin comes back, he has no tickets. "Where are the tickets?" I ask him. He grins suddenly, "We don't need tickets. I made a reservation." Still confused since you don't make reservations at an aquarium, Taemin bends his arm and I put my arm through it, as he excitedly but nervously leads me somwhere.

It was getting darker and darker, every step we took to another turn in the aquarium. "Taemin, I'm getting scared." I shakily say holding onto Taemin tighter. Taemin slides his hand in mine and pulls me close next to him, "Don't worry, I'm here."

His words comforted me, and I smile. Soon enough, we came across a hallway with glow-in-the-dark arrows pointing down the hall. We followed it and we see a man who was dressed in black dress pants and shoes, a white long sleeve top that has the sleeves rolled up, a black vest and a bow tie. He was holding something.

"Taemin?" he asks Taemin. Taemin nods, and so does the ma. But before the man could open the door, two hands covered my eyes. "Taemin, what is this?" I ask hlaf playfully and half nervous.

"Just trust me." he assures me. A moment later, Taemin tells me to walk forward. I walk slowly incase I bump into anything and then he tells me to stop.

"Are you ready?" he asks me. "Yep." "Okay, I'll remove my hands on the count of three,"

I was getting ready to open my eyes. "One...two...three"

Taemin's hands are removed from my eyes, and I have to blink until my vision clears. As soon as it did, I was speechless at what I saw.



A/N- Just imagine that there's only one table in the centre :)

"Wow..." was all I could say. "I'll take by that one word, plus the speechless first impression that you really love it." Taemin says.

I look at him and he smiles at me shyly. "How did you...?"

"I planned this day really hard so it would be special. And what's as special as a private restaurant room in an aquarium? I looked this up and made an online booking." Taemin answers, knowing my question.

Taemin's POV

When I saw her expression when she first opened her eyes, I knew that she loved it. Her face was so beautiful as she admired the fish swimming above and around us. She didn't have to say anything.

All I could do was smile at my success in making the first part of this date special. But at the same time I felt embarrassed and shy. Is this too cheesy? Too much?

I honestly thought that she was going to hug me, but I she didn't. She just smiled at me and said that it was beautiful and she loved it. She loves marine life.

As she continued to look at all the fish surrounding us, and I stare at her lovingly ,the waiter standing by the door, cleared his throat. We both looked at him and he made facial expressions at me and I knew what he was talking about.

"Um.... Would you like to sit?" I ask. she smiles and nods. How I love it when she smiles.

I lead her to the table and I pull out her chair for her to sit, like a gentleman guy would do on a date. After I take my seat, the waiter comes up to us and hands us two menus.

"Private waiter?" she asks. I nod my head. Why am I so silent?

We scan through the menu and we pick out what we'd like to order. The waiter asked for any beverages while waiting, and I asked for iced water.

When the waiter leaves for a while, I look at her, but not realising that I was staring.

Normal Narraration

I noticed Taemin was staring at me for a long time. But it wasn't creepy, it was more like... lovingly? I suddenly feel my cheeks burning and I quickly cover them up as I ask, "Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask him.

He suddenly blinks, "Huh? Oh, nothing..." he tells me. Why did I feel like we were both feeling nervous and awkward?

We sit in silence until the waiter soons comes with a trolley,with our ordered food and  a jug of iced water and two cups. He sets it in front of us and he goes back out the door to return the trolley.

The food looked delicious.

wakame_seaweed_salad_main.jpg                                          tofu+steak.jpg

Seaweed salad                                                                                     Tofu Steak


miso.jpg                                                 tan+viet_crispy+skin+chicken+egg+noodles

Miso Soup                                                                                 Cripsy Skin Chicken Noodle soup


A/N- I just picked out random stuff that looked nice. And I always order the Crispy Skin Chicken Noodle Soup whenever I go to a Vietnamese restaurant. TO.DIE.FOR! XD

There were separate bowl provided since we wanted to share the dishes. But I wanted to have the Noodle Dish all to myself. "Yah! I thought we're sharing." Taemin said. "Who said I was gonna share? This is my order" I tell him sticking my tougue out playfully.

Taemin laughed at my childish act, but he continued to reason with me. "I'm paying for the food, you know?"

"So? I ordered this, so I'm eating it." Taemin leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and looked at me, "Okay, guess I'll just have to ask the waiter to take it back to the kitchen. Waiter!"

The waiter made his way towards me, "Yah! You can't do that!"

"But I just did." The waiter then picks up my dish and was about to exit the door when I finally gave in, "Alright! I'll share! Geez..."

I see Taemin grinning, glad that he got his way, and he gestured the waiter to bring the food back. "I knew you'd give in." he said. I just roll my eyes and happily eat my food.


We eat in silence for a while, I wanted to have a conversation, but the waiter was standing in the corner of the room, so I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

"Um, waiter, could you get us some more miso soup please? Thank you." Taemin says. The waiter obediantly nods and exits the room to go to the kitchen. "That better?" he asks looking at me. How did he... can he read my mind or something? I nod, before slurping the noodles in my mouth.

"Yah, act like a girl, would you?" Taemin says. I slurp some more of the noodles and soup, even louder just to irritate him. "Yah! You're getting soup everywhere!" he complains. I laugh at my succession.

"Seriously, even though you're back to being a girl, you can still act like a guy." he says to himself but loud enough for me to hear it. I just grin as I enjoy my food.


"You wanna try some?" Taemin asks holding up some of the tofu steak with chopsticks. I nod, smiling, and I hold up one of my small bowls so he could put it in there, but he says, "No silly, I'm gonna feed you it."

Hesitation suddenly ran through me. Why is he suddenly being so romantic? Is this part of the date? Should I let him feed me?

"Well, you wanna try it or not?" I then smile, thinking that it's a sweet thing of him to do, and I open my mouth, leaning forward as he feeds me the tofu steak. He looks at me for a reaction, and my smile grows in delight, "It's delicious!" I comment. He smiles at me, and he comfortably fed me some more, and some of the seaweed salad which was also good.

I actually didn't mind that Taemin fed me. It was something I never experienced from a guy, and I felt all jittery and excited as I ate off the chopstick. I saw stuff like this happen in movies, but knowing that this was reality, it was really cool, it made me feel special in a way.

We finshed our food when I then asked, "Where'd the waiter go? He never came back."

"Oh... true that. Huh, oh well." Taemin answers. "But the miso soup.."

"Don't worry about it, it was only miso soup." I nod and he opens the door for me and we exit the aquarium.

Taemin's POV

The truth is, the waiter was done serving. When I booked the place and I came over to check out the room, the person who was there with me, was our waiter. I told him that we'd need some privacy since she might feel a little awkward, so I told him that when I ask for more miso soup, it was a "code name" for, "We'll need some privacy, you can go now."

The waiter understood, since I informed him that it was our first date. So no harm done.

When we exited the aquarium, it was time for the second part of our date. I can't wait.


So, Hey wassup guys? As much as I enjoyed writing the first part of the date, I feel like it's not good enough >< There wasn't as much romantic interaction between them, so I apolygise for that. But I'll try to make it more romantic and possibly cheesy? (maybe) in the next part of the date which is obviously next chapter XD

But other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment below so I know your thoughts, and also, wait patiently for the next update. I honestly don't know how many chapters the date will take up, but I'll make it short if you want? Idk, you guys tell me. I'd also like to thanks xxx_britney for the poster! It's simple, I like it ^^ and I finally got it up. Yay! XD Laters! ^^


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Sorry guys, but I'll be on a hiatus for a while until I get my head straight. Life isn't the best right now, please be patient ^^


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Chapter 23: BB SAEGNIEEEEE I NEED UPDATES!! *begins the singing* I NEED U UPDATES WAE~ *randome korean mumbles XD* look at that time difference XD
Chapter 23: Awesome man!!!!! Haha glad y got your Lucifer cut!!!!
Shroomies123 #3
Chapter 22: I have no idea why anyone would unsuscribe, but I won't!!!!!! Even though this was short you still made up fort with keys cuteness!!!
Chapter 21: Dang it why is Key so adorable!!! Gah!
Shroomies123 #5
Chapter 21: Awwww KEY is too cute!!!~
Chapter 18: OMG GIRL!!!! I LOVED IT!!! ASDFGHJKL HAHA I LOVED IT!!!! Just OMG it was so good.... It made me feel good :) and congrats on graduating!!!
soaring_the_sky #7
Chapter 18: OMO!! I loved it soo much, it was simple but really cute. It was so sweet and flufffy. AND THEY KISSED!YAY!!! and thankyou for updating :)