21 - The age of a lover.


Taking a final breath, Kyungsoo belted the last note of the captivating melody. His eyes sealed shut as his energy, his heart and his love fell into the last word. "I'm sorry". And just as the music fell asleep and the crowd, disregarding Kyungsoo, stood up to leave, a tear fell from those wide eyes of Do Kyungsoo and quickly enough his raindrop created a puddle and then a stream. The stream blew into a waterfall and reminded of the sad love song, Kyungsoo broke down a tsunami as he remembered him.


"You're 21?" A sleep intoxicated voice gently mumbled, "20.. Sir. I'm 20" Kyungsoo meekly responded. In reply to his nervousness, Kyungsoos hands fiddled with each other, this knees shook and his toe could not help but tap. 
"You're 21." Jongin, the CEO, stated. "You're 21 if your 20. You're 21 if you're 39. When you're with us - we have to make you sell". Jongin gave a witch like stare, cold and bruised - his emotion remained stern and frozen, however Kyungsoo could feel his legs stop shaking. Though at that point he has never felt more intimidated before in his life - his nervous twitch eased. Maybe he was becoming more confident.. Or maybe his foot had stopped tapping because of the other leg under the table, the leg that wore silk trousers, the works of a master tailor, that leg had begun playing footsie with Kyungsoo under the table and as he looked up, Kyungsoo met a pair of rose lips smirking, and a pair of hands reaching for his own. This was the start. 
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Chapter 1: Ohhhh I wanna read more....^^