Chapter 03 (Chinen's Arc)

Shinkenji Council

“Hurry up Chii…uh…can I call you Chii?” Yuto nudged Chinen, who was still sleeping.

“Nghhhummphhh.” Groaned Chinen.

“Hurry!” Yuto rushed. He pulled of the bed covers and continued to poke Chinen. “You sure can sleep!”

After a few more minutes, Chinen finally rolled off his bed and got up. “Let me sleep more…”

The moment they arrived at their classroom, a few students surrounded them and asked Chinen about yesterday’s events.

“Is it true that an element user almost attacked you?”

“It was lucky that you didn’t get hit!”

“What kind of element was he using?”

Chinen’s head overflowed with these questions. When he tried to answer one question, another one would be asked immediately.  Yuto tried to block the students from asking the questions, but they kept on pushing.

“I heard that the element was ice? Is that true?”

“I-“ Chinen began, but his eyes caught onto Ayaka, who seemed to be giving a dark vibe telling him to stop talking immediately. Come to think of it, no one sits in front, or the seat next to Ayaka.  Chinen pulled on Yuto to hurry him and they both sat down. Luckily, the bell rang before anyone else could say a word.

During lunch time, Chinen noticed that Ayaka went up the stairs which led to the rooftop. “Yuto…can you tell me again why no one approaches Ayaka?”

“Hmm?” Yuto turned around. “Ayaka? I don’t remember very well, but one day, when we all entered our classroom, she was there! At the back of the classroom; she never talked to anyone and seems to be busy with her own…things.”

“I see.” Chinen nodded. “But why does she not participate in classes? Even in the elements class? I find that everyone participates extremely well in that class, even those who aren’t usually interested in the other classes.”

 Yuto shrugged. “She has a different attitude anyway. We should hurry to the elements class!”

They ran pass the field where the gate was located. While they were running, Chinen saw the two bullies talking under a tree behind the border.

“Ah!” Chinen pointed to them. “Those were the users.”

Yuto turned his head around. “You’re not serious right? That’s them?”

“We better run for it before they see us!” Chinen grew more worried by the second. “I don’t want them to see me!”

The two of them were almost late for the elements class, but they arrived just before the bell rang. Out of breath, they lined up to get their cards. When Chinen received his card, there was a design on it, so he asked Yuto.

“That must be the element of metal.” Yuto replied.

“Metal?” Chinen repeated.

Yuto looked around and pointed at the small metal rods on the bleachers. “Try to move those!”

Chinen frowned. “How do you do that though?”

“Imagine with your mind!”

Chinen focused his energy towards the rods. Lift up! He thought to himself.

The rod hovered an inch above the ground, but it almost fell over after a split second.  “Oh…it dropped.” Chinen said with a disappointed voice.

Yuto patted Chinen on the shoulder. “That’s okay. It takes time!”

Chinen tried a few more times. He managed to keep it hovering for a few seconds now, but his control was very weak.  In fact, he flicked his arm too fast and the rod flung over towards Ayaka, who was sitting on the other side of the bleachers.

“Watch out!” Chinen shouted to Ayaka.  He tried to pull the rod towards himself with his card, but he noticed that the card design was vanishing.

Without looking, Ayaka caught the rod with a single hand. She held it high in the air and then almost immediately swung it right at Chinen with a high speed.

Chinen panicked. “I’m sorry Ayaka! I’m sorry! AHH!”

Yuto caught on to Chinen’s dilemma and pushed him over to the ground. The rod continued to fly in the air. When it reached its destination, it broke the concrete and was completely stuck into the wall.

“Uh..Yuto?” Chinen mumbled.

“Yes Chii?” Yuto replied.

“Can you get off me now?” Chinen yelped.

Yuto was on top of Chinen when he pushed him to the ground. When he finally noticed that he was squishing Chinen, he jumped off and apologized. They both looked at Ayaka, who was still in the same position as from the beginning of the class.


“She’s strong...” Chinen took a sip out of his milk tea drink.

“Who?” Yuto tilted his head.

The two of them spent the afternoon at the coffee and tea shop, “Matchatsuki”, looking over their notes. The shop had comfortable sofas and was decorated lightly with stars and wooden accessories.

“Ayaka.” Chinen said. “There’s no way a normal girl would be able to throw something that hard to make it stuck into the wall.”

“Maybe she finds herself different from the class. That’s why she doesn’t talk.” Yuto suggested.

Chinen sipped again. “That could be a possibility.”

Yuto placed down his drink and excitedly said, “Let’s approach her then!”

With those words, Chinen almost choked on his drink. “Are you crazy? You told me that she has a different attitude and no one ever talks to her.”

“Well, from today’s events, she doesn’t seem too unapproachable.” Yuto shrugged.

Chinen’s eyes widened. “Trying to kill me is approachable?! What if she works for the Kusamine, since they want to kill me for no reason at all?”

“I highly doubt it.” Yuto replied. “Plus, if she’s on our side, then you won’t have to be worried about getting killed by the Kusamine, right?”

Chinen blinked. “That’s true…”

“Then it’s settled!” Yuto smiled. “We’ll talk to her tomorrow!”

As if on cue, Ayaka came into the shop and sat down at a table next to the window.

Yuto stared for a moment and then blurted, “Let’s do this now!” He grabbed Chinen by the arm and walked towards Ayaka’s table. Yuto pushed Chinen to sit down and followed suit right after. Ayaka was glaring at them, as if she was threatening them to leave.

Yuto began to speak. “Hey Ayaka, I’m not sure if you know us, but I’m Yuto and he’s Chinen.”

Chinen smiled weakly and waved at Ayaka, while Ayaka continued to glare at them.

Yuto continued. “Anyway, we were wondering if we could be your friends.”

Chinen whispered to Yuto. “I think you’re pushing it too much. I think we should leave her alone” Yuto ignored Chinen.

“So, what do you say?” Yuto stretched out his arm for a handshake. Ayaka glared at them a little more before standing up to leave the shop.

“See you tomorrow then!” Yuto shouted at Ayaka, who slammed the door behind herself as she left.

Chinen mumbled, “I don’t think she wants to be our friend.”

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hey! please update! I really love your story!! :))
ne pls pls Update!!!~
shinkenji. why am I thinking shinkengers o__o