7(+2) Color of Love

(Drabble) 7 [+2] Color of Love

I was at my friend’s birthday party tonight. I come here with Xander, my best friend and now I still waiting him finishing his ‘little chat’ with Kibum. I still frowning, how could I’m not. Xander left me all the time and I was standing in here like a stupid people or something. Yes, this is my friend birthday party but it doesn’t mean that I know everyone here. I even can’t recognize any single person here. My friend too busy to welcoming her friend. I ask Xander to come along with me to accompany me, doing some chat or whatsoever. But what? He accidentally meet his old friend here and doing that endless conversation, left me alone.

We’re on Xander’s car now, on the way home.
“So, do you enjoy the party?”, he ask without turning his head.
Doesn’t he see my gloomy face now? Oh right, no, cause he’s driving now! “I bet you enjoy it better than me.”
“Yeah. I met Kibum, my middle school friend. Oh, I’m so surprise to see him there. He ask me about this ‘anniversary party surprise’ for his girlfriend. Hell, I know nothing about love and he insist me to help him. Sorry for leaving you there.”
Well, at least he realize now that he make a ‘mistake’. “It’s okay. It’s over.” I try to forget my anger to him. “Maybe he’s asking you cause…you know, you always had that endless romantic yet simple plan.”
“Romantic yet simple? When did I have that? I’ll if I had a girlfriend.”
“Maybe you did.”
“You’re the first person to know if I had one.”
And I don’t want to know, Xander, cause…I like you. Arrgghh…I wish I could say that. We’ve been a friend since…I dunno. He’s my new neighbor when I was move on my new house. I was seventeen back then so it mean we’ve be friend for…3 years? Wow, it’s long enough. I never knew that I can keep my feeling for 3 years. Yeah I falling in love with him at the first sight and thanks God he never have a girlfriend before or I’ll kill myself. We always spend time together cause we just a year apart. He always see me as his dongsaeng but one day I hope he’ll see me as a yeoja.
“Oh! It’s 12.00 PM already. We should put on some music”, Xander said as he turn on the radio on the car.
Yeah, right, he remember it’s 12.00 PM but did he forget that it’s my birthday? He never forget before. He always remember.
“Okay, so it’s our first song request today. Oh, it’s very special listener. Let me read the message. From Monkey…monkey? Did you call yourself monkey? Whatever. ‘To my beloved birthday girl: Happy Birthday to You~ I thank God for bringing you in my life. The best thing that ever happen into my life was when I met you.’ Wah…this guy was so romantic. Okay, I’ll play the song, When I Fall In Love with a Friend by Beige. I hope you two listening to it, enjoy the music~~”, said the DJ as he play the song.
My heart beat faster and I turned my head to see Xander. He act like nothing happen but I know that it’s him. It’s him who send that silly message with silly username. Monkey is his name from me and I am the birthday girl. We’re friend…that fall in love each other? Did I need another explanation?
“You did this, don’t you?”, I ask then he suddenly slowing down and stop the car on the left side of the way.
“Yeah, I did.”
“And what was that suppose to mean?”
“Can I make a confession?”, he asked as he stare deep into my eyes.
I just nod.
“I want to say that ek het jou lief, te dua, ana behibek, yes kez sirumen, m'bi fe, aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi, ya tabe kahayu, nahigugma ako kanimo, obicham te, soro lahn nhee ah, ngo oiy ney a, t'estimo, ne mohotatse, ndimakukonda, mi aime jou, volim te, miluji te, jeg elsker dig, ik hou van jou, mi amas vin, ma armastan sind, afgreki, eg elski teg, doset daram, mahal kita, mina rakastan sinua, je t'aime, ta gra agam ort, mikvarhar, ich liebe dich, s'agapo, hoo thunay prem karoo choo, palangga ko ikaw, aloha wau ia oi, ani ohev otah, guina higugma ko ikaw, hum tumhe pyar karte hae, kuv hlub koj, nu' umi unangwa'ta, szeretlek, eg elska tig, palangga ko ikaw, saya cinta padamu, negligevapse, taim i' ngra leat, ti amo, aieru, naanu ninna preetisuttene, kaluguran daka, nakupenda, tu magel moga cho, saranghaeyo, te amo, es tevi miilu, bahibak, tave myliu, saya cintakan mu, njan ninne premikunnu, wo ai ni, me tula prem karto, kanbhik, ana moajaba bik, ni mits neki, ayor anosh'ni, jeg elsker deg, syota na kita, inaru taka, mi ta stimabo, doo-set daaram, iay ovlay ouyay, kocham ciebie, eu te amo, te iubesc, ke a go rata, maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan, techihhila, lu`bim ta, ljubim te, te quiero, ninapenda wewe, jag alskar dig, ich iieb di, mahal kita, wa ga ei li, ua here vau ia oe, Nan unnai kathalikaraen, nenu ninnu premistunnanu, chan rak khun, phom rak khun, seni seviyorum, ya tebe kahayu, mai aap say pyaar karta hoo, anh ye^u em, 'rwy'n dy garu, ikh hob dikh, mo ni fe.”
I stare at him dumbfounded. “Are you just speaking an alien language? Or is that a jinx?”
“Chakkaman, it’s just the 99 and for a 100 times I would like to say I LOVE YOU.”
My jaw still open. What? He said I love you in 100 different language? Is he mad?
“Isn’t it romantic?”, he ask.
“That’s kinda more…freak.”
He pout, disappointed. “I need more than a month to memorize all of that word.”
“Really? But you only need one word from me right?”
He nod with brighter face.
“I love you too”, I said and I add, “And don’t ask me to say 99 different language of ‘I love you too’ cause I can’t.”
He smile and hug me. The radio still playing and now we listen I Do by 98 Degrees.
I let out a heavy sigh. I watch every people that leave the studio. I still sit in my chair, frowning, don’t want to leave this studio. I follow this ‘Mnet Scandal’ program like…a few days ago but it feel like it just one day. It’s too short and I don’t want it over now…or never.

“Why did you still in here?”, Soohyun, my already-over mate ask.

“How about you? Don’t you have any other schedule then why still in here?”, I ask back. I don’t want to answer his question cause I know that he’ll laugh over me.

“Cause you’re still here. I can’t just leave.”

“Why not? We’re over already.”

“But it doesn’t mean that I don’t care and just leave you here. You’re my fans and I should take care of you.”

Stop seeing me as a fan, see me as a women instead. “Gwaenchana. I’ll go home later. You can leave now.” Even I don’t want to actually.

Soohyun then sit next to me. I try to hold my tears but I can’t. It’s streaming down on my cheek now. Soohyun weep my tears away.

“I’m not sure that you’ll okay. What’s wrong?”, he asked.

“You know that I hate a goodbye. Even I know that it’s just a show that have an ending too but…I never ready for the real goodbye.”

“I’ve been told you before, it’s just a show, don’t get along with your heart or you’ll get hurt”, he said as he pat my back.

“I know and I’ve try but I can’t. it just…it just happen. We’re holding hand, you feed me, you take care of me and so on…how could I’m not fall for you for real. Then suddenly all of that moment had stop and they wrap up this program like nothing happen”, I said, still crying.

“Well, that’s what we called a variety show. There’s the beginning and ending. If you want a longer date then you should have a date in real life, not on screen.”

“Am I stupid for falling in love with you? And I have no idea with whom I should have a real date when I already fall for you.”

“No, you’re not stupid cause I’m falling for you too. My heart also get along with this show unknowingly. And if you have no idea with whom you’ll get a real date, well, you can date me and I’ll accept it gladly.”
Kibum stare at me with his puppy eyes and I’m absolutely can’t stand it.

“Please~ teach me how to make a cake. You know that I’m so bad at cooking don’t you? I have to learn about it for the Cheff Kiss program. I have to learn it or else I’ll fail again.”

“You always fail on that program, don’t you? Why don’t you ask your mom instead?”

“Geez, that’s why I want to win this time. My mom already teach me how to but I still don’t get it. Chagi~~ jebal~~”

I sigh and put off my glasses, frowning and leave my homework behind. It’s not that I don’t want to help him or what. I had this extremely tight schedule for my college that I can leave even for a second. I had endless homework to do so I should reject him but I give up now. We head to my apartment’s kitchen.

“Here, I already buy the ingredient”, he said as he hand me a grocery bag.

I put it aside and prepare the bowl and other stuff then we start to mixing the ingredient. Kibum also help of course, with the instruction that I give. I just asking him to do the ‘little thing’ and watch me making the cake.

“Add some sugar there”, I order him. When I see him, my eyes grew bigger. “Yah! You’ll ruin the cake, you know?”, I yell as taking back his spoon that full of…

“Wae?”, he ask confuse.

“That’s salt not sugar! Geez, that’s why you never win. You even can’t choose the right thing.”


I have to admit that my boyfriend is totally failed in cooking stuff. Why doesn’t he just give up on that show and washing the dishes forever? Teaching him how to cook is just wasting my time. I should just get back to my homework. But seeing him stare at me with full of concentrate just make me won’t give up. I knew he mean it now. He really want to learn about it. After about two hour making the cake, we finally finish it.

“So…do you understand now how to make a cake?”

He nod uncertainly. “Yeah, I know but I’m not sure that…”

“You should try it! Practice make perfect”, I said as I push him back to the kitchen. “I’ll wait in living room, finishing my homework, kay?” Then I leave him in kitchen and get back to my homework.

It’s been three hours since I leave Kibum on the kitchen and I got worried. I’m afraid that he’ll burn my apartment. I try to concentrate to my work but suddenly I smell something burn so I rush to my kitchen. I see Kibum standing in front of the oven with a burn cake on his hand.

“Mianhe~”, he said with sad face.

“Did I have to help you?”, I ask.

“No, no. Just back to your work. I just overcook it. I’ll try again n won’t fail, don’t worry”, he said, smile widely.

“Okay, don’t give up. I want to see you as a main cheff. Hwaiting!!”I said, supporting him.

I get back to my work. It’s night already and suddenly I fell asleep. There’s a loud noise from my kitchen that awake me. I stare at the clock. It’s 02.00 am? Who the hell is in my kitchen in this late night? Or it just a rat? I tiptoe to my kitchen, afraid that there’s a robber or something but what I found is Kibum. He’s cleaning the flour that fall on the flour. I forget that he’s here last night. I though that he’s already leave.

“Oppa, what the hell are you doing my kitchen in this middle on the night? Are you still…practicing? You can do it tomorrow, right?” I walk closer and surprise when I see a beautiful cake in the table with ‘Happy 2nd Anniversary’ written on it. I covered my mouth, speechless. I sit in the kitchen chair and Kibum hug me from back, placing his chin on my shoulder.

“Happy 2nd Anniversary chagi~”

“How…how did you…”, I event can’t finish my word. It’s too beautiful and I can say a word about it. “Mianhe…I even forget our anniversary.”

“Gwaenchana, you’ve been busy this whole week with your task. I understand it. That’s why I prepare this for us.” Kibum then move to the chair across, cut the cake and feed it to me.

“Hmmm…it’s delicious. So, you success making a cake.”

“Ehhmm…ani. It’s the cake that you make earlier. I try so many times till none ingredient left. So I decide to use your cake and decorate it”, he said smile widely.

I sigh. I know it. He’ll never success. If does then it’s a miracle. He keep feeding me. “Yah! Oppa, do you make me fat by feeding me in late night like this?” I hold his hand that ready for another feeding.

“Don’t worry, we’ll jogging after this. Aaaa~~”

“Yah! Chakkaman! I don’t think that I’ll jogging with you after this. I’ll sleep again after this cause I have a morning class tomorrow.”

“It’s okay. I still love you even if you got fat ^^.”

“Yeah, after all it’s your own fault.”
“Okay, let’s go home!”, said Kiseop, smiling widely. We’re at amusement park right now for our date.

“Mwo?! Going home?”, I asked as I stared at him disbelieve.

“Yeah, waeyo? It’s late already, don’t you want to go home?”

I stuttering. “Bu…but we even didn’t ride any single riding in here. All we do is just playing that shooting game, eating ice cream, trying those bunnies, eating snack, ice cream and snack again. I want to ride something.” I still looking at him with my puppy eyes and pouting. “And why did we bothering go here if we don’t try those ridding.”

Kiseop knelt and look into my eyes. “You wanna a ride?”

I nod.

He then backing me and poke his back. “Up!”

“Mwo?”, I asked, seeing his back with weirdness look.

He pulled my hand and put it in his neck, still backing me. I circling my arms around his neck. He got up and hold my legs. He started walking. I put my jaw in his shoulder.

“You got a ride now, isn’t it?”, he asked, smiling.

“A piggy back? How could you call it a ride? I can get it even if I’m not in amusement park. Beside it’s not thrilling.”

Kiseop stopped and look at me. Oh my God, I can feel my heart beat twice faster. No, no, it’s four time faster!.

“Really?”, he asked. “Well, it’s special, you know? It called Amusement Park Piggy Back, you won’t get it outside amusement park and…you said it’s not thrill enough? Then why did your heart beat sooo~~~ fast?”

I’m blushing hear all cheesy word that he said. He then look at me again, peck my cheek – which surely enough to make my face burned harder – and look straight forward. “And plus, all that ride, I’m sure no one can make you blush like that”, he added, giggling. I hit his shoulder lightly.

“Yah, are you eating too much cheesecake? Why so cheesy all of sudden?” I really annoyed by his all of sudden sweetness but now rather than mad at him, I found my self smile happily.

I’m on the car now and beside me, my boyfriend, is driving for me. He have a schedule today and his car is on reparation now so he borrow my car. Since I will using my car too today so I go along with him then I could drive back my car and pick him up later. It’s rainy and I’m bored watching traffic jam outside so I look at him instead.

“Stop starring at me like that. It scared me”, Eli said.

“I never knew that my hubby so handsome even when he’s driving.”

I took his phone from the dashboard and took his picture. Eli seem surprise.
“Yah! Weirae? Why you took my picture?”
I just laugh and took another photo.
Eli try to grab my hand but I ask focus on the way instead so he stop from grabbing my hand. I know that he’s so pissed off.

“I’m sure you’ll like it. Wait till you see your photo. I’ll share it now. Hmm…” I keep teasing him.

“What do you mean by ‘sharing it’?”, he asked still with that mad tone.

“You know that I love your KissMe so I’ll share with them. I’ll log in to your Twitter account and uploading this photo”, I said as I logging in his twitter from his phone. I know that he never logging out his twitter in his phone so I just press the twitter button, uploading his picture, add ‘driving’ text on the picture and done! In a minute, his mention is flooding with a comment from his fans.

“Huwaaa…your fans is so worried about you….because of me!”, I said, laughing so hard reading every comment in the photo.

“They ask you to teach them how to taking selca, twitting and driving at the same time! Come on, a normal person will never could do that. Oh, right, you’re pigeon, multitalented. Well, actually I want to tell them how to do that. Just ask your girlfriend to sit next to you while you’re driving and let her twitting and taking the selca. It’s easy.”

“Geez…I will never can stop you, right?”

“You’re right”, I said as I peck his cheek and smile. Oh, how I really love him.
My eyes still staring at him, Jae Seop, according to the name tag that he wear on his clothes. I was so surprise when he suddenly stare at me back. I startle and try to see at other direction. Now he’s approaching me, walk away from his counter. My heart beat faster now. Eotteokhae?

“Would you like to order something, miss?”, he asked me.

“Hmm…”, I look at the menu list nervously then I decided to just pick a random order, “I want a latte please.”

“A latte…anything else?”

“That’s all.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

I nod and after he walk away from my table, I release a long sight. I almost got a heart attack I think. Then after a few minute, he back again with my latte.

“Here’s your latte.”

“Thank you”, I said as he put my latte on my table.

“You always go to this café every Saturday, right?”

Oh my God, how did he know that I go here every Saturday? Did he always notice me? Did I that freak? “Oh, yeah”, I said as smile awkwardly, “I love the coffee.”

“Oh, but seem like you never leave your glass empty.”

“Igeo…” oh my God, what should I say? He even know that I never finishing my coffee?!

He giggle, “It’s okay. I had to go, if you need something else, just call me, key?”

I can’t say anything so I just nod and see him leaving. I sigh in relieve. It’s true that I always go here at Saturday and I never finish drinking my coffee cause actually  I don’t like coffee. I was lying before that I love coffee. The reason why I always go here is just to see him. He’s so…I don’t know how to describe him. His smile, his gaze, especially when he made a coffee or latte, he’s so…y. In a short word, I’m in love with him.


Is it my bad day or something? The rain so heavy and I can’t go home because I don’t bring any umbrella. I standing in front of the café, hoping that the rain will stop soon cause it’s 10.00 pm already. I can’t go back inside either cause the café has closed. Then I heard the door behind me open. It’s Jae Seop. He’s so surprise seeing me here.

“You’re not go home yet?”, he asked, worried?

“Yeah, I don’t bring umbrella.”

“Well then use it”, he said, giving me his umbrella.

“But…how about you? You’ll get wet.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, I won’t. I don’t want you to get cold later.”

He laugh, “Mwo? You look like my mom, you know? Then let me walk you home.”

I stare at him disbelieve. So this day just turn out to be my lucky day? “Is it okay?”, I ask still unsure about his offer.

He nod. “Kajja!”

We walking side by side, under his small umbrella. Gosh, I even can smell his perfume.

“So…what’s your name?”, he ask.

“Hana. And you/”, I ask back, pretending that I don’t know his name.

“I’m Jae Seop but people call me AJ. Wow, so now, we’re friend?”

“I guess…”, I said smiling secretly. Maybe starting from now on I can talk to him a lot more in café. I can’t wait next Saturday, I said in my heart while smile widely. And I think it’s a new story in my life.
“Hmm…which flower did I have to buy? I’m not sure…this…or that?”, Hoon mumble, comparing the white and red rose in front of him. “Eomonim, which is the best flower here?”

“Do you want to give it to your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, for her birthday. I want to surprise her.”

“Describe her”, the florist said.

“Well, she has a long black hair, milky skin, sweet smile…she’s really feminine.”

“Then I suggest you to buy this white lily instead of a rose. Feminine women love lily.”

“Jinja? Keurom, I’ll buy the lily and please wrap it beautifully.”

“Sure. Do you want to attach a birthday card?”

“Yeah, let me write it”, said Hoon, accepting the birthday card from the florist.

‘What I should write?’, he said secretly. ‘Oh, I know’, he said again then write some line to the card. After he finish writing the message, he paid and leave the florist shop. Then he head to meet his girlfriend.

He parked his car and headed inside. He always remember his girlfriend spot. When he arrived at her place, he smiled at her grave. Yeah, her grave. She died a year ago, exactly at her birthday. She got a car accident when she drove home. Actually she will celebrate her birthday with his boyfriend, Hoon, that night but God decide to take her. Hoon can’t accept it at first. He always blame on himself for not drove her home that night and got a long depress. But time has cure his heart. He can smile now, even sing for her. He know that she’ll hear his voice from heaven.

“Hai, baby! I bring you a flower today. I don’t know what flower I should buy for you but the florist say that you’ll love lily. This lily remind me of you. Your bright smile, your milky skin…you’re as beautiful as this lily”, he said, laying down the lily above the grave. “I hope you like it. I also attach a birthday card here, mind to read it? Haha, I know you will. I had to go now cause you know I had a tight schedule with U-KISS. They make me work everyday, aigo… Don’t worry I’ll visit you again next time, okay? Happy birthday!”, he said as he peck on the grave stone and leave.


It’s been a year since you left me

Time so though without you beside me

But I always try to remember that this life is beautiful

You taught me that I should keep smile and I did

Even it’s so hard but I try my best for you

Whenever I miss you, I always look up to the sky

See you are there, smiling happily…

Happy Birthday sweety…

Be happy…always…

-Your Dearest, Hoon-


I look at Kevin who sitting in front of me. He’s watching the blue ocean right now while enjoying his meal. I can’t help myself to not asking him.

“Why did you so suddenly asking me to have a lunch with you in the beach?”


“Nothing but…wae? Give me reason.”

“I’ll tell you but not now. Enjoy you meal, I need to go to bathroom now. I’ll be back in minute.” Kevin go hurried to bathroom. Okay, it’s getting strange now.

I already finish my lunch when Kevin get back from the bathroom. “You need 15 minutes just to go to bathroom?”

“Well, there’s long queue there.”

Is this place have a thousand guess that need to go to bathroom at the same time? I just shrug it off.

“Did you finish you lunch?”

“Yups, like you see, all my food already gone.”

“Keureom, kajja!”

“Mwo?! Eodiga?”

“Geunyang ttarawa!”, he said holding my wrist and drag me to run with him.

We head to the beach. No one there and I see that, a sunflower plant in the middle of the seashore. How can a sunflower grown in a seashore?

“Igo boya?”, I asked Kevin as I pointing at the sunflower.

“Just pull it”, ordered Kevin, let go off his grip.

I walk toward the sunflower slowly and sometimes turning back to see Kevin, unsure by what I did. After I see it close, I know that someone has plant it purposely but why? I pull it slowly and so surprise when I know that there’s a ring in it root. The root tied the ring neatly. It’s a girls ring. A plain ring with a small jewel that decorate it. Kevin already standing in front of me and I give him a confuse look. (a/n: imagine Kevin wear a white shirt with a ¾ cream hoodie pant and with his yellow hair that blown by the wind XD)

“Would you be my girl?”, he asked.

I just stare blankly at him. His perfect figure already spell me and I can’t resist him. It’s too good to be true. It’s beyond romantic. It’s unbelievable, I never imagine that someone will do something really romantic like this. So, this is the reason for his 15 minutes bathroom?

“How could I say no? it’s just…” I don’t know that there’s a word that could describe it. “It’s perfect.”

He’s so happy, holding my waist, pull me up and peck me on my lips.

“Yay~ you’re my princess now!!”


“Dongho, you’re wrong again. You should use this formula for question number two, not that way. Aish, how many time I have to told you. Look”, I said as I sit closer to him, showing him how to solve the question. I know that he didn’t pay attention. He look at me instead the question.

“Nuna, do you love me?”

“Aish, what you were talking about? Let’s concentrate to your homework. Your mom pay me as you private tutor, not your chat friend. She’ll scold me if your grade get worst.”

“I’ll but answer my question first! Do you love me?”

I sigh heavily. Geez this boy… “Of course I do. I’ve been teach you ‘patiently’ for almost three years. You’re my beloved dongsaeng”, I said as I ruffle his hair.

Dongho give me an annoyed look. “Nuna, when did you’ll understand?! Stop seeing me as a dongsaeng, see me as a man! I’m not a 15 years old child anymore! Nae-ga saranghanika!”

“Mwo?! Dongho ya~ nae-ga…” He stop my word by capturing my lips with his. He kiss me. Dongho kiss me. I was so surprise.

“I hate you!”, he yelled then leave my house.

I’m freezing, I can’t think any single thing. When he kiss me, I could feel that love, that pain, that loneliness. My heart sting and tears gather into my eyes, then falling one by one.
“Dongho ya~ nado saranghae hajiman…I’m too old for you. You’re 17 and I’m 20. I’m afraid that this gap between us will hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you. Why you pick me, why you love me? I love you too but we can’t, it’s so wrong. I’m sure you’ll get a better girl than me…mianhe…”

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Awh this was so gooddd
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!!!!!! saya cinta kamu is correct!!
100 different languages?????
i love Eli,Hoon Kiseop and Xanders' stories but Hoon's story is kinda sad T^T ...
@ParMiyoung: thanks for correcting ^^ actually I just copy paste it from a source so I'm not really sure ^^
really good!:D <br />
one eeny meeny thing tho: "ek het jou lief" is supposed to be "ik heb jou lief" :p I'm dutch and I read it and first I didn't really know for sure if you meant it to be in dutch, but I think you did, right?
HatrednAshes #5
Nice story :)