

Our team just finished packing up the things we used for the shoot earlier and here I am rushing to the train station. On my halfway there, cold water started drizzling above my head. Using my free hand, I covered the top of my head to prevent my styled bangs from getting wet. As ridiculous as it may sound, I care more about my bangs getting messy and wet than catching a cold. I was about to cross the street when a red car suddenly honked. Out of reflex, I quickly jumped back to the pavement as I heard its wheels screech, stopping in front of me. I pulled my camera bag close to my chest, clutching it for dear life. The window slowly opened revealing a couple who looked very far from sober.

“Hey, watch where you’re going.” The old man stated with a smirk on his face and they started laughing. My eyes grew wide with the sudden interaction and they might have noticed my facial expression because they threw another fit of undying laughter. I was too shocked to even retort and question their insanity that I was only able to raise my brows in bewilderment. Wheels moving forward, the drunken couple drove away, their mocking laughter still echoing against my ear.

As if shot with a tranquilizer, my breathing steadied as I watched the vehicle rounded a corner. Finally. With a sigh, I glanced at my watch and realized I already wasted good five minutes with just that stupid encounter. I angrily muttered wicked things to myself for being so slow as a turtle and finally decided to cross the goddamn wide street ahead. Retiring from protecting my bangs, my lower limbs broke into a run when I recognized the familiar signage of the train station two blocks away from where I was. This is it. I half growled in frustration when I heard the bell-like sound from the train station signaling that the huge wheeled container with seats is almost about to leave. Using all the strength I have left, I almost flew towards the station and went straight to the ticketing booth.

Almost tripping on my last step, I managed to take a firm grip of the counter’s edge before hastily requesting a ticket home. The employee seemed to be startled by my sudden appearance.

“One way trip to Seoul please.” I managed to speak while still panting. Having heard another voice along with mine, a deep voice to be exact, I curiously looked around to catch a glimpse of the mysterious speaker. When my eyes landed to that person, I swear to God I felt my heart skip a beat. Cheese ball. The guy was wearing a black leather jacket, black skinnies, and black Doc Martens. Black clothes suited him very well, I must say.

Judging from the state of his tousled damp hair, it looked like he was also in a rush. Maybe he doesn’t have an umbrella and ran through the drizzling rain just like what I did. Not realizing I was already gawking at him just like what a creep would normally do, his captivating eyes met my curious ones and I quickly looked away.

“I’m sorry, but the last train just left about a minute ago.” The train employee explained and pointed her thumb towards her back where the train had just been.

“Oh no no no no. You’ve got to be kidding me. Oh my God, that can’t happen.” I stupidly rattled while pacing back and forth. What will I do in Gangneung alone for crying out loud? I need to go home.

“Wh-when will be the first trip? Wh-what time?” I stuttered, panic starting to rise at the pits of my stomach. The employee gave me a sad smile before answering.

“First trip’s 5:30am. Well, you can just wait here, though I guess it’s better to find a warm place to stay during the night. I’m sorry, but it’s all I can really do to help.” Being a habit, I puffed my cheeks and sighed. She shrugged her shoulders apologetically and I just gave her an appreciative smile in return. Sadly turning on my heel, I caught a glimpse of the guy in leather jacket. Why did he look so calm?

 “Wait!” Somebody yelled and I felt a light tug on my scarf. Guessing that it was him, my hands started to sweat like crazy. He’s attractive, yes, but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless. He inched closer and I felt my whole body stiffen to the gesture. He must have noticed my body tense and quickly let go of my scarf.

“Uhm. Hi.” He muttered. I turned around to face him only to find him shyly scratching the back of his head. Wait, he’s shy?

“I’m Jongin. Kim Jongin.” He continued his introduction and offered his hand for me to shake. I stared at it for a while, but gladly shook it when I started to think he’s completely harmless.

“Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo.” Careful of not flashing my creepy grin, I bit my lip and inwardly slapped myself.

 “Cool name.” Jongin complimented, eyes crinkling from his light chuckle.

 “Well. We can search for a place to stay for the night together if you don’t mind.” I hesitated for a while but decided to say yes in the end. It’s better having a company than being alone.

“I mean no harm, I promise.” He flashed a billionaire’s grin and fixed his jacket.

“I know.”


We learned bits about ourselves while we walked back and ended up taking the same route I travelled earlier, minus the drunken couple, and arrived at the nearest beach resort.  I learned that he’s younger than me and he’s in Gangneung to visit his older sister.

Fancy florid lights gleamed before us as we entered the reception area. The place looked eccentric yet cozy at the same time. Not bad. Jongin took three long strides until he reached the concierge while it took my five due to my short limbs.

“Good evening. How can I help you?” The middle aged woman inquired wearing a professional smile. Jongin’s eyes shifted from the catalogue to her eyes, looking calm as ever.

“We’d like to get a room with two beds.” He shifted his weight to his right foot and leaned on the counter. The receptionist typed something we cannot see on the computer with a straight face and sighed when she looked back at us.

“I’m sorry but the only room that’s available right now is the one with a queen size bed.” I fixed my scarf around my neck before it fell off and involuntarily sneezed because it was just too damn cold. Seeing the calm Jongin looking flustered for a moment made me chuckle inwardly.

“I—is that okay with you?” He stuttered and obviously relaxed when I nodded. I handed him my share of payment but dismissively pushed my hand away saying that we will just have to reckon it later. The receptionist handed him the keycard and ushered the bellboy to help us with our things. We politely declined his offer to help because hey, we’re guys too after all.

“Take it.”

“Wh—what?” Jongin offered me to take the keycard and insisted that I should keep it since I was older than him. I didn’t actually get his point, but it’s the thought that counts. I shrugged my shoulders and snatched it from his hand. Pushing it inside the small gap, I pushed the door open, revealing a room with a very nice interior. Being the frivolous person I was, I literally skipped my way to the bed and landed on it with a soft huff.

“I’m so freaking tired.” I groaned and covered my face with a pillow. Jongin followed inside carrying the bags I abandoned on the floor and neatly placed it on the bedside.

“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly and stood next to him.

“You’re like a kid, Kyungsoo-sshi.” He mumbled with a soft smile playing on his lips.

“Hyung. Just call me hyung.”




Author's boring note:

Hi! Okay, soooo.. I'm done with the first chapter. Was is too short? I guess it was short. It's only 1,345 words. Hm. Too boring? Too plain? I mean.. it's just the first chap. Is the font okay? Cause it's my favorite font, but I guess not everyone likes it. You can criticize my writing all you want.It would really help me improve, I guess? Well. Thank you for reading the first chapter. Really. Yay. Kaisoo. ♥

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