Cutting a Deal

Brothers in Arms

I pulled the keys from the ignition as I hopped out of the car. The small parking lot was full of cars. This club was always busy. But I wasn't here for the club, I was here for what was beneath it. I walked down the narrow stairs on the side of the building and stopped at a rusty old door. I took a small red card from my pocket and swiped it on the card reader. The lock clicked and the door opened, revealing a small, somewhat claustrophobic elevator.


“What level will you be accessing today?” asked a female computer voice.


“Level six,” I replied.




I sighed heavily.


“Level six please,” I repeated. The elevator went down slowly. I was incredibly impatient. I needed to get Rain back as soon as possible, and the first place to start was the base for all the Slayers in the city. The elevator stopped in front of another door and on the other side was a room filled with the finest warriors in the world. Some were sharpening knives and others were cleaning their guns; Rain was always perfectly at home here. I looked across the room at the large group of people gathered around a table. It could only mean one thing. As I got closer I could hear his distinct voice.


“There were at least fifty of them; ugly bastards. Goblins are nothing to toy around with. Dara and I were completely surrounded. We were staring death in the face and I had no idea how we'd make it out alive,” he said. The group was in awe.


“Don't forget the part where Rain and I popped in and saved your asses,” I said with a smirk. The crowd turned to look at me before moving aside to reveal the storyteller... Thunder.


“Well what do we have here, Lee Joon! I haven't seen you in forever!” He jumped up and shook my hand vigorously.


“Good to see you Thunder,” I said with a smile.


“You're alone? Where's Rain? You two are usually inseparable,” Thunder asked, looking around as if he expected Rain to appear from nowhere.


“Actually... that's why I'm here,” I said softly. Thunder looked concerned.


“Give us some space guys,” Thunder dismissed the crowd and sat down at the table. I sat down across from him.


“Rain was kidnapped by the demon known as Gackt,” I said.


“Gackt!? As in the demon overlord? He's real... I thought it was just a stupid legend,” his jaw practically hit the table.


“Yeah... I have no idea how to find him,” I replied.


“Well it definitely won't be easy. I'm afraid I won't be much help... but I know someone who might be,” Thunder scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to me.


“What's this?” I asked.


“It's the location of a junkyard in Centricville. Go there after dark and you'll find the one you're looking for,” he said.


“Thanks Thunder,”


I left and went to fill up the car. I drove all night until I got to Centricville. I followed Thunder's directions to the junkyard and waited until nightfall. I ditched the car at the entrance and snuck inside. I sat on top of a barrel and looked around anxiously. My stomach growled... I'd realized I hadn't eaten... or peed in hours.


“Hey! What are you doing here!” someone yelled. I turned and saw an old man walking toward me.


“Uh... sorry I'm waiting for someone,”


“Well wait for them out front, you can't be in here!”


“Why not?”


“Well because... ah.. aaah!” the man screamed and dropped to the ground. I ran over to him.


“Hey, are you okay?” I jumped back as his bones shifted and cracked. Seconds later... he was a young boy, not much younger than me. The skin around his eyes was glowing pink and blue. His pupils, and the tips of his hair were neon green. It was strangely beautiful.


“St-stay away from me,” he muttered.


“It's okay, I won't hurt you. Thunder sent me here to find you,” I assured him.


“Thunder? How do you know Thunder?” he asked.


“We're both Slayers,”


He scrambled to his feet and balled up his fists.


“He sent you here to kill me!”


“No! Look, I need your help. My name's Joon,” I said.


“Mir,” he mumbled.


“So um... you're clearly not human,”


“No... I'm not,'


“That isn't important. As long as you help me, everything will be fine,”


“What do you need?”


“My brother was kidnapped by Gackt, the-”


“Demon me I know him,”


“I need to find out where Gackt took him so I can rescue him,” I said.


“Rescue him? Face it dude, your brother's toast,”


I snapped. I grabbed Mir by his collar.


“Shut up!”


He smirked before lightly touching my arm. I felt like a bolt of lightning shot through my body, sending my flying backwards and onto the ground.


“Don't touch me again,” he ordered,


“What the hell are you?” I wondered.


“A Cambion; half demon, half human,” he replied, almost shamefully. I'd never heard of that combination before, but his glowing skin and hair made sense now. So did the fact that he at shape shifting. I stood up slowly.


“Look, I'm not giving up. And I'm sure the other Slayers back at the base would love to know about you,” I said. He sighed.


“Fine. Since I'm half demon I can enter the Demonic mind matrix. All demons share a hive mind system, including Gackt. I can only connect to it for fifteen seconds, and it's gonna take at least ten seconds to find out which mind is Gackt's,” Mir explained.


“Do whatever you need to, just find Rain,” I said bitterly. Mir closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It was silent for a while before he gasped and his eyes opened.


“I know where he is...”


“Well, tell me!”


“Joon... he's in the ninth ring of the underworld. I think he's in Gackt's palace,”


My mouth hung open.


“How the hell am I supposed to get there!?”


Mir grinned sadistically.


“I think I have a plan that can help us both. I'll help you get to the Underworld and save your brother, if you tell all the Slayers that I'm not a threat and to leave me alone,” Mir proposed.


This crafty bastard...


“Whatever. But if you try to betray me, I'm gonna put a ing bullet in your head,” I threatened. Why on earth did Thunder recommend this guy?


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ambxrr #1
Chapter 15: damn! now he really died!
ambxrr #2
Chapter 14: oh man. he killed mir..
ambxrr #3
Chapter 10: hahahah I liked the title of the chap!
Chapter 17: Ohhh. Exciting=).
Chapter 16: Great story. I liked the end, even though it was sad. Not all endings are happy, and this one was very real. I can't wait to continue reading this story in the next part=).
Chapter 15: Awww=( Mir saved Rain's life. It's sad that he died doing it, though.
Chapter 14: Bastard Gackt! He made Joon kill Mi, and that was so terrible='(. Good chapter, thoug=).
Chapter 13: Gackt is creepy...
Chapter 12: I liked Mir's comment about Joon putting his life on hold. It was touching. Nice chapter.