Childhood Sweethearts


Jonghyun and Key had been friends for a few years and the 2 young boys promise each other to always be there and stick together through thick and thin.


"Jjongwie do youw twhink we be together when we owld and grwy".
startled by the question the older turned to the younger seeing small tears slightly prickle the corner's of his eyes and a small pout covering those lips, clutching his puppy teddy the older had giving him for his birthday 4 months after
they had met.
"Of corwse Bummwie I wouldn't want it any othwer way".
"Yow prownise Jjongwie" Baby Key asks looking so hopeful at the slightly older but shorter boy.
"Yes Bummwie I prowmise" Baby Jonghyun replied showing his Kibummie those puppy eyes that showed nothing but true honesty.
So a slight teaser. 
Comment, Subscribe and enjoy loveies :) <3<3


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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 1: Sooo cute!!
Chapter 1: Wow. Just wow! This is so lovely!
Chapter 1: Aw perfect!!!! :DDD
mzjonghyun #4
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful i love it