Dreams Come True

Puddle Of Love



"Ne, Mikyong-ah?"

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere, you'll see~" He kissed my forehead in the rain.

"My clothes are getting soaked..." I said quietly.

"We're almost there," He said, curling my wet hair behind my ear.

We turned the corner and he led me into a store.

I read a sign that said, 'BUBBLE TEA!'.

"Oppa, I don't want you to pay for all of it..." I said. 

"Aniyo, it's fine. Go sit down and I'll come with the bubble tea. What flavor?"

"Arasso...chocolate. Gamsamnida, oppa." I said, sitting down by a table.

After a minute, he came back with the bubble tea.

We sipped the bubble tea together quietly. I began to realize that he was looking at me. I gave him a confused look.

"Mikyong, you're so beautiful..." Taemin said, leaning in closer to me as...


Mikyong awoke to the sight of her slanted ceiling and the sound of the pitter-patter of the rain. She sighed. Another dream about oppa... she sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking out her window. The rain dripped from the roof and slid down her window, like a teardrop.

Mikyong yawned, rubbing her eyes. She was tired.

A smile crept up to her lips once she remembered what had happened the other day. Taemin oppa...

Mikyong was planning to fall back asleep but a buzzing sound rang through her ears.

She picked up her phone that was on her desk but unfortunately missed the call. She checked the caller's name.


One missed call: Taemin Oppa


Mikyong's eyes widened and was a second away from calling him back before her phone buzzed again. This time, it was a text.


To: Mikyong, From: Taemin Oppa

Annyeong. Good morning, sunshine! ^_~ Are you awake?


To: Taemin Oppa, From: Mikyong

Annyeong, oppa. Ne, I just woke up.


To: Mikyong, From: Taemin Oppa

Good! Get dressed and come over to my house. You'll find me somewhere.


To: Taemin Oppa, From: Mikyong

What do you mean by 'somewhere'?


To: Mikyong, From: Taemin Oppa

You'll see.


To: Taemin Oppa, From: Mikyong

Arasso. I'll see you soon.


Mikyong hopped off her bed happily and flung open her closet door, searching for at least something nice to wear.

After a whole five minutes, she sighed and pouted. It's one of those days where I just can't find anything to wear. UGH.

She decided on a simple blue dress and swiftly tied up her hair. Looking one last time in the mirror, Mikyong slipped on her shoes and left her house after leaving a note for her parents.

Opening up an umbrella, Mikyong ran to Taemin's house, which was only one street away.

Mikyong climbed the grey steps and dug her hand into the nearest flower pot. Her fingers brushed against a cold, solid object. She grabbed the key and unlocked the door.

Mikyong didn't see anyone around. She closed the door and realized there were notes on the walls. She read one that was on a mirror. It said, 'Follow the raindrops'. Mikyong's eyes landed on the ground, and their were blue paper raindrops all over the floor. Mikyong smiled and took off her shoes, following the twisty path of raindrops.

Later, the raindrops turned into red paper hearts. There was another sign on the wall that said, 'I ran out of blue paper. Kekeke. Follow the hearts instead.' Mikyong giggled and continued following the path.

She stopped walking when the path stopped at a closed door. She opened the door and she found Taemin. He was looking out the window, his hands inside the pockets of his sweater.

Taemin heard a sound and turned around, smiling brightly when he saw Mikyong.

"Annyeong!" He grinned.

"Annyeong, oppa!" Mikyong smiled and walked over.

Before Mikyong could say anything more, Taemin began to speak again.

"Mikyong-ah," Taemin said, "Follow me~"

Mikyong became curious and followed Taemin toward's the hall. He put his hand over the door that led to the garage.

"I went to the store yesterday and got you a gift." Taemin smiled, reaching high up on a shelf.

Mikyong's face brightened. Ah~ kyeopta. He's so nice!

Taemin pulled out a narrow box from behind him that was nicely wrapped in a bow. Mikyong took the box from Taemin and gave him a small smile as she opened the box.

Mikyong could not believe what she saw. She lifted the delicate object with her gentle hands and couldn't help but grin as wide as ever.

Taemin clasped the necklace around her neck. "You're beautiful."

Mikyong blushed wildly. "G-gamsamnida oppa." Taemin walked into the rain with Mikyong, holding her hand tightly.

"Mikyong," Taemin said. "I have one last thing to say. Will you promise to answer my question?"

Mikyong nodded, still holding the sapphire necklace in her hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Mikyong smiled.

Taemin oppa, saranghae. My dreams have come true.





[Annyeong! Don't worry - I'm still alive here! Sorry about the slow update. OTL As a little Halloween present, I decided to finish editing this chapter and post it. This is the end to the mini sequel #1! The next mini sequel will be posted soon. Please stay subscribed to this story, I will post a chapter soon about the next mini sequel. Comment! Gamsamnida~ kpopgurl125 ♥ ]


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I posted the first chapter! I hope you enjoy! ^_~ - kpopgurl125


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Kuro_no_Daisy #1
Chapter 2: Of course we understand! Your homework in first place!
Cute second chapter ^^
Chapter 1: Wow finally first chapter.
Omg SEQUEL!!! *tackles you in a hug* Thanks! Please update soon! *sprinkles you with a magical fairy dust so you can have more ideas* XD
I think it's goona be iteresting. Update soon. Fighting!!