Chapter 19 - Gongchan's Special Day

Keep Pretending

Gonchannie Oppa! Happy Birthday! I hope you have the best birthday ever! I lubb chuu xD ♥

Since Yesterday was Gongchan's Birthday ( In Korea ) I'll write a special chapter just for him!

This chapter will be about the SungxChan couple! YAY ♥

Anyways, Happy Reading :3 ♥


Chapter 19 - Gongchan's Special Day 


{ Gongchan's P.O.V. }


I woke up from all of this yelling.

I sighed, "Is Sandeul Hyung having girlfriend issues again?"

Then I walked downstairs to the living room and, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKNAE!"

There stood all of my hyungs looking at me with smiles.

I smiled, "Thanks! You guys didn't have to do this for me."

"But we wanted to!" Baro said as he came up to me and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks you guys, you are all the best Hyungs ever!" Then we all had a group hug.

"So what do you want to do today Maknae?" Jinyoung asked me.

"I don't know, I really don't care." I said as I chuckled.

Then I just remembered, "Oh yeah! Sandeul Hyung, is Sung Gi home?"

Sandeul gave me a glare, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because she told me she would take me out today!" I smiled brightly.

Sandeul Hyung looked shocked, "WAEYO! My girlfriend is taking YOU out?"

I nodded.

"Aish, you're lucky it's your birthday!"

Then everyone laughed.


{ Sung Gi's P.O.V. }

[[ ]]


I woke up today realizing I forgot something.

"Oh right! Gongchan Oppa's Birthday! Aigoo, how could I forget." I said to myself.

I got changed and went off to B1A4's dorm.

I knocked on the door and someone opened it, "Sung Gi! You're here!" Jinyoung Oppa said as he hugged me.

"Oppa, I can't b-breathe!" I squealed.

Jinyoung let go of me, "Oh, Mianhae."

I giggled, "So, by the way, where's Gongchan Oppa?" I said as I peeked into the house.

"He's right here!" Then Jinyoung pulled me inside.

"SUNG GI!" Gongchan said as he bear hugged me.

I smiled, "Hehe, Annyeong Oppa! Happy Birthday!"

"Aniyo! You don't have to take me out you know. Anyways, your boyfriend over there is jealous."

"YAH! I could hear you!" Sandeul shouted as he walked towards us.

Sandeul kissed me, "Hey baby girl!"

"Hi Oppa. Is it okay for me to take Gongchan out for his birthday?" I pouted.

Sandeul smiled and pinched my cheeks, "Aigoo, fine! But Maknae, you better not steal my girlfriend! Or you're dead!"

Gongchan and I laughed, "Nae, sure Hyung. But I can't promise I won't kiss her."

Sandeul glared, "What did you say Maknae?"

Gongchan took my hand, "Nothing Hyung. Bye Guys, I'll be back later!"

I kissed Sandeul, "Bye Sandeul Oppa."

Then Gongchan and I left out the door.

"Where should we go Oppa?"

"Let's go to the beach! Since it's hot today."


{ Gongchan's P.O.V. }


Once we arrived to the beach, I took her hand and held it. Since we are friends, we barely do anything like that.

"Let's go to the sand!" I said as I led her to the sand.

Sung Gi walked with me and we walked on the wet sand.

She giggles, "Oppa, the sand tickles my feet."

I laugh at her cute aegyo, "My feet tickles too."

I led her closer to the water, "Hey Sung Gi, did you know you're my best friend."

She smiles, "I know now. Did you know you're my best friend too?"

I smiled, "Sung Gi, Look!" Then I splashed her with water.

"Yah! Oppa!" Then she splashed me back and ran away.

"Aigoo! Come back here!" Then I ran after her.

Once I caught up to her, I back hugged her which made her stop.

"I caught you!"

"Hehe, nae. You did Oppa."

I felt shy around her, I wanted to confess that I liked--Wait no, LOVED her. But Sandeul Hyung is going to kill me, but here goes nothing.

"Sung Gi, I think I love you."

She tilted her head, "As a best friend?"

"Way more than that."

She bit her bottom lip, "I'm sorry Oppa, I love Sandeul Oppa. I still love you too, but as a best friend only."

Then my heart felt like it was being stabbed. Does love always have to hurt?

"Aniyo, it's okay. I know you were going to say that." I looked down.

Then she spoke up, "But remember Oppa, I'll always love you as a best friend."

I smiled, "Thanks, now let's go back. Hyung is probably waiting for you."

"Hey Gongchan."

"Yeah?" I looked at her.

She smiled at me, "Happy Birthday." Then she kissed my cheek.

Inside, my heart was beating 10x's faster.

"Thanks Sung Gi." I managed to say.

She laughed, "But don't tell Sandeul, he'll get jealous and go crazy."

I nodded and we headed back to the dorm.

This was probably 1 of my best Birthdays' and I got to spend it with my best friend. I smiled to myself.


[A/N] Hehe, this is such a cute couple xD

SungxChan Couple ♥ . ♥

What couple do you like better? []SungxDeul Couple or []SungxChan Couple

Comments would be loved ♥

Hmm, should I add more couple moments in here? Maybe? xD

Like SungxWoo Couple xD ( I couldn't combine Sung Gi's name with Baro's. So I used his real name ; Sun Woo )

OOH! Or SungxYoung ( Sung Gi & Jinyoung ) Couple!


SungxDong Couple xD (Sung Gi & CNU. That couples name sounds funny >w< )

If you have any other names for the couples, leave it in the Comment Box! xD

*Oh yeah, italics is Gongchan's thoughts. I'm going to start putting their thoughts in italics now 8D ♥

Thanks, Bye ♥


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congratssss ;)
HoneysuckleBelle #3
DelicatePetals #4
congrats love, xo.
LoveSpellMidnight #5
congrats on getting featured.
GildedGingerCreme #6
elliptical #7
congrats x
sophie_bts_jungkook #8
Chapter 23: LOL niel is fishiy lips hahahahahahahahahahah