
Marriage isn't a choice

Kai is dead... Those words kept ringing again and again in my head

Krystals eyes immediatley started water as she could feel the cold and wet tears running down her check..

Drip... Drop 

Again and again...

The agony and pain never left leaving a stain in my heart

I sat on the back of my kitchen, on the hard cold floor i weeped my eyes out and let all those emotions be released all that pain be put out there 

I love you Kai... Please come back 

I screamed and screamed just hoping that he would come back.. Though i knew he wouldnt... He never would 


It had now been 5 months since Krystal had found out, she found it hard in the beggining but never gave up hoping every day he would come back and they could embrace eachother like they used to. She started to work again though she was no longer how she used to be she tried her best to pick herself back up remembering and cherishing the people around her.

She was still the top model in Korea and made sure to keep that title, she hoped that he would see her in a magazine or on a billboard and come back to her. Kai's mom gradually fell into depression as his father tried his best to keep a strong a face even though we all knew that one day he too would collapse... Falling into the dark tunnel and being unable to escape the light that had found him! But only if that never had to happen.. 

They still tried there best to look for Kai though not as much now but all of us didnt accept the truth and we wouldnt until we saw his body. Alive or dead...



It was a normal day for Krystal getting up getting ready for work and coming back late at night only to find herself all alone. The door started ringing as he went down and opened she saw Kai's mom and dad stood at the door both of there faces swollen from all there crying. 

Krystal: What is it? Are you guys alright? 

Kai's mom hid her face into the fathers arm as she onece again wept and threw a letter at my face. 

I looked at her in astonishment until i picked it up and slowly opened it, the worry was getting to me. 

Dear Mr and Ms In

This is the poilice, we have finally found your son's body... 

He is currently being kept in our local hospital, we have been trying our hardest to make him come back but he is currently in a danger zone hence why we are trying our best with surgeries. He was found last week but we didnt report back to you until we were sure that it was your son. He was found tortured and abused with scars and blood streaming from every part of his body. We apolagize for telling you this late please forgive us and come as soon as possible as we believe he unfortunatley will not be able to last anylonger. 

Thankyou and once again our dearest apolagies our job is done. 

Krystal quickly ran and grabbed her coat as she rushed to the hospital, as they went there the media and paparazzi were everywhere shouting questions from every part of the street. She ran into the room he was in as she found herself in awe. It was him... There he was, the man she longed to see and thought about every minute of every day laying, eyes closed on the bed. She ran upto him and slowly grabbed his rough hands and cried and cried. Until her eyes were saw but she couldnt stop the tears couldnt stop! The person she loved the most laying down and slowly dying right infront of me and i couldnt do anything about it! All i could do was pray and cry... Again and again, she stayed by his side all the time not eating even abit of food. She had no appetite all she cared about was him, she wanted to be there by him... Until he would leave her forever...

I love you Kai and forever will 

No matter how many times she would say it everytime her heart would sting as though it would burst any second but she promised herself that she wouldnt cry, for him she wouldnt cry. She cancelled all her schedules as the paparazzi would stay outside wondering what was going on occasianally trying to come in and snap a pic of me in my worst state. But i honestly didnt care, last year i would never let the media see me without even a inch of makeup but now.. Everything had changed.

I was sat next to Kai as i walked upto him and talked to him, though i knew he wouldnt hear me. I held onto his hands as he as usual lay there still not even moving an inch. 

Krystal: Kai, I'm still here you know todays our 2 year anniversery... I had always wished and longed to spend this day with the man i love so thankyou oppa, i am finally prepared for you to leave me though it will hurt and i will cry for weeks and days i will get over it because i know thats what you want me to do. I will never move on because you were the best thing that ever happened to me and nothing can replace your place in my heart. I love Oppa! So so much! 

And once again i broke in too tears as i placed my head onto his arm but something was wierd, i lifted my head as i felt something rough on his arm, i pulled up the robe and right there i saw a tattoo with 6 letters placed 2MTILU... Why had i never seen this before? He didnt have any tattoos as i remember him saying to me that he hated tattoos so why would he have one now? Something was wierd... 

Just then i remembered the scar he told me about that he got from when he was a baby, i rushed and lifted up the top part of his pants as i looked for the scar that he told me was on his knee, the heart shaped scar was gone? But how? How could a scar go... Unless this wasnt him, no thats impossible it looks just like him everything about him was the same..

I quickly picked up my phone and rang Kai's parents 

Krystal: Hello?

Kais dad: Krystal? What is it?

Krystal: Is it possible that Kai had a twin? 

Kais dad: A twin?! ... I dont know we werent there for the time of his birth so... Wait why?

Krystal: Something is wrong... It seems as though something is going on that i need to get to the bottom of. I need your help! Will you help me?

Kais dad: Of course...


Authors note

HEY GUYS!! So this is the last chapter of this fanfic but before you start to worry there will be a part two of this coming out soon! So please anticipate it, i will update this as soon as i have made it come out and link it in this story so please wait for the mystery to unfold! Thankyou guys your the best!!!







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Chapter 20: completed already ??
please continued it ~~
thanks .. :)
elysha_kaiexo #2
Chapter 20: Update more please
penielhyunsik #3
Chapter 20: wait... it is the end... please continue this..i'm waiting
Chapter 20: Please continue it~!!!
ernestinethrz #5
Chapter 20: Waiting for the sequel hihi^_^
chasoorim #6
Chapter 20: Please tell me when you do the sequel.. thanks
sweetestserenity #7
just started to read this....loving it so far
chasoorim #8
Chapter 19: Authornim this cant be true.. update soon jebal
sweetasthelavender98 #9
Chapter 19: He's dead?! Nooooooooooo!!!! By the way, this story is great! Update soon, author-nim :D
fairy_angel #10
Chapter 19: why ?? i hope kai is still alive