
Detention - Niel

The empty halls felt so different from when they were full of kids. The pink note you held in your hand, gave you the chills as you opened the door with the sign Detention written on the window. Your hand turned the handle as a head perked up inside. The teacher looked at you as so did the student that was sleeping supposedly. You walked into the small room as you handed the note to the teacher. She looked it over making sure that it was legitimate.

"Go take a seat over there by Niel" She pointed as you bowed and walked over there. You sat in the seat next to him as he laid on his arm and closed his eyes. An awkward feeling filled the room as you watched him sleep. Watching the minute hand catch up to the hour hand, your stomach began to growl as you squeezed your stomach tight to try and get it to stop. The boy, Niel next to you giggled as he shook his head, you looked at the teacher as you began to blush. The teacher was fast asleep in her chair. Niel raised his head as he began to move out of the desk, he took your hand as you, as he pulled you from your seat. Moving his finger to his lips you nodded your head. You slowly placed your feet on the hard floor as he watched the teacher hoping not to stir her. Your hand tightened around your shoulder strap of your backpack as he reached for the door, opening it slowly. He closed the door after you had exited the classroom.

"Hey!" A male security guard yelled as Niel grabbed your hand pulling you into a run as Niel ran in front. You looked back at the guard that was now chasing after you. Quickly gaining ground, Niel pulled you around a corner as the guard slammed into the wall. The front doors were in sight as you ran faster to escape the other two guards that were soon approaching. Niel pushed you into a door and quickly closed it, locking the door as you ran up the stairs to the second floor of the school. It looked like the end as you got to the roof of the second floor. Niel soon followed you.

"What do we do now?" You asked as Niel started to make another plan.

"We climb" He stood on the ledge of the building as he held a tree branch in his hand. You smiled as you walked over there, standing on the wall and climbing down the tree. Niel watched you get down safely as the door flung open and the guards came running. He quickly climbed down the tree and took your hand and ran off with you. The security guards cursed at the top of the building as Niel and you ran out of their sight.

Both of you slowing down to a walk, he began to laugh as he leaned on a brick wall. You leaned against the wall as well, wondering why he is laughing.

"Who knew a girl like you would be in detention and get to run away." Niel said as he ran his hand through his hair. "What were you in detention for?" He asked turning to you.

"I made the teacher look bad by showing him that he was wrong." You smiled and said as you thought how stupid that reason actually was. "What were you in there for?"

"Not doing my homework." He said as if it wasn’t a big deal, you giggled at his reason.

"Why did you take me along with you when you could have been just fine by yourself." You asked a more serious question.

"If I left you in there then they would ask you where I was and you would get in more meetings with the authorities, and you might have ratted me out. Plus it is always fun to run away with someone." He smiled as he stood up from the wall as you followed him, nodding slowly.

"What do we do now?" You ask as you can’t help smiling.

"Ummm, I usually go home, but I think I can break that habit and if you want you can come have lunch with me. Since you were so hungry earlier." Your hands folded over your stomach as he smiled poking your stomach lightly.

"I’m buying though" You said as you both found this little place on the corner.

"Whatever~" He held the door open for you as you happily walked in, as you happily spent the rest of the afternoon with him before heading home so that your parents won’t get suspicious. Hoping that you can go to detention really soon.

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Chapter 1: It's really so much fun to run away with someone or let me say more than just one as the story reminded me of a day where my friends and I ran away from the sport teacher across the school years ago. She was screaming and shouting at us to get back to the gym, but we were naughty little girls :p
School is not fun without some small adventures haha XD

Though there is no such thing as detention room in my country, but I'll like one if it ended up like this sweet story. Cute and naughty way to start a relationship.

Much love for writing <3