Until Next Time

Until Next Time

YAYH! Finally made one! The idea just went into my head... XDDDD i made sure to use really descriptive words here,, this is actually intended for a project but i think this belongs to asianfanfics.com XDDDD

neways,, ENJOY!!

         ‘Another boring day of work’, was the thought that came into her mind as she untied her apron and closed the cabinets, bringing the cakes into the freezer. There were usually no customers in the shop, though her employer was a sweet old woman who had a knack in baking sweet, ‘masterpiece’ cakes that were out of this world. She sighed again. Why was life never fair? Grandmother’s business never flourished, though she was the kindest person she had ever met on earth.

          She hummed a tune in her mind as she put the last of the cakes into the freezer. Locking the glass shelves and making sure the cash register was emptied out into the cache, she began to stack the chairs on the tables and swept any speck of dust that might have come in.


          Suddenly, out of nowhere, a boy her age came in and locked the door, sliding to the floor, panting wildly and clutching his chest. Her eyes widened, and she immediately ran to the telephone.


          “I’m going to call the police!” She almost screamed, looking at the guy as he panicked and began to explain himself to her.


          “Please, don’t! I only came here because of…” He didn’t finish because he ran to tackle the girl when she began pressing buttons.


          “I said to wait.” He said clearly, pressing the button, and the dial tone was heard as the girl began to shake.


          “If you want money, I can give it to you all!” She said, almost close to the point of screaming.


          “No, I don’t want money. Just help me hide for now.” He said, his eyes shifting sideways, looking at the door. Suddenly they both heard screams and the boy dropped down behind the counter, hiding.


“What are you doing?” The girl hissed, but with curiosity evident in her voice.


“What does it look like I’m doing?” He whispered back with sarcasm etched in his words as she winced slightly.


Then, she saw a stampede of people rushing to who-knows-where. The boy cowered even lower if that was possible.


“They’re gone now.” She said in a loud voice, staring at his crouched figure. He jumped visibly, and she looked away and began to keep the cache in her knapsack.


“Are you sure?” He asked, and she looked at him. Her eyes immediately widened, dumbfounded.


“Are you ok?” He asked her again, waving his hands in front of her.


“Y-yeah.” She stuttered, momentarily stunned that she even thought this guy was a robber or something. How could she be so stupid? This guy even looked like he came from a magazine!


“I’ll be going now. Would you want an autograph?” He asked, grabbing the pen on the counter.


“H-huh? Why would I? Are you famous or something?” She asked, with her head tilted to the side. Who was this boy?


“You don’t know me? You must be blind. Here, I’ll give you one and you can show it to your family.” He joked lightly.


At the mention of the word ‘family’ her face hardened a bit.


“I have no family.”


His pen hovered over the paper where he was supposed to sign as he looked at her, her face emotionless, but the pain in her eyes was evident for everyone to see.


“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have told me something that personal, you know.” He explained to her, wanting for her to have said something that would not have been awkward for both of them to deal with.


“No, it’s just that… I couldn’t help it.” She sat on the stool in a heap. She began staring up the ceiling. The tears were building up in her eyes, but she desperately tried to cover it up.


“Are you crying?” He asked, reaching to his pocket to pull out a handkerchief, but she interrupted him.


“Please don’t. I’m fine.” She smiled at him, but to her horror the tears began spilling out, running down her cheeks. She furiously rubbed them with her sleeves.


“And you’re telling me you’re fine.” He said, biting his lips because of his stupidity. She began bawling out, hiccupping. He didn’t even do anything to her!

“Stop crying! People might think something’s happening here!” He panicked as she slid off the stool and sat on the floor, crying her eyes out.


He still didn’t know what to do.


For a few more minutes she was still crying, and he was still standing there, awkwardly looking at her. How long could a girl cry? Maybe she would stop by then.


After what seemed like an eternity, she stopped and he gave out a sigh.


“I think you should fix yourself. You look like a mess.” A mess wouldn’t even begin to describe what she looked like. It was an understatement. She shuffled over to the small mirror on the wall and gave out a little scream.


Her eyes were bloodshot, and the bags underneath her eyes were bigger than ever. Her face was a dark pink, and the tip of her nose was red. She was sweating, and her hair was sticking out in all directions. Her clothes were crumpled, and all in all, she looked like she stepped out from a horror movie.


She embarrassedly faced the boy slowly, who was standing with his arms on the counter, one hand still holding the handkerchief.


“Frankly, you’re the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen in my life.” He said plainly, and she scowled.


“That’s not a very nice thing to say.” She said in an unpleasant tone, grumbling about the impoliteness of people nowadays.


“It’s not my fault. You were the one who suddenly tore your eyes out.” He replied to her. “You didn’t even say anything. You just sat and cried your eyes out for like, one hour!” He said, exclaiming as he looked at his wristwatch.


“Hey, I didn’t even take that long!” She protested.


“Yes you did!”


“I did not!”


“You did!”


“I said no!”

They suddenly paused, looking at each other, then laughing out, clutching their stomachs. They laughed for what seemed like forever.


When they did stop, the boy wiped his tears and began to talk.


“I’ll sign your autograph now. Show it to anyone, if you like” He chose his words carefully this time, and she smiled widely at this. He threw the handkerchief on her face.


“I promise if I see that face after you wipe off, I’ll vomit.” He grumbled, cringing at the image.


“Whatever.” She grumbled, wiping her face violently, then she faced the wall and began combing out her hair and tying it back. When she faced him, she looked like her again.


“Pffft.” He held back his laughter as he compared her image now to her image after bawling out.


“What’s your problem?” She frowned.


“You look different.”


“Oh.” Her eyes widened in realization.


“So you’ve been here all along.” Four boys said in unison as they opened the door of the shop.


“Oh! I better get going now. I signed the paper for you.” He ran out of the door and began to get in the car.


“Wait! What’s your name?” She yelled out, but the boy was gone as ‘quick’ as he had come.


She looked down at the paper with the pen on top. Written neatly was:



I don’t know what your name is, but thanks for the laughs. Until next time!


Don’t forget to wash my handkerchief. I’ll pick it up next time and I’ll make sure to inspect it. If I find even a piece of dust or something, watch out!


She smiled, and began filling out her name on the blank.


“Until next time.” She smiled cheerfully, placing the neatly folded handkerchief and the note in her knapsack.



I'm not sure if this is a oneshot or what... This is actually supposed to be for my project in English. We were assigned to make a short story with illustrations... So this is the end for my project... But would you want me to continue the story? Ideas please!!!!


Should I pass this as my project? The teacher might not look at me the same way again TT.TT

Anyways, subscribe~

Thanks for reading!


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Dinka485 #1
Chapter 1: amazingly written *_*
Chapter 1: New reader here!:D Aw please make the story longer!:3 I really love it!(:
Keep it up, author-nim!!!
AZZA ^^ !!!
yangertz #4
@HazelgoesRawr, lolisho<br />
ok,, i'll be typing up the next chap tomorrow ^^ <br />
we just had three days of final exams... so im really sorry if i left you hanging!!<br />
thanks for the comments and subscriptions!
bluecheese #5
Ah, please continue it! Leaving us hanging when it started too get good isn't fair. ;]
lolisho #6
Yes! You should continue~ I enjoyed reading ^^
yangertz #7
@YunJaeforever17:<br />
Thanks! ^^<br />
I thought so too, and i think there really is unfinished business here...<br />
He doesn't know her name yet, and she didn't return the handkerchief too! <br />
O.O<br />
oops, spoilers XDDDDDD<br />
<br />
Thanks for the comment and subscriptions!<br />
i'll continue this on thursday maybe?<br />
Final exams tomorrow and i didn't study one bit. XDDD
YunJaeforever17 #8
Hi you should totally continue!!! If you want some ideas you can write on my wall and I'll help :)