Chapter 9

Take a Chance


“As if you don’t know you !”


Yoona shook her head mystified.




“What about him?”


The girls face showed exasperation, “He’s crazy about you! Surely you can see that?!”


Yoona’s gaze dropped from Victoria’s and she heard a humourless laugh escape the girl’s lips. “So you do?” She shook her head sadly and then actually smiled. “I should never have gotten together with him…the way he talked about you, I should have realised.”


She suddenly felt sorry for her. “Victoria, I’m sorr--”


“Don’t apologise, it’s my own fault. I saw the signs…I just chose to ignore them.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve booked a taxi to take me to the nearest train station; it’ll be here in about ten minutes. I best go grab my bags.”


“You don’t have to go Victoria.”


“I didn’t exactly make myself available for new friends. I doubt anyone will be sad to see me go. It was nice meeting you and your friends, though I’m sure it’s not mutual.” She grinned then became serious once more. “I’m sorry for the things I’ve said.”


Yoona shook her head. “It’s fine.”


They smiled in mutual understanding then Victoria excused herself to go get her bags from upstairs. She returned a few moments later.


“The taxi’s just pulled up. Tell everyone I’m sorry for how I behaved,” and then she was gone.


She stood there in stunned silence for several seconds until her stomach rumbled once more reminding her of why she was here in the first place.


Walking over to the fridge she pulled open one of the doors to see what ingredients were inside.


Butter. Eggs. Milk. Bacon.


Hmm. Bacon Omelette it would have to be.


Grabbing two slices of the bacon and the rest of the ingredients she walked over to the cooker, a huge six ringed monster that Wooyoung had insisted upon, and grabbing a skillet off the pan rack put a knob of butter in ready for when the bacon was ready, which didn’t take very long in the fan assisted oven.


When the omelette was ready she sat down at the kitchen table.


Victoria had gone. Left. The thought hit her with the force of a nuclear bomb.


That meant that her and Nichkhun could be together now. A squeal escaped her as her excitement grew.


Hastily eating her omelette to appease her hunger she placed the plate in the dishwasher then ran up the stairs, two at a time, to the third floor.


Taking a deep breath she silently opened the door and sneaked into his bedroom. He was fast asleep still. Inching closer she quietly removed her clothes before lifting the covers and sliding in beside him. Pressing her body into his side he shifted in his sleep so his chest was towards her and his arm was around her waist, then murmured in satisfaction.


Yoona marvelled at the tranquil beauty of his face in sleep. He was so good looking it was almost a crime against every other male in the world. Her hand lifted and feathered gentle fingers down his cheek and he stirred once more but didn’t wake. Unable to help herself she placed her lips to his.


His eyes flickered and then opened. A y grin spread across his mouth when he recognised her. “You shouldn’t be here, but I’m glad you are,” and then snaking a hand into her hair pulled back to his and showed her what a kiss should be like. When they broke apart a few minutes later, they were both breathing heavy. “You should go before things get out of hand, if she--”


“She’s gone!”


He was taken aback, “Who’s gone?”




“What? When?”


Taking a deep breath, she relayed everything that had been said between herself and Victoria. Afterwards he was silent.


“Nichkhun?” She asked tentatively.


“It’s all my fault.” He had thrown himself onto his back and was staring idly at the ceiling.


She shook her head. “She doesn’t blame you. She said she saw the signs and chose to ignore them.”


He sighed heavily. “Still. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with her when I loved you.”


Yoona wish she knew how to elevate his mood. Instead she his hair soothingly.


“I know this probably isn’t the right time to mention this…but we’re both free agents again. We can be together properly now.” She’d whispered the words quietly but he turned to look at her so he had obviously heard.


“So we can.” He sat up on the bed and pulled her onto his lap to take in a long kiss.


Victoria was obviously forgotten now.


He pulled her with him backwards until they were laying once more and took his time making love to her.


Afterwards they were just lying in each other’s arms when Nichkhun leant to one side to reach into his bedside table and retrieved a small black velvet box which he handed her.


Yoona just stared at it.


“Aren’t you going to open it?” He asked with a grin.


Still she hesitated, “Is it my Christmas present?”


He shook his head and she let out the breath she’d been holding and pulled the lid open on the box.


And gasped.


Inside was an emerald and diamond ring. It was beautiful. A large emerald surrounded by twelve smaller diamonds.


Her eyes rose to Nichkhun s. “It’s beautiful.”


He plucked the ring from the box and grabbed her left hand. “I thought the emerald would bring out the beauty in you and the diamonds, well, every girl likes diamonds right?.”


She waited for him to place the ring on her middle finger but he didn’t, he placed it on her ring finger and she gasped again. “Khun …”


Linking their fingers together, he gently kissed her on the lips and then took a calming breath. “Marry me?”


Elation bubbled inside her and she shouted, “Yes!”


Letting their fingers unclasp she threw her arms around his neck and covered his face in little butterfly kisses. “God, Khun, I love you so much!”


“I love you too Yoona! So much!"


First of, I would like to clarify that I did not finish this story just because of Yoona's new found love (like in real life)

it's not that I lost interest in Khuna anymore, however I would still like to fight for this OTP (this sounds cliche already) because that's how I love them. Together or not, I  will support Khuna, together or not, I'd still write about them. I hope for us remaining shippers,  be like that too. It's not the end of the world, it sure is not the end for our OTP.

And it's not like yoona and lsg's tying the knot already, right guys? :)







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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 9: i love this so much,,
well..about yoonggi n khunfany, i'll support them..
but in FF world..khuna the best...

keep writing for another Khuna authornim..^^
MeLoveYoonaJessica #2
i wasn't expected you ended the story so fast but i understand coz of the whole 'dating' thingy
Kirito0806 #3
Chapter 9: This is a good story. Hope for more Khuna stories from you. =D
Chapter 9: Lovely ending, gaadd KHUNA is KHUNA right? They are so beautiful in whatever story. Indeed KHUNA is still the best. Will wait for your next KHUNA fanfic.
Chapter 9: Waiting for your next khuna fanfic...
mememomo #6
Chapter 9: You are right! And I wil be waiting for your new khuna fic :)
mememomo #7
Chapter 8: ! hope yoona can handle that victoria well. Good thing that they finally open up their feeling though
cant wait for the update:)
Chapter 8: Oh damn.. Shiz is going down ;)
Chapter 8: Too short...
mememomo #10
Chapter 7: Short update but I still love it! Yoona finally tell the three words. It your turn now khun ^^