Chapter 61: Déjà Vu (Part II) - The Gangsters' Ball

S.M. Spies

So, I'm just going to let out the big news that I was talking about last week because I'm too impatient xD

Today, August 29, 2014, marks the official One Year Anniversary of S.M. Spies.

(Read the author's note at the end if you want to hear the official thank you xP)

Block B and Yuki pulled up to the venue of the ball in the gang's hummer limo.  "At gatherings like this," Zico had explained when Yuki had protested to the use of such a big car, "it's all about bravado.  Showing the other gangs that you don't mess around is a must."  The group thanked their driver before stepping out of the car.  Almost immediately, seven girls appeared in front of the boys, smiling graciously.  Yuki almost smiled, remembering how the boys had started fighting over who should get her as their date for the ball.  When they had asked her opinion, Yuki blatantly rejected all of them, causing the boys to wail in despair, having wasted an hour over that argument instead of trying to call in other girls.  

The seven girls took the arms of the boys in front of them and, in that manner, the group proceeded up the steps of the large mansion.  Yuki trailed behind, dateless.  Just as she preferred it.  When the guards stopped Block B at the gate, the boys each held up their arms, showing the guards their signature tattoos.  The guards stepped aside, allowing the boys and their dates to pass.  However, when Yuki tried to cross, she was met by resistance.  The two guards on either side of the door crossed their machine guns in front of the door, blocking her entrance.  "No tat, no entry," one of the guards said, reaching a hand out to grab Yuki's shoulder.  The girl tensed, but before she or the guard could act, Zico appeared back at the entrance.

"Lay off, guys," he said casually, "she's with me."  The guard stopped his movement and nodded, retracting his hand.  Then, both guards uncrossed their guns and granted Yuki access.  Wow, Yuki thought as she walked through the entrance, not even an apology?  Screw you, too.

"Wow," Zico said, looking around the venue, "they really stepped up their game this time."  Yuki nodded appreciatively.  The decor of the hall was luxurious.  The floors were completely open with tables kept to the side, permitting room for dancers.  The hall also appeared to have many rooms.  "For any gangs that want to do business," Zico explained when Yuki questioned him, "and um. . . other things."

"I think I get the picture," Yuki replied, scrunching her nose at the thought, "although I kinda wish I didn't."  Zico chuckled.  Suddenly, his date popped up next to him.

"Oppa," the girl said, touching Zico's arm, "do you. . . um. . . mind if we dance for a little bit?"  Zico smiled slightly as he looked at the girl.

Yuki eyes softened as she watched the pair.  She had met the girl before.  Zico had been courting her for the past month but he had yet to declare her his official girlfriend.  Zico had what Yuki liked to call "girlfriend trials."  He would see the girl for an "x" amount of time before deciding if he wanted to stay with her or drop her.  So far, this "trial" seemed to be excelling.

"Get a move on, Zico," Yuki said, giving the boy a slight push.  Then she gave him a look that said:  "I meant that in more than one way."  The man smiled, taking the hint.  

"Yeah, okay," he said to the girl next to him, "just give me one second."  The boy turned back to Yuki and put his hand in his pocket.

"Here," he said, pulling out a Colt M1911 and passing it to the girl, "I was supposed to give this to you at the house, but I forgot.  It's best to stay armed.  You never know."

Yuki took the gun from Zico and placed it inside the useless purse that Kyung had forced her to bring.  At least I can make use of it now, the girl thought wryly.  "Thanks, man," Yuki said, "now go and have fun."  Zico smiled at the girl before taking the hand of his date and escorting her to the dance floor.  Yuki let out a breath that she didn't know she had been holding.  Hopefully this night doesn't drag out too long. . . she thought walking towards one of the tables.  Out of the corner of her eye, Yuki noticed Yukwon and Minhyuk walk towards the entrance to a man that was being blocked by the same two guards she had been blocked by.  Yuki watched them for a little less than a second, then shrugged.  Probably a friend of theirs, she thought.

Another hour passed before Yuki decided she'd had enough.  She had almost punched three men in the face and broken the hand of another after he tried to make a move on her.  The girl's patience was wearing thin.  "I need some air," Yuki muttered to herself.  She moved away from the table she was sitting at and instead made her way to a pair of double doors on the other side of the dance floor.  Upon opening them, Yuki arrived on a large balcony that over-looked the beachside.  She walked over to the ledge and leaned on it, watching the night sky.

Tomorrow's the day. . . she thought quietly, you would think that I would do something more memorable today. . .  Oh well.  I guess it's best that I don't do anything that could make me even more upset about leaving anyways.  Yuki touched her dragon pendant, watching as the gem in the center glittered from the light of the moon.

Then, the hairs on the back of the girl's neck stood up as she sensed another presence behind her.  She whirled around, already slipping into her standard fighting position.  There was a man in front of her, dressed in a black tuxedo with a light blue shirt underneath.  His face was covered by a mask of the same color.  Yuki eyed the boy wearily.  Suddenly, she realized that it was the same man from the entrance.  However, that didn't make her relax one bit.  This man didn't know her or her affiliation with Block B.  Moreover, ball or no ball, the mansion was filled with gangsters.  None of them were saints sent from heaven and a majority of their minds weren't exactly squeaky clean.  Yuki inwardly cursed Minhyuk for the sleeveless dress.  For a split second, the girl thought she saw the unknown boy's eyes travel to her neck, but she brushed it off.  she thought mentally.  After another ten seconds of simply staring at each other, Yuki decided to break the silence.

"Do you need something?" she asked, her voice laced with the ice that she had been so well known for.

The boy cocked his head and smirked, saying nothing.  Yuki's eyes narrowed infinitesimally.  Why did that gesture feel so familiar to her?  Then, the boy bowed and extended his hand.

He was asking to dance with her.

For the smallest of seconds, Yuki's mind flashed back to the Governor's Ball, when the North Korean spy had asked to dance with her.  Then, she shook her head slightly.

First, there are no North Koreans here.  Second, stop living in the past.  Get over yourself.

"I don't dance," was the immediate reply, "sorry."  The boy took two steps forward.  Yuki couldn't move; her back was already against the ledge.  The boy looked at her again, remaining silent, and once again extended his hand.  Yuki cocked her head to the side, slightly.  Is he mute? she wondered, perhaps that's why he isn't speaking. . .  Yuki realized that the boy wasn't going to take "no" for an answer.  I guess it couldn't hurt. . . Yuki thought, plus, any funny business and I have every right to throw this guy off the balcony.  Yuki sighed and slowly held her hand out, still distrusting of the man in front of her, mute or not.  Either way, she wasn't exactly a contact type of person.  With sudden boldness, the man took Yuki's still-hesitant hand in his own and pulled her to him.  Yuki stumbled a bit in shock, her arms landing on his shoulders in an attempt to steady herself.  Then, she sent an icy glare at the boy.  He simply smirked again, making Yuki's stomach knot from the seemingly familiar gesture.  What the hell is wrong with me?

As soon as Yuki fell into the boy's arms, a new song started playing.  The two immediately started dancing to the music, the boy taking the lead. 

I want to erase all of my insufficient former self
It seems like someone like me has nothing to give to you
The side of me that I kept hidden, the one that wants you, my sincerity
Not even once was I able to show it to you so

Just once, look back at me
It seems you’re still not standing too far away

Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me
Do you know how long you can keep me by your side

In this large world, there’s only one person (I only want you)
Did you know this about me

Before the seasons roll by, before even time fades away
I try to convey my heart to you but it’s too late

I hesitate and stop and then you’re crushed
If you’re still there, I’m an idiot, forgive me

A little bit (a little bit) walk a little further (walk a little further) and then I’ll be there

Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me
Do you know how long you can keep me by your side

In this large world, there’s only one person. It’s only me

The boy expertly lead Yuki through the slow dance, spinning, dipping, and moving gracefully as they went along.  Yuki found herself listening to the lyrics of the song being played.  Her heart began to hurt for some reason.  Looking into the boy's eyes, Yuki noticed that he looked pained.

He reflected how she felt on the inside, thinking about a certain someone.

The music was slow, rhythmic.  Neither Yuki nor the boy said anything as they danced.  Looking at the boy, Yuki felt a vague sense of familiarity.  She couldn't tell since his face was covered by his mask, but for some reason, Yuki felt as if she knew the man.  The way he looked at her, danced with her, smirked at her, his eyes, his lips. . . It almost reminded her of. . .

No.  Stop it.  Don't you dare think about him.

Yuki looked away from the boy's eyes and looked down instead, trying to control her emotions.  Still maintaining the pace of the dance, the boy moved one of his hands away from Yuki's waist and brought it to her chin, forcing her to look up at him again.  The boy cocked his head a little, as if asking her what was wrong.  Yuki shook her head and said nothing, trying to look down again.  Hovever, the boy refused to let her move.  He stared directly into her eyes, almost pleading in a way.

The night I wanted to cry goes by, and in my forgotten dream
My wandering self
You hold tight in your arms
And I won’t stray anymore

Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me
Do you know how long you can keep me by your side

In this large world, there’s only one person (I only want you)
Did you know this about me

The pair had almost stopped dancing completely.  Now, they were simply holding each other and staring.  Then, the boy reached his other hand up behind Yuki's head and lightly tugged on the satin that was holding her mask to her face.  Once opened, the girl's mask simply fluttered to the ground.  The girl didn't move.  It was as if she were hypnotized.  

The boy moved his face a little bit closer to the girl's, as if he were testing the waters.  Still, Yuki remained frozen.  In her head, however, she was shouting at herself.

What the do you think you're doing?!  Knee him in the groin!  Get away from him!  Do SOMETHING!!  You HATE contact and now this guy is ballsy enough to try to KISS you?!  HELLLL NO!  DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE AN IDIOT!  YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!

Yuki couldn't really understand why she wasn't listening to herself.  She just kept allowing the boy to come closer to her, his lips now mere centimeters away from her own.  He was so familiar. . . Something about him. . . She knew him.  If he just took off the mask. . . she would know for sure.

That thought seemed to register, at least.  Almost of its own accord, one of Yuki's hands moved away from the boy's shoulder and up to the back of his head.  When she reached the back of his mask, she grabbed the smooth satin and pulled.  The mask fell away from the boy's face, falling to the ground and landing perfectly next to Yuki's.


A gentle breeze blew through the balcony, surrounding the pair.

Neither moved, spoke, or blinked.

All Yuki could do was stare as she looked into the face of the one part of her past that she was trying so desperately to escape. . .

Choi Minho.

FINALLY, right?!  LOL.  Oh jeez, this should be fun. . .

ANYWAYS, like I said at the top of this chapter:  Yes, one year ago today, I decided to work up the courage to post the forward and 1st chapter of S.M. Spies.  I feel like my writing style has changed and improved since I started this story, something which I'm incredibly proud of.  Over the year, I've grown extremely attached to this story and can never even begin to thank those who have been reading it.  Honestly, when I first posted this story, I was pretty 100% confident that it wouldn't go anywhere.  I would kind of write just to write with maybe a few subscribers and a couple of chapters.

But now. . . we've reached 61 Chapters, 98 subscribers, and over 5,000 views.

There aren't many things in life that can surprise me, but this sure did.

So again, thank you so so so so so much for everything you guys <3

And to all of my Flurries:

Thank you for sticking to this story for so long.  You guys are the best flurries ever <3

Before we go any further, let me introduce our new Flurry~ (Lost one over the week so we're back at 98 again)  Thank you for subscribing!



Please remember to continue, commenting, subscribing, and up-voting!!!  You guys are awesome! <3

I guess I'll see you guys this coming Friday with another update! (Hopefully)  Have a great day, everyone!!


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I'm not sure if anyone reads this message board but I just want you all to know that I haven't abandoned this story! I've just had A LOT going on!


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I still read this,and I feel it too focused on Yuki-Minho relationship. But this is an interesting story.
Chapter 77: I hope nothing wrong will happening to them while they in there. Hope they can go out a life.
memoryshine #3
Chapter 76: Please update, this is really really exciting
Chapter 75: Omo... They will back to north... I hope that's the right decision they make...
Chensvoice #5
Chapter 74: I love their relationship. They're just so in sync and together, like soul twins. Thank you for this fabulous chapter!
I love this story so much! <3 I cant wait for more!
Chapter 73: Poor yuki... I hope she will okay for her next mission...
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 70: I love their moment together! So cute! <3

hehehe, congratulations!! -throwing confetti-

Yeap, SHINee did taught me something related to friendship :D