Chapter 37: Medical Miracle

S.M. Spies

An explanation for those of you who are torn between killing me and wanting to hug me ;D  I hope you like it~

Yuki's parents took the girl's hands and led her towards the brightly lit portal.  They were now standing in front of it.

"Good-bye guys. . ." the girl mumbled, even though her friends couldn't hear her, "I'll. . .I'll miss you."  

She put a foot through the portal, the light in the room becoming brighter.  Just as she was about to step through,

there was a loud slamming noise.  Yuki turned around in surprise, one of her feet still inside the portal.  Her eyes immediately went to the T.V. screen.  She saw Minho banging against the Operation Room's doors.

"NO!" he shouted, "STOP THAT!  LEAVE HER BE!" 

"Keroro. . ." Yuki whispered as she stared at the screen, "don't. . ." 

Before any more words could leave Yuki's mouth, Minho rammed his shoulder against the locked doors.  He rammed into the doors again and again.  "KERORO, STOP IT!" Yuki shouted at the screen, "STOP HURTING YOURSELF!"  Minho eventually managed to break the doors open. 

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Yuki heard Minho snarl at the doctors as he pushed them away from her physical body.  Then, she saw him grab her.  "Ice Princess.  Ice Princess.  Wake up.  They're trying to take you away but you can't leave me!  GOD DAMN IT, WAKE UP!"  

As if in a trance, Yuki walked towards the T.V. screen.  She saw Jinki punch Minho in the face.  "Jinki!" Yuki shouted at the screen, "what the hell do you think you're doing?!"  Her heart broke a little when she saw Jinki start crying as he tried to tell Minho that she was gone.


"Jinki. . . don't cry. . ." Yuki mumbled, "please don't cry. . ."

Yuki's eyes widened in shock when Minho pushed Jinki away and turned back to her physical body.

*Why is he being this way?* Yuki thought to herself, *I mean. . . even if he DID start to consider me a friend at some point. . . he shouldn't be THIS upset. . .*  Yuki was yanked out of her thoughts when Minho spoke again.

"Ice Princess, you once told me that giving up wasn't in your nature.  What are you doing now, huh?  You stopped fighting?!  Is that it?!  You're leaving your friends?  You're leaving me?!"  

Yuki stared at Minho from the screen.  She frowned.  "You talk like I WANT this, Keroro. . ." the girl said, "why do you care so much?  You'll get over it. . . we didn't even become very good friends. . ."  Minho obviously couldn't hear a word Yuki was saying.  He simply kept talking.

"Who am I gonna annoy now, huh?!  Who's gonna be there to put me in my placed when me ego gets inflated?!  Who's gonna be there to annoy the out of me?!  Don't you get it, Ice Princess?!"

"NO, I DON'T get it," Yuki shouted at the screen.  She almost missed Minho's next words:


Yuki froze.  *What?* she thought in shock, *what did he mean?  WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!*  At that moment, Tao captured Minho in a headlock.

"TAO, NO!" Yuki shouted.  She grabbed the screen and started shaking it.  "Keroro, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?!  TELL ME!"  The girl saw Minho's tear land on the cheek of her physical body.  The girl touched her own cheek in wonder.  *He's crying. . . for me?*  Yuki felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, dear," Saya said, "we need to go."  She tugged on her daughter's hand gently, but Yuki was rooted to the spot.  Minho started shouting again.


*What?!  What do I mean to you, Keroro?" Yuki silently asked.  She raised a hand to the screen, as if she could touch Minho.  Finally, she realized something.

She couldn't leave.  Not yet.  

As much as Yuki desired to finally be reunited with her parents, her real family, she couldn't just leave her friends in their shattered states.

It would be too selfish.

It was then that Yuki decided to make her biggest sacrifice.

Yuki turned to her waiting parents.  "Umma, Appa. . ." Yuki said, "you know that I love you so so much.  But. . . I can't go with you.  I have to go back to earth.  With my friends."  *With Keroro. . .* she mentally added.  

"Are you absolutely sure?" Hyunki asked, "you can still change your mind.  We could be a family again."  Yuki smiled sadly.

"I know, Appa.  I made my decision carefully.  It's not like I'll never see you guys, again.  You guys are always on my mind, and now that I know that you're watching me, my life can be more bearable.  Yes, you two are my real parents.  We are a family, but. . ." Yuki's mind drifted to her friends, "I have a new family on earth to. . . my family."

The couple smiled lovingly at their daughter.  "I always knew that my Yuki was stronger than anything," Hyunki said as he and Saya embraced the girl.

"My sweet, unselfish daughter," Saya said fondly, "before you go. . .that Choi Minho. . . he's a very. . .interesting character.  I do hope to see things happen between the two of you soon."

Yuki blushed dark red.  "Um. . .uh. . .that's not. . .my intention. . .I mean. . ."

"And don't say that he won't like you because you don't fit his ideal type," Hyunki said sternly, "you are you and I'm sure he accepts that.  You two have know each other for so long now."

"You guys need to not," Yuki groaned, covering her face.

"Okay, okay," Saya said, raising her hands in defeat.  Her eyes softened.  "I'm glad we got to meet you, Yuki-yah.  My lovely daughter has grown so much."  Hyunki kissed Yuki's cheek.

"Take your time before coming to meet us, okay?" he said, "as bad as it sounds, I'd rather not see you anytime soon.  I can wait."  Yuki nodded and snapped a salute.

"My brave soldier. . ." he said fondly, "you truly live up to Soo Man's expectation of a best spy."  The girl acknowledge the compliment, pride swelling up in her chest.  Saya, took Yuki by the soldiers.

"Goodbye my sweet little dragon," Saya said, kissing her daughter's forehead, "go back to your friends."

The area that Yuki was standing in began to brighten quickly.  Before the final flash of bright light came and Yuki was pulled back into the real world, she swore she heard something.


Everyone saw Minho fall to the floor as the sedative took affect.  They were beyond surprised by the boy's sudden confession.

But nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared them for their deceased friend to sudden open her eyes and gasp.

Everyone simply stopped moved, staring at the now coughing girl on the hospital bed.

Can you blame them?

Lay was the first to snap out of it.  "WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" the boy shouted at the frozen doctors.  Thinking quickly, Lay ran towards Yuki and grab the oxygen mask, securing it over and nose and turning the machine on.  He silently thanked whichever god was listening for the time he spent in med school before becoming a spy.

The doctors quickly regained their composure.  Insu immediately ran to Yuki's side and checked her pulse.  Normal.  He checked her heart rate and oxygen levels.  They were slowly going back to their normal levels.  "That's medically impossible. . ." he muttered to himself in disbelief, "she was dead.  Then how. . .?"

"Doctor Han. . ." one of the nurses said, walking up to Insu, "I can't logically explain what just happened here in this room."  Insu sighed.

"Soki," he finally said, "what just occured in this room was a medical miracle.  If you or anyone else has a better explaination, please enlighten me."

The medical staff remained silent, as did the 17 other open-mouthed boys in the room.  "I'm going to need you all the leave the room," Insu said, turning to the boys, "these two need rest.  So if you would please exit. . ."

SHINee, Junghan, Haru, Sihyun, and EXO nodded and left the operation room.

"Sir, what do we do about him?" the nurse named Soki asked Insu as she looked at Minho's unconscious form.  Insu thought for a minute.  Then a small smile came to his face. 

"Shift them both to ward 307," he said, "I have a feeling the boy is going to want to be there when Yuki wakes up."

The first thing Yuki heard was a very annoying beeping sound.

Then she finally opened her eyes, squinting into a bright light.  I. . . I'm alive. . . she thought.  The girl's heart hurt a little bit.  She wouldn't see her parents again for a long time.  But that's okay, the girl thought, I have another family to keep me company.  

Yuki felt a dull throbbing all over her body.  She felt like she had left her body and come back, literally.  [A/N:  Sorry guys, bad joke].  Suddenly, Yuki realized that her arm felt heavier than usual.  Is there a brace on my arm? the girl wondered, but I didn't break anything. . .  Yuki turned her head to the side.  The first thing she saw was a tuft of brown hair.  Then she saw fingers intertwined with her own.  THEN she realized that Minho had his head resting on her hospital bed, asleep, while he was unconsciously holding her head.  Yuki flushed, but she didn't mind the hand holding that much.  It felt nice.  Suddenly, she heard Minho mumble something.  She blinked, thinking that he had woken up, but his eyes were closed.  He mumbled something again.  Yuki strained her ears to listen, curious as to what Minho was saying.

"Don't. . . leave me again. . . Ice Princess," Minho said.  The girl smiled softly as she looked at her partner.  Her mind flashed back to the seconds before her parents sent her back to her body.


Did. . . did I hear that right? the girl asked herself, did I really hear Keroro say that to me?  That. . . that he LOVES me?  I could have just been hearing things. . .  She looked at her and Minho's intertwined hands.  Then again. . . maybe not.

Yuki's heart swelled at the prospect.  She knew that Minho had never told a girl that he loved her.  She had asked him about it once.  She remembered Minho's response very clearly in her head.

"Sure, the girls I hook up with are pretty, and I GUESS I like them.  But love?  I don't think so.  I guess. . . for me, the phrase 'I love you' is important.  It's something my mom told me when I was little.  Before, you know, she left.  She told me that if I truly love a girl, it means that I'm willing to die for her.  She'd be on my mind all the time.  Everything little thing that hurts her would hurt me.  I would want to do everything possible to make her happy.  I would be willing to accept her for the way she is, no matter what she does or what she looks like because she would accept me for who I am.  I haven't found that girl yet, but I do know this. . . when I finally meet that girl or when I realize who it is. . . those three words will come out of my mouth naturally.  And, if I'm lucky, she'll love me too."

Am. . . Am I that girl to you, Keroro? Yuki thought as she continued staring at Minho's face.  As if in response to Yuki's thought, the boy's hand subconsciously tightened around Yuki's own.  The girl felt like her heart was about to explode.  Such strong emotions. . . do I perhaps. . .love Keroro too?

Yuki had also always been careful about the words "I love you."  Her reasons for being that way were very similar to Minho's.  Yuki's noticed Minho's forehead crease as he mumbled unintelligebly.

Without really thinking, Yuki raised her free hand to touch the boy's face.

Minho's eyes suddenly opened.

The girl froze out of surprise, her hand hovering right above Minho's cheek. 

Ohohoho~  Does everything sort-of make sense now?  Kekeke~  

Warning:  Lots of fluff awaits you guys for the next couple of weeks~  Hopefully that's okay with you all <3 LOL 

A new subbie!! Yay~~ <3  Thank you! :D





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Love you all and see you next Friday with another chapter!!!! ^_^


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I'm not sure if anyone reads this message board but I just want you all to know that I haven't abandoned this story! I've just had A LOT going on!


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I still read this,and I feel it too focused on Yuki-Minho relationship. But this is an interesting story.
Chapter 77: I hope nothing wrong will happening to them while they in there. Hope they can go out a life.
memoryshine #3
Chapter 76: Please update, this is really really exciting
Chapter 75: Omo... They will back to north... I hope that's the right decision they make...
Chensvoice #5
Chapter 74: I love their relationship. They're just so in sync and together, like soul twins. Thank you for this fabulous chapter!
I love this story so much! <3 I cant wait for more!
Chapter 73: Poor yuki... I hope she will okay for her next mission...
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 70: I love their moment together! So cute! <3

hehehe, congratulations!! -throwing confetti-

Yeap, SHINee did taught me something related to friendship :D