
The Candy Crush Alternative

The Candy Crush Alternative



Another storm is soaking the whole city when Yesung steps out of the university building, tired and hungry. His stomach gurgles as he remembers what he ate at lunch: a sandwich and a snack – definitely non the healthiest meal on earth. But he still smiles as his brain reminds him of what day is today: it's Friday. Friday means ddukbokkie and a new episode of Person of Interest – not to mention the beginning of a peaceful week-end. By now, Kyuhyun has certanly bought the food and everything is already settled. All Yesung has to do is get home, turn on the TV and sit down, enjoying a relaxing evening, wrapped in the long arms of his roommate-slash-boyfriend.

The raven holds his umbrella and he starts walking towards his small apartment, smiling despite the tiredness. The condominium is not far from the university – only ten minutes on foot – and he doesn't mind walking in the rain either. It doesn't matter what happens on days like this: nothing is never going to ruin Fridays.

Soon, his eyes catch the building in the distance and Yesung speeds up his pace, impatient to finally step into his warming house. As he reaches the building, he can almost smell the ddukbokkie coming from a few floors above his head. Already picturing in his mind how the night is going to be, the petit man runs into the lift and calmly presses the button to the fifth floor. The doors open in front of a long corridor after a few seconds – with a clear and shriek ding. Yesung immediately walks out of the lift and turns left to reach his door. Unlocking it with his keys, he finally steps into his apartment, mumbling “home sweet home” under his breath and leaving the wet umbrella outside.

-Kyu, I'm home!- he shouts, taking his shoes off and leaving them at the door. He hangs his soaked coat on the hall stand and turns around, just to find himself staring at an empty living room. He furrows his eyebrows as he looks around and sniffs: nothing smells like ddukbokkie, he notices, a bit disappointed.

-Kyuhyun?- he says, one more time. The guy is certanly at home, his jacket and his shoes – both abandoned near the couch – are enough evidences of the other's presence in the apartment. As Yesung reaches the living room, a small particular hits him: Kyuhyun's clothes aren't wet like his.

He furrows even more.

Kyuhyun has never left the building.


-Kyuhyun?- he asks, opening the door of their shared bedroom. As expected, his boyfriend is lying on his bed – which is connected with Yesung's, since they don't want to sleep on their own. The brown-haired young man is holding his phone tightly in his hands, his fingers costanly sliding on the screen and his eyes never leaving it either. As he hears Yesung's voice, however, he glances at the door for a second, saying:

-Oh, Sungie, you're home.

The older looks at him, still a bit confused: -Yes, I am- he nods, walking towards the bed and sitting near the latter.

-What are you doing?

Kyuhyun answers shortly: -I'm playing. I've just found this game, Candy Crush, and it's addicting. You know, it's one of those lame games that even children can solve but, still, you can't help it and accomplish the various levels.

Yesung looks at him in disbelief and, feeling a pair of sharp and black eyes piercing his skin, Kyuhyun moves his gaze to the smaller and asks, unsure:

-Uhm... Do you want to play, too?

-Kyu!- Yesung finally bursts out.

-What?- the taller furrows his eyebrows as well.

-I'm starving!

-There's some ramen in the kitchen.

Yesung's eyes widen: -Ra Kyuhyun, are you serious?

The younger looks at him with a vague expression and Yesung rolls his eyes:

-It's Friday. Friday is ddukbokkie and Person of Interest night. Friday is relax night.

Kyuhyun smirks: -It can become Candy Crush night, too. An alternative to the usual Friday nights.

Yesung looks at him, a bit annoyed, as he crosses his arms and accepts the challenge:

-Well played, Kyuhyun, kudos! But you're not fooling me. You know, I still remember when you rejected my idea last month – the one about going to the park on your Starcraft night.

The brunette snorts: -Starcraft night is sacrosant.

The raven stares at him with an unreadable expression painted all over his face:

-Unbelievable- he mutters, as he stands up from the bed and glares at the other, before turning around in order to leave the room. Kyuhyun easily stops him:

-C'mon, you can download it too so that we can play together and see who will make it first to the fiftieth level. It's even free!- Kyuhyun's voice is full of exitement. Too bad it isn't the same for Yesung, who just shots a death stare at the latter and shuts the door, yelling:

-Damn you and and that stupid game of yours!


Swallowing another bite of ramen, Yesung is still wondering why smoke isn't coming out of his ears and nose, since he feels like burning inside. He isn't mad because Kyuhyun found a new game, but because his lovely boyfriend chose that childish game over a relaxing night with him.

It has been a whole week since the last time they had some spare time to spend together. They are both busy with university, since a lot of exams are coming over and they also have to prepeare their thesis.

Yesung is literally sinking under sheets and books of psychology – not to mention that his professor of statistics is pushing all of them to their limits and the raven is almost sure he won't pass that damn exam.

Kyuhyun is busy as hell as well. He has been spending whole days – or nights – at the laboratory and whenever he gets home, he has just enough strength to walk to their bedroom and drown himself under the sheets, falling asleep in a metter of seconds.

That's why Yesung has been looking forward to that heavenly Friday night: to finally be able to talk to Kyuhyun without thinking that he still has to write an important essay. He just wanted to lay down, watch his favorite tv series and cuddle, thinking about Kyuhyun, the moment they were sharing and nothing else.

Too bad Candy Crush crushed not only jelly beans, but also all of his intentions.


Saturday night


Yesung sighs, throwing himself on the couch. Kyuhyun has been out for the whole afternoon and Yesung is starting to get worried. He texted him for the whole day, asking where the hell was he, even begging him to get home soon because he was sorry.

He has been thinking for the whole day and, after twenty-four hours, he realised that maybe he was overreacting. He was tired and stressed, that's why he got mad so easily, last night. But now he's so sorry he wishes he coul get Kyuhyun back to him just by snapping his fingers.

The silence around him is starting to drive him crazy, as he muffles a scream of frustration in the pillow in which he buried his face a few mintes ago. He keeps on slapping himself mentally, cursing his stupid impulsiveness.

He doesn't know how and when, but he somehow fell asleep during his mental torture, just to be brought back to reality after only-God-knows-how-long by a gentle touch on his shoulder and an unmistakable smell.

-Yesungie... Wake up...

Recognizing that warm voice, the raven immediately opens his eyes, looking up and meeting his lover's ones, that look kind of apologetic.

-I'm sorry- they say in unison. Kyuhyun cracks a smile as he sits on the couch, while Yesung gets up to sit comfortably as well.

-I'm sorry for last night, Sungie. I really am. I shouldn't ha

Yesung cuts him off, shaking his head.

-No, it's my fault. I'm too stressed and I acted without thinking- he sighs and smiles, explaining:

-Our professor of statistics killed us, yesterday. He is probably going insane and he certanly needs to see a good psychiatrist, and as soon as possible, may I add. And you? You've been working days and nights on your own thesis. You are so busy that you even skipped your Starcraft night this week!

-It still hurts, don't remind me of that.

The raven laughs, grabbing the other's bigger hands:

-We're both tired and stressed. And this won't be the first or the last time either. Maybe you need to spend some time on your own, while I prefer company. We deal with stress in our own and different ways. I should have understood this earlier. I'm really sorry, Kyu.

The last sentence is a soft whisper, but it's enough for Kyuhyun to hear it as he leans down to softly kiss the latter's lips. A smile spreads on their faces as they drift apart. Kyuhyun then turns around, grabbing two bags:

-I found a way to fix our Friday night- he says, taking out from the first bag two portions of ddukbokkie. Yesung's eyes widen and sparkle and his smile grows even wider when from the second one, Kyuhyun grabs a DVD and shows it to his amazed boyfriend with a satisfied smirk.

-Oh my

-So, am I the best boyfriend in the whole Solar System or what?

Yesung is still frozen on his spot. His hands reach for the DVD and they take it, trembling.

-It containes the whole first seasons of Person of Interest, oh my— Kyu, I've been looking for this for such a long time!

-I know, that's why I'm the best.

-You surely are- the raven laughs, hugging the other and leaving a peck on his lips.

-Thank you- he says, brushing his nose against the other's.

Kyuhyun strengthen his grip on the latter's waist and smiles – one of those sweet smiles he only gives to the young man in his lap:

-Thank you.


-Hey, Kyu?


-We can fix Starcraft night too, at the end of this episode.


* * * * *


Author's Notes: Senseless Kyusung oneshot. I'm sorry if it , I just got this idea while I was playing Candy Crush and... Well, here I am.

English isn't my mother tongue, so you'll probably find some mistakes here and there.

Let me know what you think about this, please. Comments are welcome!

I hope you liked it, I still think it's a bit awkward.

*runs away and hides*


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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: Candy crush 🤣

It's actually a sweet relationship that they got there! Love it! I love your yewon story, and I'm sure I do love your kyusung story too! ❤️
Chapter 1: This was short and sweet; I really liked it. :D
Chapter 1: so sweet .. awesome fluff :D
Eggums #4
Chapter 1: So sweet! I really loved it :3
Happie #5
Chapter 1: Cuuute and natural. I love it.