

"Aigooo he's so cutee.." Kibum embracing Taemin in his arm, Taemin look shocked at first before snuggling to Kibum chest. "Umma." He said. Kibum looks surprised before hug him more, caressing his hair lightly. "Did I just hear that Taemin called Kibum umma? or that just my hallucination?" I asked, shocked with the scene. After the scream, I found Taemin was in Kibum arm, he looks shocked before but, after several minutes his face showed some happiness.

"Shuush.. My baby is sleeping."

"Since when he's your baby? Aren't you said that I'm your son?" I asked get interrupted by Jinki hyung. "Is that mean Taemin is our second son?" There's some awkward silent. Sure I feel a little jealous with Kibum, how can he hug Taemin like that after what he said earlier before he meet him. "No, no, Minho isn't my son, Taemin is my son and Taemin is our only child, I don't think Minho is diva ish enough to be like me, although I admit he's handsome and maybe have some gene from you."

"Minho hyung?" Taemin peep up from Kibum shoulder, his eyes turn bigger, release from Kibum hug and jump to me, make me stumble on my feet. "Minhoo." He said, snuggling into my chest. I push him lightly, his confused face is so cute that I can't hold the urge to hug him again. "Yaaah, what are you doing?" Kibum take Taemin from my arms. "Are you okat son? Did that frogy boy scared you?" Gosh, what just he said, if I'm not forget, he's the one that scaring him before.

I let Taemin and Kibum alone, I don't know why but, seeing them so close like that make my heart hurt. I found Jinki hyung at the living room, flepping some random channel with a bucket of chicken on his hand. "Yoo Minho, want some?" He offered, I was wondering didn't he feel jealous about the two, especially when Taemin get all of Kibum attention. I sit beside him, take some of the chicken. I'm looking at his face and there's nothing wrong with him, it's what he does look like usually. "The chicken is so delicious, by the way how's kibum?" He asked like there's nothing wrong with him.

"Don't you feel jealous?" I asked, irritated with his attitude. He look at me, his sharp eyes turn wide, maybe shocked with my question. "About?.." There's a silent between his words until some happy laugh, heard from the upstair. "Aaah, Kibum and your boyfriend? Nope, I already know he will be like that after seeing, how cute your boyfriend is." He take some chicken again while take his eyes to the television. "Wh.. Wait.. What do you mean by already know.. And I've to say that taemin isn't my boyfriend."

"Kibum have some about cute thing.. And your boyfriend is cute.. And I thought he's your boyfriend since he's live with you, wearing your clothe and jump to you like that, I bet you two already kissed, or maybe doing that."

Oh my.. How could someone looks innocent like him can say something like that! Oh yeah I forgot to say, although he's my hyung he looks really young but, that didn't mean I look older. ".. Okay, I got it.. Cute thing.. But, I've to clarify one thing.. Taemin and I aren't dating." He just chuckled, pointing at me with the chicken bone. " You say it right now.. But let's see later." He said, whined after he realize that he only have one more chicken.

"Do you have any chicken?"

"You just can't get enough of it right? even if I give you ten buckets."

He just laughed and show me his goofy smile. "And I can't believe you're the heir from one of the best fried chicken company at the Seoul." chicken maniac and cute . Such a great friend I've .


"Byee taeminniee, umma will come here again tomorrow, are you sure you don't want to go to umma house?" Kibum asked Taemin, I'm glad that he shake his head until. "Byee ummaa I love you." He kissed Kibum! Oh my I don't know where but, Kibum giggled and kiss him back on the cheek. Jinki looks shocked I know that from how wide he opened his mouth. "You're so cutee.. By dear.." Kibum pinched Taemin cheek.

"Minho hyuung, plaay." Taemin whined when I didn't give any respond to him. It sounds cruel but, I can't help him. I really really feel jealous with him and Kibum closeness and they just meet today. "Hyung.." Taemin walk to me, tugging my back shirt. I just walk away leaving him at my bed room alone. I feel bad but, it's his fault, just say this is his punishment. I left him for several minutes and, when I decided it’s enough I can hear a sob inside my bedroom. ".." I come to the room just to meet a crying Taemin on the bed.


He didn’t budge even after I called his name again. “Taemin.. I'm sorry.” Now I'm shaking the small body lightly. He reveal his red and teary eyes, making my heart hurt with agony. “Taemin I'm sorry.” I said, hug him tightly. “I'm sorry Minho hyung, please don’t mad at me.” He said. I feel another stab in my heart, Taemin didn’t do anything wrong. Whats wrong with me? Taemin is free to choose anyone he want to hug or kiss and play, it isn’t he’s mine. “No, I'm sorry Taemin…”  

He lift his face up, locking his gaze to me. I wiped the tears that fall from his eyes. “Why youre sorry?” he asked. “Did Taemin do something wrong?” I smiled to him, pushing his head lightly into my chest again. “No you didn’t.”  He hug me back, I hope he’s smiling now. “I love you Minho hyung, please don’t be mad at me.” He said while hugging me.


Taemin already sleep with his arm around me. He looks so innocent and sincere in his sleep. I know Angel aren’t exist, I never believe that but, after see him, I thought maybe angel is really exist now. “Taemin, what are you doing to me?” I caress his soft cheek lightly, so he won’t open his eyes. His cheeks is so soft, I wonder is his lips feel the same too? I don’t know what has gotten into me but, the thing I know now is, I'm kissing his lips. “So, soft.” He move alittle after the kiss, I hope he won’t wake up. “Unghh.” He snuggle closer before sleep again, I sigh in relieved.  his“Taemin who are you, why you’re too perfect to be real? Are you a human?” my last words before the darkness take me to my sleep.




thank you for reading :))

and i've to say thank you for everyone who comment and subscribe but, i wont force you to click the subscribe button cause, i wnt update anything fast, it's already my final year at highschool and i need to study >__<

but your comment still makes me happy :DD

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starkey #1
Ohmy... This is a cute fics. You need to update because I was so sad when I didn't see the next button
shirokuroi #2
wow choon hee ah update, i always wait ur update<br />
owh taemin is so cute :)<br />
i'll wait ur next updatet
2minlover #3
love it please update soon!
Update soon, it's cute <3