3:42 - 5:24 P.M.

A Week In Town

This is the day. The day of my college interview. If I messed this up, I would working at McDonalds and living on the streets for the rest of my life. To relax, I went to the cafe down the street. I ordered a coffee and cake-pop and sat down in a seat near a window. Soon, I noticed my bothersome ex-boyfriend walking through the doors and to my table. I eyed him as he walked slowly to me. Of course, he 'had' to sit right next to me.

"Hey, Miyoung!" He shouted in your ear, almost loud enough to make me become deaf.

I didn't reply or even look at him as I stood up and walked away. He stared at me in disbelief while my foot stepped outside, onto the concrete.

I started walking down the street again, realizing that I had left the items I had bought with the idiot, I spotted another cafe and rushed inside. By now, it was raining and I didn't bring an umbrella or a hoody to prevent myself from getting wet. I sprinted up to the cashier in my five inch heels and ordered a black coffee and another cake-pop. (Yes, you never get tired of those.) I then stepped out of line and waited for my order to be completed.

Once again, I did the same thing: Got your order, sat down in a seat next to a window, and looked out, thinking about your interview.

"YOU GREASY CHILD!" I heard someone yelling and I looked around the room, trying to find who was causing all the commotion. Right then I saw the woman slap the man right across his cheek, while an employee was trying to calm her down. After that, she scurried out into the pouring rain. I abruptly jumped out of my chair and walked over to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, examining the place where the woman slapped him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No worries." He placed a hand on his cheek and breathed in through his gritted teeth.

I ignored what he said and pulled him over to the seat across from mine.

"Hey, I said I was fine." He growled with a confused look on his face. By now, everyone was watching me and the gorgeous boy in front of me. He was still staring at me in a weird way, as if I weren't human.

"Hey, quiet down." I put my pointer finger to my lips as I whispered to him.

"Sorry." The boy said looking down at his feet.

I looked around to see everyone had gone back to what they were doing and were no longer eavesdropping on our conversation.

"It's fine, but why did she hit you? And why did she call you a 'greasy child'?" I asked, confused about the whole scenario.

"It's a long story I'm just trying to forget about." He mumbled, putting is hands around the back of his neck.

"Okay. Well, I'm Miyoung. Shin Miyoung." I gave him a smile of sincerity.

"I'm Woohyun, Nam Woohyun. Nice to meet you." He responded and smiled back towards me.

I looked around the cafe and sipped my coffee. When I looked up at Woohyun again, he pulled a sticky note out and pressed it down on the tip of your nose.

"I have to go, but call me sometime." He stood up and presented me with one last smile before he left.

I waved back as I pulled the sticky note off my nose. I looked at the note in astonishment while I took a bite out of my cake-pop.

Around one hour later, I checked my watch to see that I still have 42 minutes until my interview. For the remaining time, I walked to the park to get some fresh air. There is an odd amount of 'pretty-boys' today, so I decided to rate them in your head by percentage.

He's I guess a 76%..... 88%.... 93%! Wow! I slowly walked forward and took a seat next to him on the park bench. I stared at his beautiful face. His high pitched voice was humming to 'Gee' by SNSD(Girls' Generation). I giggled softly to myself and as he pulled his phone out I looked away. When I look back, he took a picture of me to get my attention.

"What?" I looked at him in an odd way.

"Oh nothing. I'm Lee Sungjong." He said smiling as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Oh, right. I'm Shin Miyoung." I giggled and accepted his soft hands.

He let go, stood up, and stretched his arms. "Ahhhhh.... It's such a nice day." He said as he looked back at me.

"Yeah. It was raining earlier though. Hey! Look! There's a rainbow!" I nudged his arm and pointed to it for Sungjong to find.

"Wahhh... It's beautiful... Like you." He said straight forwardly. I was in shock as I blushed in embarrasment. "Hey, wanna go on a walk around the park with me?"

"Sure." I feel my face getting warmer while he carefully lifted me up by my hand for me to stand up stably.

"Let's get going then!" Sungjong hopped up and started walking without me.

"Hey! Wait up! Yah!!!" I yelled. Before I knew it, I was chasing him around in my five inch heels and had never went to my college interview.

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