
Friend zone

     For as long as you had known Daehyun you had never seen him soo nervous. “what’s wrong with you dae it’s just a blind date” you chuckle as you pat him in the back. He glares at you “you are so not in my position right now you have no idea how I feel how twisted my insides feel” this makes you laugh even more “oh come on if all else fails all you have to do is sing and I’m sure she’ll fall right under your spell like every other girl out there in the world” you mutter the last part under your breath. You look away and sigh, if truth be told he was wrong you did know how it felt to have your insides all twisted up because it was happening to you from he told he had a blind date and needed your help. Daehyun and you had been friends since you were children when he went away to Seoul to fulfill his dream of being a singer you thought you were going to cry your eyes out but you were determined to be with him again. You had studied hard practiced at everything you could to be a multi-talented intellection girl to get into a university where you could be close to him and after all that work and finally this reunion he tells you he was going on a blind date. You had felt your world shatter but what else you could do you thought I bet he still sees me as the best little sister he has ever had. “what’s your problem” daehyun turns to you, you snap out of your daze “oh what nothing why” you ask quickly “you’re over here sighing like you’re the one going on this date” you laugh out loud to cover your slip up “what yeah right why would I ever go on a blind date” you cough and change the subject “so what did you need my help for” you ask curious “well I want you to tell me what to wear” you shake your head and try to clear out your eyes “what tell you what to wear” you ask “yeah tell me what looks good on me and give me advice as to what to say to this girl you know be my wingman” you roll your eyes great this friends zone crap was hurting and it was hurting hard but there was nothing else you could do but put a smile on “yeah sure just leave it all up to me”. You both spend the day talk on what he should say “how about I tell her my jokes” daehyun suggest “NO never ever I repeat ever do that” you say “why not you always laugh at my jokes” he asked puzzled. That’s because you don’t know flirting when you see it you thing furiously in your head but again you just smile and laugh it off “not everyone gets your sense of humor dae why don’t you leave the jokes alone till you get to know her better and her boundaries as to what she finds appropriate.” You chuckle. You both to to one of daehyun favorite stores to shop for his date outfit. He gathers up a couple and goes into the fitting room. You sit on the couch waiting for him to come out “so whose idea for the blind date was it” that had been bugging you for the longest why was he doing this. “It was mine actually” you pause from the magazine you had been reading “what why would you want this?” you asked stunned. I felt like I needed to change something so I figure I just do it like this ok I’m coming out”   you look up from the magazine again “oh my Jesus dae who told you that was on” he had come out in an entire plaid outfit from the shorts to the to the jacket everything was plaid. “What I like the print very unique” he smiles as he looks in the mirror. You can do nothing but shake your head “yeah uniquely stupid get back in there and take it off” daehyun shuffles off with a pout on his face. “ so do you even know anything about her did you at least ask about her taste” you ask “oh I am well informed about her taste” he assures you “that’s good” you say “what about this” daehyun had stepped out and you felt like you wanted to bang your head against the table “really dae I’m beginning to question you taste in fashion” you say as you face palm yourself “what I felt like this was very classic” he says as he stands in front of you in a black and white striped suit “yeah you’re classically beetle juice get back in there and get your last outfit on if that one is just as bad dae I swear on give up all hope for you you might as well tell this girl it’s not going to work before she sees your outfit and runs away screaming. “Again he shuffles away with a pout sigh why was he so adorable when he does that. You continue to look through the magazine “so do you even know what she looks like” you ask “she’s gorgeous” you feel a stab in your heart as he says this “how do you know that if its hear say I wouldn’t trust that” you say you feel your face flush “no I have umm seen pictures she is beyond gorgeous actually she’s a dream” you should stop talking about this you think as your eyes water “ what about this” you sigh as you look up and your heart stops. He had come out in a slim fit white cotton button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his powerful fore arms and black slacks. “Isn’t this a bit plain” he asks. All you can do is shake your head no “it’s….” you take a breath to steady yourself “it’s umm perfect its best to go with simple when you are first meeting someone.” He looks at himself and then shrugs ok. He turns to the clerk and ask her to charge it and that he would be wearing it. He then drives to the spot to where he was supposed to meet his date. “Well” you say “this is as far as I go good luck” you finish as you turn away with you heart shattering “wait” daehyun calls you back. You turn back with a questioning look “want to go in” he ask and you snap at that “WHAT why would I ever want to see you go on a date dae you inconsiderate jerk” he looks taken back “but…” he starts “no no buts I have liked you since forever I studied my off to be able to see you again learned how to sing better play piano and countless other instruments to be in the music industry so I can be close to you again just to have you ask me to be your wing man that’s it” you turn to leave but he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your neck and you feel that he is smiling “why are you smiling let me go this instant” he just shakes his head no “and why the heck not” you fuss “because pabo this was all for you you are the gorgeous girl I have been waiting for” you freeze and turn to look at him “what” you say confused he just smiles at you and wipes your tears and gives you a light kiss “this date is for you now shall we go” you smile as you both head into the restaurant. 

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