The Untouchables


The boy looked at her, confused, "Who is Baekhyun?"

She didn't even turn her head to look at him. "You know who he is." She told him, watching the sun rise as they sat on the roof, legs dangling off the edge.

"But who is he to you?" It wasn't harsh. He had asked out of pure curiousity.

"He's my mate." The girl replied simply, never meeting his curious gaze.

"I know that. But he doesn't even look at you. Why are you still with him? Can't you find someone else?" The girl winced at these words. He wasn't being insensitive, he just didn't know. But that doesn't make the truth less painful. She finally turned her head a met his eyes.

"Wolves only have one mate for life." She said before turning her head back to look at the sun. The rays started to shine on the buildings. The morning breeze blew her long hair around her face.

"So you can't leave him."

It wasn't a question; it was a statement, a fact. She sighed as she watched the sun finally marked a new day as it rose above the buildings.

"He's my mate." She said once again, more for herself.


Ok, so I really know I should update My Realistic Fantasy and perhaps finish the one shot White Walls but anyways. I've just been super into fantasy lately for who knows what reason....maybe it's the antsiness of wanting to watch The Mortal Instruments getting to my head. Anyways, this will be just a sappy as can be love story....or as sappy I can make it....haha. But anyways, do check it out because, well, the more the merrier right? Haha. Ok, I'm done now :P


~<3 ss_strawberry56


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Nicolettebee #1
Does dat mean she is with baek now??! Yayyy