Chapter 2

Birthday Presents

[Your POV]


I am resting my head in my bed. Feel so tired for today's working and i haven't replied all messages from Yesung. Lazily, i took my phone from my bag and checked it. I smiled because yesung has called few times from line call, since it's free. Ah, he must be missing me so much! I missed him too. I pressed button called and waiting for him to take my phone call.

"Yoboseoyo...." Ah, he felt asleep? I saw my watch and it's 9pm already, means 11pm in korea!

"Babe are you sleeping?" 


"Sorry.. Then continued your sleeping, oppa. Bye.." Please dont hang up please dont hang up, please talk to me! But it's useless. He hang up.

Aish, this man. Never changed! I missed him so much but he pretended like he wasn't. I stood up from my bed, packed for my things tomorrow. I can't wait to see him in seoul for his birthday!! It's has been a month but i feel like i haven't met him for a year. I love him so much! His voice, his eyes, his smiles, his touch , his smell, and of course his kiss.. Eh. wait! How about Gikwang? How can i meet yesung if he is coming with me? I need to call him!

"Yes, _____"

"Wow , i am surprised you answer so fast, Gikwang."

"And i am surprised you called me first."

"Aish.. It's not i am going to thank you or saying good night."

"And it's not like i am asking you to call me." Gikwang answer happily teasing me.

"Fine, then i will hang up!" 

"Fine, then i will tell your father, that all of your trip is a lie."

WHAT THE?!! He can't tell your dad! Why is he super annoying like this?

"Hell no. You won't say anything about them!"

"Then thank me.."

"What ?"

"Thank for me cause i didnt say anything to your dad. You know you need my help right?"

THIS GUY! But he is right, if it wasn't because of him, you might not go tomorrow.

"Thank you Gikwang. I owe you something."

"Welcome,___. And you dont need. It's my pleasure to help you. You are my fiancee right?"

"Hell yeah.. But, when you are saying you go to korea tomorrow, it's not true right?"

"Oh that part. I am sorry. That's not a lie. I paid my ticket already."


[Gikwang's POV]


"Why?" Gikwang chuckled. He likes you when you  got nervous like that.

"I... I... have something important there!"

"Then i will follow you and wait for you until you finish"

"It's not business thing, Gikwang..." I heard her sighed. I actually knew why she wanted go to korea. I heard from Yuri, accidentaly, that she has a boyfriend in Seoul.

"It's your boyfriend right?" i tried to calm down while actually i am jealous over her boyfriend. I know i like her when her parents arranged us a meeting. I started developing my feeling to her when i found out she is different with any other girls i know. She is pretty and simple, even she is rich. She is clever and confidence. Even she never treat me nice, but i know, deep in her heart she is a warm-hearted woman.

"How... how do you know?"

"Listen, ____. I know you hate me, you dislike me, because you have boyfriend.  But at least, can we be friend? Soon, our company will be joined together, and you need to face it that you will work together with me everyday. You can't avoided me everytime since your ~ i mean our parents know we are engaged. We have ring in our hand. I don't want to force you to love me, because i know love can't be forced. What i mean is i do know, you need my help to cover up all of this things."

"I don't know,Gikwang... I don't know" She sighed again. I know she is confused now and it made me curious about her boyfriend. Why she never tell her parents that she has boyfriend?

"Let's figure it out. If dont go with you, what will your dad do?"

"He might lock me here in my room.."

"You want that happen?"

"OF COURSE NOT! I need to see Yesung on his birthday!"

Oh, so his name is Yesung? And the reason why she needs to go there because of his upcoming birthday? Why she is so sweet?

"Then i need to go. Just think, how about your dad suddenly called me instead of you while you are in korea and he asks me to give my phone to you? can you imagine what will happen if he found out?"

"OMG. PLEASE DONT MAKE ME SCARE, GIKWANG! I HATE YOU MORE NOW!!!" she is screaming now but you couldn't help laughing.

"Then, deal. i will go with you! No worry, i will leave you alone with your boyfriend. I won't interfere to your personal things.."

"Are you sure?"


"Really? You will go to seoul just to cover my lie?"

"____, Dont make me change my mind about telling your dad the truth. I am still human and also man, ____"

"What do you mean?"

"I am still man. What kind of man who doesnt get jealous when his fiancee meets another man?"





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