One: There Were Five Boys

The Pre-Debut Stories of B1A4

"Alright, guys. That was a good run-through. Go eat lunch and be back in an hour."

"Yes, manager," the boys all said in unison.

Jinyoung, CNU, Sandeul, Baro, and Gongchan are boys in a soon-to-be rookie group known as B1A4. After practicing for four hours, their manager let them take a lunch break.

"I can't wait until we debut. Just think of all the places we'll go when we tour," Jinyoung said before he put a mouthful of instant ramen in his mouth. Jinyoung is the leader of the group. He anticipated B1A4's debut the most out of all of them.

"I'm actually kind of nervous. What if we don't have any fans?" CNU admitted as he blew on Gongchan's noodles to cool them down. CNU acts like a mother to the boys, always taking care of them. He is the vocalist and rapper of the group.

"Someone is bound to like us. I mean look at us. We're adorable!" Sandeul exclaimed as he pouted his duck-like lips. Sandeul is the main vocalist of the group.

"What are you talking about? I don't see anything adorable about that face of yours," Baro jokingly said in reply to Sandeul. He is the rapper of the group.

"I hope people like our music," Gongchan confessed. His is the maknae of the group which means he is the youngest.

"I'm sure we'll do fine. We practice every day." Jinyoung said. "Hey guys. I was thinking of composing a song for us to perform. Should I?"

"Definitely! Fans will like the song more if they know we wrote it ourselves, right?" Gongchan said happily.

"I hope we'll be able to eat better food after we debut. I think my blood is actually turning into salt from eating all these noodles," Sandeul said.

The boys continued to eat their sodium-enriched ramen. They have been practicing ten hours a day every day for the past three months. They expect they will debut soon, but the company has yet to inform them on when.

"Okay, okay. Time to practice. If you guys can go without any mistakes, you can take the day off tomorrow. Okay, let's go!" manager tells them. The boys' spirits were all of a sudden lifted, practicing with high energy. They ran through the whole set flawlessly.

"That's it, boys. Great job! As promised, there will be no practice tomorrow. Have fun, but take it easy. See you in two days."

"Yeeeessss!! FREEDOM!!! So what shall we do tomorrow? Watch a movie? Go to the mall? Maybe eat delicious pizza? Ah, so many possibilities!" exclaimed Sandeul.

"A movie sounds fun! We should watch the one that just came out! It's about this guy who loses his identity, so he has to track down the person who stole it from him," Baro said. Jinyoung, CNU, and Gongchan nod their heads in agreement.


"Yay! I haven't been to the movie theater in a long time!" Sandeul was jumping up and down as they waited in line to buy their tickets. "Okay, when we get inside, scout the room for seats. Make sure they're in the middle. You can't see the screen well if you sit on the side."

"What? Who's breaking up with who? Listen, I spent a whole six months on you, jerk!" A young girl around sixteen was yelling into her phone. She was dressed very prettily wearing a light pink coat, white pants, and black boots. Her dark brown hair looked as soft as silk. Her eyes were big and round with a slight application of eye liner across the lids. "FINE. Don't come. Don't ever come near me again, you hear me?" She angrily hung up the phone, sat on a nearby bench, and pouted.

"Wow. I hope we don't sit next to that girl," Sandeul said.

"So insensitive.." Baro said as he shook his head.

"I'm going to see what's wrong," Jinyoung said. He walked to the girl by the bench. "Excuse me, miss. Are you okay?"

"If breaking up with your boyfriend is okay, then yes. I'm okay."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Were you supposed to watch a movie with him?"

"Yes, but it looks like that's not going to happen."

Jinyoung wondered if he should continue talking to her. Since he already started talking, he decided to keep going. "Well, if you want, you could watch with me and my friends. I know I don't like going to the movies alone."

The girl thought about it and replied, "Okay." She followed Jinyoung to the concession stand where the rest of the boys were buying snacks.

"Guys. She's going to watch the movie with us. Is that okay?" Jinyoung asked. "Ah! Sorry. I didn't get your name."

"Ha Na." the girl replied.

"I'm Jinyoung. This is CNU, Baro, Sandeul, and Gongchan."

"Hello. Nice to meet you," the boys greeted.

"I'm going to buy your ticket. I'll be back." Jinyoung left for the ticket booth.

"Do you want a snack or a drink?" CNU asked Ha Na.

"I want popcorn and a coke. You know, you guys have really weird names."

"Those are our stage names. We're practicing as a music group."

"Haha! Are you serious? You'll never make it wearing those clothes."

The boys looked at each other in astoundment. They've never heard that kind of response before.

"I'm back! Shall we go in now?"

As they were walking to their assigned theater, Sandeul pulls Jinyoung to the side and whispers in his ear, "Hyung. There's something weird about that girl."

"What are you talking about? She seems fine to me. You don't have to worry about her spoiling your movie. I'll watch over her."

Sandeul gives Jinyoung a stern look and says, "Well, okay. careful." Sandeul pats Jinyoung on the back and skips into the door of the theater.

It was very dark inside the theater. The only lighting was coming from the lights across the walls, the steps, and the screen. Because the movie just came out, the theater was packed with people.

"We might not be able to sit together. We'll meet up outside when the movie is finished." CNU said.

They split up into pairs. Sandeul and Baro managed to find middle seats close to the front. CNU and Gongchan ended up sitting near the back. Jinyoung and Ha Na sat in the middle of the theater towards the right.

"Are these seats okay?" Jinyoung asked.

"It'll do."

They sat down. The lights started to dim as the previews came on. Jinyoung felt two fingers make their way up his left arm.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Ha Na asked, batting her eyelashes.

"No, I don't. Why?"

"You're actually very attractive now that I think about it. You should date me."

"Uh-I think you have the wrong idea. We just met." Jinyoung replied nervously.

"I know, but once I see something I like, I want it. And I want you." Ha Na's eyes started to close as she leaned into Jinyoung, pouting her glossy lips, clinging to his left arm. Jinyoung brushed her aside.

"Hold on. This isn't right."

"How is this not right? You're a boy and I'm a girl. This is normal." Ha Na again tried to steal a kiss from Jinyoung, but again, he brushed her aside.

"What's the big deal! I'm a pretty girl. What are you? Gay?" Ha Na's voice started to raise and the other movie go-ers noticed.

"Look. I know you're having a rough time right now, but you shouldn't be acting this way. Can we just watch the movie please?" Jinyoung said calmy.

Ha Na stood up abruptly. "You know what the problem is? It's boys like you who don't take advantage of the situation. Why do you boys have to be so stupid? If you see a pretty girl, you should do everything you can to make her happy. Cherish her!" Everyone in the theater now had their eyes on her. "I'm sick of boys always thinking they run this show! Well, not anymore! Mark my words, Jinyoung. You're going to wish you had kissed me!" After her speech, Ha Na marched out of the theater, but everyone was still staring at Jinyoung.

"I'm very sorry. Please enjoy your movie. I'm very sorry!" Jinyoung apologized to the crowd, standing up and bowing. Everyone turned their focus back to the screen when the movie started playing.

"Wow! That movie was awesome! The ending was amazing! I didn't see it coming at all!" Sandeul was raving about the film.

"What happened back there?" CNU asked Jinyoung. "I thought she was going to rip your head off!"

"I told you she was crazy," Sandeul said. "The pretty ones are always crazy. And what did she mean when she said 'You're going to wish you had kissed me'? Wow. That girl was scary!"

"I don't know. I don't want to find out either." Jinyoung replied.

The boys nodded in agreement.

"We should stop thinking about her. Hey, let's go eat pizza!" Baro said.

The boys left the theater to find a pizza place.

Whenever they go to the movies, they remember Ha Na, the crazy girl who tried to make a move on Jinyoung. The boys didn't think much of what she said that night. Should they have?...

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