Read between the lines [one shot]


Pairing:Junra/Junhyung and Hara
This one shot is insipired by the newest celebrity couple,Hara and Junhyung.


Instead of some unpleasant love relationship that
Doesn’t last for a thousand years, like a blocked way
Is the distance between us
It’s painful, we’re neither far or close
I think it’s about time we get closer
I’m a little impatient, but I’m not being importunate
The thought of losing you, the anxiety and the nervousness
I would like to escape it
I want to walk with you on a bright sunny day


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 1: beast came to visit kara,,awww..

I think I'm late at finding this good fic ;A;
remind me at the first time they caught on public :')
but doesn't matter,,I still ship them,,hard XD
Chapter 1: awww soo cute! I love it!
Simple & Sweet.<br />
Me like~! :D
hara_ya #5
OMG !!! tht was sweet~<br />
urmmmm~ i really cant wait to see more of their intrction..hoho
fymemine #6
woahh. this new couple is so cute :3 gotta love them
aww this was adokably sweet!! im craving more junra now!
I just know someone will make a fanfic about this new couple.. lol.. I'll be waiting for your update!