When you're gone

When you're gone
There has been a contest in the past couple of days. Hay already got through the auditions and first three rounds. The semi finals are up now.

“The next contestant is Lori Cho.” the announcer said.
A girl walked onto the stage and started singing.
Hay didn’t really listen to it. She was just trying to keep herself calm, since she was up next.
Hay sat down at a flight case and took a sip from her water bottle.
“Are you alright?” some boy asked.
Hay glanced at him. She recognized him, since he just performed. His name: Seung Kwong.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just a little nervous.” Hay answered.
Seung smiled and sat down next to her.
“You’re going to do fine.” he said and smiled at her.
“You think?”
“Absolutely. You did great in the last rounds, so why not this time?”
“Thank you.”
Hay stood up as she realized Lori was finished.
“Give it up for our next participant: Hay Lee.”
Hay took a deep breath and entered the stage. She took a quick glance around, then faced the judges right in front of her.
The band behind her played the intro and Hay started singing.
As Hay was singing, she forgot everything around her. Some tears were running down her face, but she kept singing. This was what she’s been waiting for and she can’t give up now.

“All contestants sang their songs. I’d like them all to join me on stage for the results.” the voice of the announcer sounded loudly.
Hay took a deep breath and entered the stage, along with the other semi finals contestants
“Lori Cho, Seung Kwong, Hay Lee and Chin Ho. Sadly, we have to say goodbye to two of you.” the announcer said, while facing the contestants.
“The first to leave will be..”
The man opened an envelope and took a small card out of it.
“Chin Ho.” he read out loud.
Chin Ho leaved the stage as the announcer just continued.
“The first to go to the finals is..”
The man did the same action as he did before.
“Lori Cho.”
Lori jumped up and down, while she ran to the other side of the stage.
“And now: who goes through and who has to leave.”
It was between Hay and Seung.
“The one who has to leave is..”
For the last time, the announcer repeated the action.
Seung nodded and congratulated Hay, just before he left the stage. Lori joined Hay and the announcer, who turned to the camera.
“These were the semi finals. Join us next week for the finals between Lori Cho and Hay Lee.”

Hay was playing at her guitar to practice for the finals. She didn’t even bother about the fact she was in the middle of the school’s canteen. People wouldn’t care about her anyways, not even now when she’s participating in one of the biggest singing contests.
“Hé Hay.” Seung yelled and ran towards her, almost tripping over his own feet.
Hay laughed at him and placed her guitar next to her.
“Hi Seung.” Hay said happily. “How come I’ve never seen you here before?”
“No idea. I guess I’m always in the background.”
“So am I, even now.”
“You won’t be for too long. After you won, you’ll be the most popular girl in school.”
“If I win.” Hay sighed.
“You will.” Seung patted Hay’s shoulder and smiled wide.

Two days passed by and the finals were that very evening. Hay sat backstage and practiced a little more. Time went by faster as she realized. It was her turn already.
Nervously she walked onto the stage. She blinked a few times to get used to the bright lights and to see the audience. She didn’t really care about them first, but then she saw a familiar face.
It was him. It made her smile.
Hay took a deep breath and started playing.
‘This is for him.’ she thought and sang.
At the end of her performance, she went backstage again where he was waiting for her.
“I never knew you were this great.” Ricky said and smiled.
Hay slowly walked towards him.
“I guess I never got the guts to show you.”
Ricky hugged her carefully, not sure of how she would react.
“I’ve loved you for a thousand years.” he said gently.
“I’ll love you for a thousand more.” Hay replied and returned the hug.
“Please give it up for our finalists, Lori and Hay.” the announcer said.
“I have to go.” Hay said and ended the hug.
“You’re definitely going to win.”
Hay smiled a bit and entered the stage, leaving Ricky behind to wait for her.
“The winner of this year is..”
Hay bit her lip, but the nerves were no longer necessary.
“Hay Lee.”
As people started clapping and cheering, Hay’s family entered the stage. Hay turned towards Ricky and motioned him to come.
Ricky obeyed and slowly came closer.
Hay took his wrist and kissed his cheek.
“I’m not going to let you go anymore.” she said.
“I’m fine with that.” Ricky replied and kissed her forehead.
It was now up to Hay to end the show by singing the last song she performed. She only changed the last sentence a little bit.
I always needed time on my own.
I never thought I’d need you there when I cried.
And the days feel like years when I’m alone.
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side.
When you walk away, I count the steps that you take.
Do you see how much I need you right now.
When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.
When you’re gone, the face I came to know is missing too.
When you’re gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK.
I missed you.
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