Chapter One

Kevins POV I ran and ran because deep down I knew this was going to happen even though I preteded not to notice. I didn't want to think that he doesn't want me. Every step drew me further and further away from him. Drowing me away from my aim and goal. My legs and feet were numb I was running on hard concrete but I couldn't fill any pain. The only thing I felt was the burning of my heart like it was set on fire. The hard throbbing in my brain stopped me from thinking about him and I clutched my head tightly so it would remove the pain. Pressing my hands with so much presure from both sides of my head because even if it was temporary the pain went away. All of a sudden his face appeared in my vision. I hate this, no I hated this because all along I knew he wouldn't be able to return my feelings. I hate how his lips used to curl up into a smile and how it always was directed at me. He had this different smile when ever he looked at me. He had this peircing gaze whenever he was having fun with others. Especially girls. I guess he still hasn't noticed that I like guys. Thats pretty slow for someone that has known me since we were in our diapers. I could see how his eyes twinkled in the mids of the night and how they shone brighter than the sun. But why did he reject me all of a sudden when he felt the same way. I guess thats what I hoped. I hope he just doesn't know how to express his feelings. I think I'll have to talk to him. Give him a chance to explain when I didn't do it today because I ran away. I was not strong enough to wait for him to finish what he was saying. My weak heart is not able to take in too much shock. I looked around me with so much curiosity. The city was gleaming with lights and everything seemed to dance with it's own tunes but why did it feel empty and dead to me? Nothing has been alive in my life since that day. There was no light in my life after that dreadful day but him. He was my light, my star and my sun. I couldn't risk to lose him. I closed my eyes like the darkness which creeps upon the sun the small lonely tear creeped out of the corner of my eyes. ~Flashback~ "Mr. Woo you are affected by a heart disease. This type of disease is very rare. The chances of anyone getting affected by it is one in a million. We have not found a cure for this type of disease yet but we are not losing hope in finding the cure soon. The chances of you surviving through this is not very high. The risk is too extream for us to make a surgery on you because one little mistake can be the cause of your death. Just avoid too much surprise and shock, this will help you live longer and help your heart to take its time to heal. This is the list of Medicine you will need to take. But do not lose hope thsooit won't be cured because sometimes it just needs time to heal. Mr. Woo have you had any troumatic events occur in the past?" Kevins doctor explained to him. "Yes, I have had very traumatic past which I would like to not share because I'm not comfortable with it. But thank you for your time." ~End of Flashback~ I growled and screamed because why did it have to be me? Why did this happen to me? Why do I have to put up with such a weak heart? What have i done wrong to receive such a painful punishment? I put my hand on my heart and started to dig in. My nails peircing the soft and delicate skin on my chest. I kept on hiting on my heart as I cried and screamed. Droping on my kness, felling the tiny stones cut through my skin and into my flesh. I screamed and wailed as I kept hitting my heart. Why wasn't this heart allowed to love? Why was it soo weak? Why did i have to be that person out of a million. Why was i soo poor, why did everything in this cruel world have a price? If I wanted Love I have to pay the price of heartaache, if I wanted to fix a damaged heart i had to pay up with my life. Questions buzzed around me giving me the chance to shake my head wildly. If anyone passed me they would think I was a homeless drunk wild bear. I didn't want to get up and leave, no to make that correct I didn't have the energy to get up. I was not believing in myself and my heart anymore. Everything seemed to shatter in a split of a second. How my life changed. I was getting dizzy and I felt lightheaded. The world started to spin and I knew it was one of the effects of the medicine. How I would pass out if I cried too much and had just taken medicine. I landed on the hard concrete, my head hitting the ground and it felt like it was going to split apart. I wanted to faint here to see if anyone had the heart to help a stranger. As i had no one else in this world I wanted to leave my life in the hands of a stranger. My mum died the moment I was born my dad following soon after. All my relatives blame me for their death and had stopped supporting me. I guess I am bud luck. The person I grew up with will leave me because he is in love woth someone else. I im going to be happy for him because thats all cand do I want to have him in my life. My vision blurred as tears streamed from the ends of my eyes and i could feel my eye lids getting heaveir and heaveir by the second. The world around me started to spin and after a minute the stinging pain stopped......... A/N: sorry if this is all in one paragraph. Im using my phone and something is wrong so it won't let me have paragraphs. Ita not that exciting I know but plz support by comments and subscriptions thank you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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