The Reason Why I'm Like This?

My Once Ordinary Life Became Twisted because of YOU!

I was on my way to school, but then I saw my brother running out of the dorms and shouting my name. Ugh! This is so embarassing!

"Hayleeeeeey!!!" Kyuhyun ran after me, as he waved something in his hands. "Your allowance!" I stopped running and waited for him to catch up with me.

"You forgot your allowance again. Do you leave it on purpose or do you reall forget it?" He asked while he gave me my daily allowance.

"Something between those lines." I coldly said, while a gave him my icy glare.

"Can you at least answer me properly?"

"Figure it out yourself. I don't want to waste time answering your questions. I'm going to be late for school." I immediately left him outside the dorm dumbfounded.

When I reached YumKwang Highschool, the school where I'm studying right now, I did the same things I usually do. I meet my friend named SunYoung, I get the usual death glares from my brother's antis, I go to my classes, and the forever enjoying bullying I get from my brother's #1 anti, Jin Rae. For short, today was just an ordinary day. Except for one thing. This time, instead of having the normal bruses that I get on my stomach, arms, or legs, this thime I came home with a black eye.

Every Super Junior plus Uki stared at the huge black eye I had on my face. Then Kyuhyu, my forever annoying hell of a brother, got all worried and asked me the same questions over and over again.

"What happened to you? Are you okat?" He asked as he traced the black eye. I slapped his hand away from my face.

"What's it to you? I got a black eye, see? Isn't it obvious? I got punched in the face earlier! So don't ask me if I'm freaking okay!" I walked out of ther but he decided to stop me.

"I'm just being a concerned brother! Why don't you show some respect? Why are you like this?"

"Concerned brother?" I hysterically asked. "For two freaking years since you won that stinking competition you haven't even asked me how my life was! You didn't even write a single letter for crying out loud! The reason I'm like this? It's because of you! Do you know the things that happen to me because of you, huh? I get bullied a lot because of you! So don't expect respect from me!" I finally exploded. I managed to let out all the anger I'm keeping from him.

"So you mean... the black eye?"

"Ha! Not only this!" I said as I pointed at my eye." You haven't seen the bruises on my stomach, arms and legs!"


"Kyuhyun! I hate repeating myself." I tried to calm down. I grinded my teeth so hard, I was lucky that they didn't break.

"Yah! I know I lacked a lot to you! I'm trying my best to make up for it! It's one of the reasons why I allowed you to stay here!" He finally exploded. Everyone at the dorms stared in shock. I'm guessng they got scared with me and Kyuhyun shouting our lungs out.

"You could have thought of that two years ago. It's too late, Kyuhyun. Whatever you do, nothing can change my hatred for you." This was my final blow, I immediately walked out and slammed the door to my room.

You know what's even more painful? My own brother forgot that it was my birthday today...


Another update! :D I'll try to post the next chapter on Friday~

Comments and suggestions are loved

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Until the next update

Bye! :D

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Chapter 4: aww kyu forgot her birthday
You stupid Kyu! Update soon, kay?
99618894 #3
omg!<br />
stupid Kyuhyun!<br />
you should at least remember her freaking birthday of all things!<br />
>:(<br />
you stupid buttface kyuhyun!!!
whoa O_O I feel rly bad for her now .....she has so much pain on the inside :( HE FORGOT HER BIRTHDAY?! O_o (I hope he rly didn't and he has some sort of surprise planned..)
OMG... It's her birthday?!<br />
I'll kill my dad(kyu) for sure!!!!
LOL I'm surprised uki still is going with the midget thing ;D awww kyumin FTW! xD keke~
LOL Funny update...Hehe KyuMin!