If you love me, you won't let me move in with HIM!

My Once Ordinary Life Became Twisted because of YOU!

Hayley's POV

One year, one whole freaking year since my brother joined that singing competition which led him to signing a contract with SM Entertainment. One whole freaking year since my brother left this house and hasn't written one whole single freaking letter to us! Now don't think of me as a bratand tell me "Why are you pissed? It's only a year, maybe he's just busy."

Now let me ask you, would you be calm if your brother hasn't written you a letter in a year? Would you be okay if he doesn't ask you how your life's been since he left? Would you be fine if he doesn't know that you received a swimming scholarship and none of your family knows about this? Now tell me, aren't you going to be pissed?

"Hayley! Come down now, your Appa and I need to tell you something important!" Umma shouted, snapping me out of my rant. I immediately went downstairs to hear what the important thing was about.

"Okay, I'm here. What do you want to tell me?" I asked both of them while taking a seat at the nearby vacant chair at the dining room.

"Your father and I need to go to the US and we plan on staying there for a year." I raised an eyebrow at this statement. Does this mean that I'm going to be home alone for a year? Seriously? Sweet!

"Does this mean that you're leaving me alone here?" I asked cheerfully. I'm going to be home alone! Yes! Alone! Ara Unnie is in college right now and she's not at home! Yes!

"No." Both of them said. What? Way to ruin the fun, parents -.-

"We know you're going to ask this so we told your brother that you're going to stay at Super Junior's dorm for the time being. Don't worry, until your sister comes back from college, you can return back to this house.” Appa said. Oh no! Oh effin’ no! Hell to the no! I won’t stay in that dorm even if you pay me 10 million won!

“No! If you love me, you won’t let me stay with him!” I shouted, standing up from the chair. I was about to walk out but Appa stood up and stopped me.

“Hayley! You are going to stay with your brother and that’s final!” He shouted which made me and Umma scared. But compared to Umma’s reaction, mine was hidden. I didn’t show him that I was scared.

“Fine! Don’t blame me if something bad happens!”

“Nothing bad is going to happen to you because I trust your brother to protect you.”

Psh, yeah right! Did he protect me when I was being attacked by my classmates simply because I was his little sister and they hate the fact that he joined Super Junior? No! So how can I trust him to protect me at the dorm? Things would be worse! As If my life isn’t twisted enough because of him!

I left the dining room without saying anything, leaving both my parents there. Should I pack my clothes or something? I don’t even know when they’re leaving.

Hmmm. Maybe I should pack now. It’s only until my sister comes back right? Maybe I’ll just endure him and his friends for the time being. I know I’m going to regret this, but fine. I’m going to stay there -.-

Lazily, I took all of my clothes in my closet and placed them in my luggage. I took some comic books just in case I’m alone. I can just lock myself in a room and read them there instead. Also, I placed my school things in a box which will also be brought to the dorm. If I finished all my comic books, I’ll just read those instead. Psh, first time in my life have I said that ‘I’m going to read my school books’ because I only read them if my teacher told us to read it. But read them for leisure purposes? Ha! That’s going to be a first! Also, don’t forget about my money. Since I have a huge feeling that I’ll get bored easily with school books, I’ll just buy more comic books instead.

Suddenly, a person held my shoulder and decided to sit next to me on my bed. It was Umma, she helped me pack some of my stuff which miraculously made things easier!

“Hayley, please be patient with your Appa. He just had a lot of things in his mind.” Umma said. I stared at her, knowing my Umma doesn’t joke when it comes to Appa.

“It’s alright.” I mumbled. “I’m just pissed off earlier that’s why I shouted… I’m sorry.” Then my Umma hugged me and kissed me on the forehead assuring me that everything is going to be alright.

“Don’t worry, Hayley. Everything’s going to be alright. We’ll be back before you know it.” She said, still hugging me. I’m going to miss this, I’m not going to get a hug for a year!

“Are you really going to leave tomorrow?” Guessing that she’s helping me pack, they really are going to leave tomorrow. Which means that starting tomorrow, I’ll be living with my brother. Great~

“Yes.” She simply said. Then she stared at the clock. “Look at the time, sleep now. We need to leave early tomorrow.”


I won't be updating this for three weeks because I'll be busy with my other story so I hope it's alright. In the mean time why don't you check my other story first?

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Chapter 4: aww kyu forgot her birthday
You stupid Kyu! Update soon, kay?
99618894 #3
omg!<br />
stupid Kyuhyun!<br />
you should at least remember her freaking birthday of all things!<br />
>:(<br />
you stupid buttface kyuhyun!!!
whoa O_O I feel rly bad for her now .....she has so much pain on the inside :( HE FORGOT HER BIRTHDAY?! O_o (I hope he rly didn't and he has some sort of surprise planned..)
OMG... It's her birthday?!<br />
I'll kill my dad(kyu) for sure!!!!
LOL I'm surprised uki still is going with the midget thing ;D awww kyumin FTW! xD keke~
LOL Funny update...Hehe KyuMin!