Short Insomnia

My girl

-Eunji POV-

I was eating kimchi with my 'brother' in silence.My so-called omma and appa were at the company working.Kevin broke the silence.

"Ji,you have been living here for what?12 years now?And yet you're still as stubborn as ever with me.Be grateful our family was the one who took you in.You never know what might have happened.I'm surprised you escaped at that age."Kevin said,shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't care.

"............You know it's not like that Kevin,and yes I'm grateful for your parents taking me in.You want to know how I escaped?"I whispered.Kevin froze and looked at me horrified.He never thought that I would actually bring the subject up.I could see it in his eyes,it was as if he was calling out 'You don't need to!It's too much for you Ji,I'm sorry Ji!'.I chuckled and his eyes turned sad.He knew my ability.

"You know it would be less scary if you didn't read me?I find it extremely scary how you can see what I'm saying and giving you know?Scary..."he muttered.I shrugged it off and smiled.If he didn't want me to tell him,then be it.It's not that sad anyway.Only a few things happened then.I never gave it any thought.

I smiled a little and got off the chair,I left my dishes in the dish washer and went up to my room.I heard Kevin call my name so I turned around.

"You know...if you want to,YOU CAN tell me if you want.It's your story to tell anyway." he said while leaning against the wall.I just shook my head before entering my room and locking the door.It wasn't that long before I drifted to sleep on my bed.

In my dream I saw a girl.Her hair was dyed the same colour as her mother's,a faint light brown.She had the eyes of a baby angel,she was wearing a hello kitty shirt and Doraemon silk pants.She looked really happy and skipped over to an older boy who didn't look that much older than her.That's when it hit me,that was looking at my four year old self.That boy must be my twin brother, Soorin Hoo.I know for a fact he didn't die,but I didn't see him escape either.

"Aish,Eunji don't jump on me like that.I  could have turned into a dragon and attacked you." he joked.The girl laughed,it sounded like tinkling bells.She asked how,it wasn't possible.The boy folded his arms.

"It's possible alright,now I've turned into a dragon 'cause you made me angry!RAWR!" he jumped on the girl and started to tickle her.

"Stop it o-o-oppa!hahahahaha!" then the scene turned different.A woman that looked around her twenties was cooking something,that must be my mother...A second later,she burnt herself and didn't realise the kitchen was on fire because she was too busy washing her hand until she smelt something.

My mother gasped and tried to stop it,but it was too late.The house was on fire.It was so bad she died.As in died,I mean she out and stopped moving,no breathing.NOTHING.About 20 minutes later a man came and started screaming,he tried to approach her but the door frame fell and blocked his way.He tried going the other way but a piece of timber landed on him and he fell,blood pooling around him.It wasn't long before my brother and I came.We both screamed.Soorin looked at me quickly,his eyes showed sadness and pleading,not to mention guilty and regretful.The he went somewhere.I was alone...panicking.Somehow I made my way out and saved myself.For a few years I was scared,traumatized and paranoid.Not to mention paralyzed from shock.My legs managed to move.But the same scene always came back.That was until...

I gasped and woke up breathing really hard.It was just a dream.I tried to fall back asleep after that,but I failed.I was too shocked to go back to sleep.Not hesitating,I headed to Kevin's door and knocked.He opened it,still half asleep.Before he could say anything,I just threw myself on him and hugged him.Sobbing as I did so.

-End of POV-

-Kevin POV-

I heard a knock on my door,being cautious I asked who it was.I heard a whisper,it was Eunji's voice.I was still half asleep really.When I opened it,she was looking down.Before I could say a word,she threw herself on me,hugging and sobbing on my shirt at the same time.

"'s okay Eunji.It's okay.Whatever happened,it's over now.You can sleep with me."I soothed her.I was rubbing her back and she started to breathe slower and evenly.Asleep...I put her on my back and threw her on one side of my bed,GENTLY.I lied down on the oter side and got the covers over us.Whatever happened,it must have been pretty bad.So bad that she would cry at the thought.Or did it relate to her past???Before we found her....before she was even put in the adoption centre?Before the fire...???

I whispered her name before drifting off to sleep myself.


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sahl-li #1
ill wait for your next update!!
poppop3 #2
omg !! i like it
aww so sad she doesnt remember minwoo!
Park_Yoonji #4
Can't wait for nice chappie(:
Park_Yoonji #5
The starting and plot is good(: Continue updating! Hwaiting(:<br />
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I know that your story will turn out great! Hehe~ ^_^