diary of prince charming's peasant err... personal assistant

dear diary,

      normal day today. i did my usual chores and helped mum with the food. by the way hunger season is near, and it . well not for the rich people. they could eat all they want during hunger season, actually, any one can as long as you've got mountains of cash with you. once you've got that, hunger season wouldnt even be marked on your calendars or something like that.

       well as for me and my family we dont have 'mountains of cash' with us. since the line of our family was never rich, we have to live like this. well that's life. ;_____; anyway, its kind of weird because we live in this kingdom called never land and usually the kinds of things i heard about kingdoms from the storybooks my mom would read to me when i was still young was that these kingdoms have nice, handsome and helpful princes who'd always be ready to reach out to people like us. but then again, those stories are fantasy. fiction. and this is reality. and my reality is way different from those of which i heard before. we have a prince, yes, but he's kind of 'snobby'. he doesnt give food to us during times when we need them. actually, he doesnt give food at ALL. sighs.

     who am i to complain any way? he's a prince and its kind of weird if i go to his castle just to ask for food. like "hey prince guy where's our food?". no. i bet if i'd do that he'd throw me into prison. i heard from people of the same condition as me that he's only nice to wealthy people and he doesnt give a damn about people who ACTUALLY needs help. UM EXCUSE ME MISTER PRINCE SHOULDNT WE GET SOME ATTENTION TOO? MAYBE JUST A LITTLE BIT? i bet people like us would actually be lucky enough to get the smallest attention from him. even if the attention he would be giving us was just because of 'obligation'.

   sighs. but as i said, i can't do anything about that. all i could do to help my family is to work. but i don't know who could help me with that. i tried asking everyone if they needed help and no one let me work/help them. it's sad too because my parents are old already and i still have five other younger siblings i'd have to take care of. you see my parents kind of got delayed on giving birth to me, i only got born when my mom was kind of middle aged already. but yeah, that's not the point. sighs. i really hope this terrible reality of mine would end or atleast get better.


i closed my diary and sat there for a while. "______" i heard mum call. "yes mom?" i replied "come down here. i have good news for you." yippee good news! i said as i went down the stairs. "yes mom?" i said as soon as i got infront of her.

"you'll never believe this!" she said smiling happily.

"what what what??" i said curiously."




hi okay lame chapter ;_____; sobs cries weeps

but please comment and subscribe :((((( =)))))


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katyloveukiss #1
Chapter 2: i order to update now i am the prince okno .__________. i beg you update please i so freaking like it please ;____;
Chapter 2: i like this cos of the storyline and the grammar. good work baby tin!^^
Chapter 1: ayos lang...;)
guys pls comment i beg of u for the freaking children yay thank u xoxo