

On the day he met her, he knew that she will be the girl he’s going to marry. Lu Han, a 23 year old photographer, has always been watching his one and only girl in her dreams. His angel, even. Every time she walks past his studio every evening, he’ll always make sure he had taken some stolen shots of her. Lu Han has always admired her more than anything in this world. The way she flips her hair, pouts her lips, blinks her eyes, every little thing about her leaves him breathless.

One day when she passed by his studio on her way home, Lu Han stood up and looked at her walking when she suddenly fainted. His eyes grew wide and jogged his way to her, he grew nervous and immediately hailed a taxi cab and told the driver to drive them to the hospital as fast as he could.

After an hour of waiting, the doctor finally went out of the emergency room and asked Lu Han about the girl, “How are you related to her?”

Lu Han pressed his lips and replied, “She lives a few blocks near my studio.”

“Do you know her name?” The doctor asked as he flipped a page of paper he was holding.

“She’s Seohyun. I’ve known her since kindergarten.” Lu Han said as he nodded.

The doctor explained some serious matters to him and asked him to buy some medicines. Lu Han knew that Seohyun is an orphan, which is why he volunteered to buy all the medicines that were prescribed by the doctor.

When Seohyun woke up, she was surprised seeing the blond guy sleeping on the couch. She called him, but still, he was dead asleep. Seohyun waited for an hour before the said guy squeezed his eyes and was surprised when he saw Seohyun staring at him. He chuckled and stood up from the couch, slowly walking toward Seohyun.

“I’m Lu Han.” He said with a smile. Seohyun recognized him by his smile and gladly took his arm, “You’re the photographer who lives near my apartment, right?” She asked the doe-eyed guy as the latter scratched his nape in embarrassment. He didn’t know that Seohyun would recognize him. He thought that she will never notice someone like him.

“I’ve always loved your photographs. I also went to your exhibit two weeks ago. A-and....” She looked down shyly and continued, “I saw a photo of mine in one of your photographs.”

Lu Han bit his lip but was surprised for the second time. He didn’t know that Seohyun will pass by his exhibit, that’s why he added Seohyun’s picture with a caption, “Angel”.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t even ask for your permission. Don’t worry, if you’re not comfortable about it.....”

“No, it’s fine. I really liked it.” She cut him off and smiled.

That’s the day when Lu Han and Seohyun got pretty much comfortable with one another. Lu Han will always visit her in the apartment and bring her food and sometimes, Seohyun would cook for him. Both became good friends and they really looked up to each other.

Another day had passed, Lu Han finally decided to court Seohyun. He was anxious and there were full of negative stuff in his mind. He had always liked her since kindergarten, at first, he thought that it was just nothing, but as they both grew up, and he realized that he would always check up on her or even dream about her at night. He likes her or more than that, He loves her.

“Oppa? What are you looking at?” She chuckled.

“Seohyun, I like you.” He said, his mouth was trembling and his stomach was obviously not fine. He doesn’t know if Seohyun will even take his confession. It’s going to be now or never. He needs to man up. He needs to confess before it’s too late.

“Thanks, oppa. I love you too, but I know you deserve someone better.” She replied as her eyes looked teary. She was unhappy. As much as she wanted to be with Lu Han, she just couldn’t. She realized that once she accepts him, there is no possibility that their relationship will work.



Weeks, Months, and a Year passed, Seohyun and Lu Han were back to being strangers. Lu Han was busy with his work as a photographer while Seohyun’s busy with a lot of things, but another evening came when Lu Han noticed that Seohyun’s not home yet, he felt uneasy and decided to call her.

“Hello, Lu Han? This is Dr. Kim. Please, Seohyun needs you now. Room 11.” Lu Han hailed a taxi and made his way to the hospital.

He ran up the hallway and found Seohyun’s room. He was panting and his sweat ran down his temple. His heart began to beat fast, he was scared, but when he saw Seohyun smiling at him – He walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

“Oppa, I’m sorry for not accepting your confession a year ago and I’m sorry for letting you worry this much.” Seohyun said as Lu Han kissed her lips as gently as possible. Then, he slowly pulled her back and whispered, “Marry me, Seohyun.”

Seohyun looked at his pleading eyes. She doesn’t want to hurt him but at the same time, she wanted him to be happy too. Lu Han brushed her hair, giving her the warmth that she needed. Lu Han wanted her to feel that everything is going to be alright as long as he’s here.

“Seohyun, I love you. I want to marry you. I know you’re worried but I know that everything is going to be okay. Believe me. Please, marry me.” He said as he leaned his forehead against hers. The said girl cried. She realized how much she loves him too, “I will, oppa.” She replied as her tears flowed down. For Lu Han, hearing the girl of his dreams saying she will marry him, felt so serene.

Finally, Seohyun was released from the hospital and Lu Han decided to bring her to Church. His friend, Kris Wu, a Chinese priest, agreed to give them his blessings and on that day, they became Mr and Mrs Lu Han.

Lu Han and Seohyun didn’t need an elegant wedding for now. All they need is God as their witness. They were contented and great of their sudden decision. They love each other and no one is against their relationship. They’re both adults too, and Lu Han’s sure that he’d be able to give Seohyun everything that she needs. He will do anything and give her everything even his heart and his love.

Seohyun was preparing dinner when Lu Han hugged her from behind; he rested his chin on her bare shoulder and gave her butterfly kisses, “Is my wife teasing me?”

Seohyun giggled and turned to face him. Instinctively, she hooked her arms around his neck and hopped a bit. Her husband lifted her up as they both kissed each other. They didn’t stop. Lu Han, again, carried her and brought her to bed. He hovered over her, still not letting of their kisses, “Are you sure you want to this now, Seohyun?” He asked, making sure that his wife wants it too. She kissed his nose and gave him a reassuring smile. For her, there’s nothing wrong for them to make love. They are married now and as a matter of fact, Seohyun wanted this, she wanted a child and up until now, it’s still one of her dreams – to have a family. Lu Han, as a man, needs this too but as much as he needed it, he also wanted Seohyun to be the mother of his children. That night, the two made love. They were brought as one. They felt gentleness, happiness, satisfaction, passion and love. They knew that that night was the best night of their relationship.


Nine months later.

Lu Han, is it going to hurt?” She asked as the nurses laid her in bed.

“No, honey. It’s going to be okay. Hold onto me. Squeeze my hand as hard as possible. I don’t want you to suffer in pain alone.” He said as he kissed her forehead.

Seohyun was about to give birth of their first child. It’s a boy which really made Lu Han happy. When Seohyun screamed in pain, Lu Han panicked. He remembered about his wife’s situation, but he pulled himself together and prayed for guidance. Seohyun screamed again and squeezed his hand, her nails dugged down onto Lu Han’s skin but didn’t mind. After a few long push and breathing, their first child was born. Seohyun’s breathing is back to normal but she looked tired. “Honey, look at our son.” He cupped her face and kissed her again, “Take a rest for now”, he added as his wife smiled and closed her eyes.

Lu Han and Seohyun became good parents. They started working for their child and they finally bought their own house. They enjoyed their little family. It was their first time but their friends were so proud of how mature they were in terms of well-being. They were definitely the best parents a child could ever have.


“Happy 6th birthday, Hanjoo!” His parents surprised him and gave him his favourite flavoured bubble tea and cookies.

Lu Han and Seohyun have a perfect life. They were both contented of their relationship as husband and wife. They’ve been together for years and they thank the heavens for giving them their happiness, Hanjoo.

“Appa? It’s my birthday today and next week, it’s your wedding anniversary, right?” Hanjoo asked, sipping his bubbletea.

Lu Han smirled and pulled out something inside his pocket, Seohyun’s eyes rounded when she saw him opening a small box with a diamond ring in it.

“Will you marry me again, Seohyun?” He knelt down as he pulled out the ring. Seohyun looked at her husband in astonishment. He never failed to make her happy. Without second thought, she pulled him up and embraced him, “Of course, Lu Han! Yes!” She said still embracing him. Hanjoo clasped his hands and excitedly ran toward his parents and hugged them.

Lu Han felt blessed. The girl of his dreams is now his wife and now the mother of his child – and this time, he wanted her to feel how he loves him even after years. He prepared every thing for the second wedding day.  This time, he wanted it to be perfect. He wanted her to feel that she’s a princess or better yet, the queen of his life. He invited all her friends, his colleagues and of course, his parents. But sadly, his parents couldn’t make it on his special day; his Mom got sick and his Dad needs to take care of her. He felt quite sad but he appreciated how his parents were still supportive of him and his family. They were proud of their son after all.

Their second wedding day came, he woke up early together with his son while his wife, Seohyun, was in the other room with her bestfriend, Jessica. Lu Han was so stoked. The flower girls, ring bearers, bride’s maid and groom’s man were all present. Even if it’s their second wedding, he wanted it to be perfect, their first was perfect but this time, he wanted it to be more than that, he wanted the whole world to witness it and he wanted God to witness it again after years. He wanted it to be even more memorable just for Seohyun that is why he made it extra special in any way possible.

One of his friends, Oh Sehun, is his stylist for the day. He helped Lu Han and Hanjoo fixed their tuxedos and ties. “Hyung, nervous?” the expressionless blond guy asked. Lu Han placed his hand on his chest and nodded.

Sehun started to fix Lu Han’s hair when the phone rang. The latter immediately grabbe the phone, “Hello, this is Han. Who is this?” he asked.

Hanjoo and Sehun looked at Lu Han who sat frozen on his seat. His tears fell down on his cheeks and his mouth started to tremble. He slowly hang up the phone and stood up but he fell. “Hyung? What happened?” Sehun helped him up but Lu Han stared on the floor, crying.


“Appa? the make up artist said umma’s done. She’s already inside. I saw her, appa. She looks like an angel even when she’s sleeping. She is so beautiful. No wonder why you fell in love with her, appa!” Hanjoo said as Lu Han carried him.

“Hyung, the mortuary make up artist really made noona extra prettier today.” Sehun said as the three of them entered the room. There were lots of people, crying. Lu Han, on the other hand, was trying to be strong.

“Why are they crying, appa? Aren’t they supposed to be happy because umma’s with God now?”

Lu Han put his son down and patted him, “They’re crying because they’re going to miss your Umma, Hanjoo. A lot of us....... will really miss her.”

And that’s when Lu Han broke down. He squatted on the floor, in front of his son, sobbing his heart out. He never expected Seohyun’s illness had gone worse. It was too late for him to help her, to bring her to the hospital and have chemotherapy. He didn’t know that Seohyun’s illness has been taking over her body for years. He thought that the medicines that she was taking were enough. He never had the chance to save her, to help her, to let her feel that he would do anything and everything and he never had the chance to say I love you for the last time. His heart felt anguish. Wounded. He was sure that a part of him is now dead. He could never bring her life back.

“Hanjoo? Always remember that umma is just up there, watching over us. From now on, she is not just your umma, but also an angel. She is our angel. She will always be there for us.” He said as he pulled his son closer and embraced him.


A/N: Sad to say I chose to post the one shot :))))))) I don't know if this is good but dude, I felt so good when I posted this. <3 Comments are appreciated.


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HerLovelyWinterRose #1
Chapter 1: OMOOOO~! That was saaaaad... :''(( A tear fell from my eye as soon as my panic attack ended when He answered the phone.... I look forward to more of your stories author-nim~!
Chapter 1: What a sad ending :'( But I guess not every story an be a happy one, right? A great read nonetheless :)
Chapter 1: Omg very well-written, unnie! :) So sad though huhu T^T
Chapter 1: Sad ending :c
But at least, they had a happy marriage and family...thanks for this one shot!! :)
ambai90 #5
Chapter 1: sad... my seohan feels...

love this .. keep up doing great job!!
Chapter 1: it was so perfect.... but then... omg whyyyyyyy?! ;_______; and their son is so innocent i just love him. thank you for this oneshot unnie! i love it. :)
omg unnie. thank you so much! xD i'll wait patiently for this. :)
nanjang #8
Angst for Seohan?!
This is so rare... Hope that it won't be that sad tho.