Chapter 9

Midnight Lovers




L “Yesung?” A hesitant voice calls out into the large room, using the nickname in hope for a response, but there was none.

Kyuhyun steps further into the room to see the latter sitting on his bed, knees pulled up close with his head resting against the wall beside the bed, eyes staring out the window. The elder slowly approaches the other and climbs onto the bed, pulling the small figure close.

“Did you kill him?” The voice was small and tired, but full of hate.

Kyuhyun stayed silent for a moment, having a mental debate if he should answer it or not.

“Why?!” Yesung suddenly, screamed, shoving the king away roughly, his expression twisted in anger.

“Jongwoon, listen—“

“NO! Why didn’t you kill him! He killed a human, Kyuhyun! It was my father he had killed! You’re the king! You have to stick to the laws you create!” The blonde screams, tears forcing its way out of his eyes and cascades down his pale cheeks that were slightly red from the anger.

“Jongwoon, I’m sorry, but I can’t sentence him to death.  Henry is ZhouMi’s assistant and you know that ZhouMi are the elder’s right hand man. They could easily rebound the death penalty if ZhouMi requests so.” Kyuhyun says, reaching out to comfort his young lover again, but the boy just slaps his hands away.

“I hate you.” He sobs, pressing his small hands to his face as he cried in them. “You’re a horrible leader who doesn’t follow his own rules.”

“Jongwoon!” Kyuhyun snaps, angry that the boy would say that to him. “The elder’s decisions are not mines to make!”

“You’re a leader who had abandoned his own subjects to live a life in seclusion for your own selfish reasons!” Yesung yells, dropping his hands away from his tear stained face to glare at the other. “But once you become king again, you take advantage of the control you have! I am nothing but a dog to you now!”

The slap came hard and fast, knocking Jongwoon down to the bed, a hand clutching at his stinging cheek, his eyes wide in shock and hurt.

Kyuhyun was standing by the bed by then, his breathing ragged from his uncontrollable temper, but his hard expression fell when he realized what he had a few seconds later. “Jongwoon, I’m so sorry.” He whispers in worry, reaching down in hope the boy would let him comfort him, but the boy crawls away in fright.

“I hate you.” Yesung bites out, his small frame trembling.

“No, please. I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t thinking and I—“

“I hate you!” Jongwoon cries out, and pushes past the vampire to reach the door of the room, but Kyuhyun grabs him by the wrist and pulls him back, the boy resisting as much as he could.

“Jongwoon, look at me!” Kyuhyun shouts, jerking the boy forward so he was facing him. “I love you, alright? And I won’t let anything happen to you. I can’t guarantee anyone close to you will not get hurt, but no matter, I will protect you.”

“How could you be so selfish!?” Yesung says, struggling in the elder’s tight hold on both of his arms. “You’re willing to sacrifice innocent people to keep what you want?! I’m only here for mere entertainment aren’t I? You’ve had other humans before me, haven’t you? I’m just another meal you’re playing around with.”

“That’s not true!” Kyuhyun says, his face full of frustration as his hands tighten around the boy’s wrist to the point of nearly breaking them. “I love you, why can’t you understand that? Please, Jongwoon, I love you.”

“Because you’ve said it to others before me too!”

Lips crashed when Kyuhyun reached back quickly with one hand and pulled the boy towards him again by the nape of his neck, going in for action rather than words. The boy had resisted at first, of course, but his struggles stopped when Kyuhyun forced the others lips apart, prying in for entrance as his other arm s around the boys waist, pulling him closer.

The kiss becomes more feverish when the boy finally replies, their tongues battling for dominance as heads tilted for better access, lips moving fervently against each other as Yesung’s small hands gripped tightly at the front of the king’s shirt to hold himself up.

It felt right. It felt so right to be so close to the other, in each other’s arms, breathing in nothing but the others scent and tasting nothing but each other. Teeth clashed and grazed at their lips as the kiss went on, Kyuhyun’s hands slipping slightly beneath the boys shirt, finally able to feel the smooth, milky skin beneath since he stopped bathing with the boy when he turned ten.

“Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun breathes out between their kiss, his hand tightening in the boys silky blonde hair as his other hand slides further up beneath the shirt.

The boy pulls away after a minute, gasping for breath as his head drops down onto the elder’s shoulder as he tried to regain his breath, completely dazed from the unexpected kiss.

“Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun repeats again, just for the sake of saying his name like a prayer as he presses his face into the boy’s hair, breathing in his sweet scent.

The servant presses his face into his master’s chest as he closes his eyes, tired from the crying and fighting. He didn’t want to fight with Kyuhyun anymore, but he didn’t want to just let this go so easily either.

“Let’s not fight anymore?” Kyuhyun whispers and Yesung could only nod once in reply in defeat.

Yesung wakes up the next morning with an uneasy feeling twisting in his chest, but he brushes it aside, thinking that it’s just guilt for fighting with the king. He turns slightly in the large bed so he was facing the demon who was still resting from beside him, one arm slung around Yesung’s waist to hold him close. Kyuhyun had told him that vampires like him don’t exactly sleep like humans, and have dreams or nightmares. Instead, the vampires slip into something similar to meditating, resting in a way but still fully conscious of everything happening around them.

Yesung throws a leg over the others waist just to catch the others attention and snuggled his way closer against his masters chest.

A small chuckle escapes Kyuhyun’s lips who still had his eyes closed as he tightened his grip around the boy and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. “You’re up early,” he mutters lazily as he slides one hand down to the others bottom and pulls him tighter.

“Mmm…” Yesung hums tilting his head back to press a light kiss to his master’s lips in acknowledgement. “You have an emergency meeting with the elders in an hour, by the way.” He mutters softly against his lips.

“And you tell me now?” Kyuhyun asks, raising an eyebrow.

“What?” Yesung says, slightly offended. “It’s not my fault you went to go rest so early.”

“Whatever,” Kyuhyun sighs, ruffling the boy’s blonde hair affectionately. “Those old crones can wait longer. I’m too lazy to get up now.”

Yesung frowns and punches the others chest lightly. “You’re so irresponsible.” He says as he wrapped his arms around the king’s neck. “But you have been a bit…. Tired looking lately, and you haven’t been using your powers. Why not?”

“We vampires live off of human blood for power and energy.” Kyuhyun says with a shrug. “It’s been nearly fifty years since I’ve had a drop of human blood.”

“Back when demons were allowed to roam free?”

Kyuhyun nods once, grimacing a little at the memories. “We have to depend on sorcerer’s potions for now for energy, but it’s not as powerful compared to human blood, unfortunately. But the potions are enough to help us survive. I could probably go for another five years without a potion I guess. It’s not like a need to be using my powers anyways.”

Jongwoon was quiet for a moment as he stares up at the man before him, taking in the information bit by bit. But what Jongwoon suddenly did surprised Kyuhyun.

Yesung had reached up and pulled the collar of his shirt away from his neck, exposing the milky column to Kyuhyun and the veins that lay beneath the paper thin skin. Yesung took note of how Kyuhyun’s eyes flickered a dark violet in bloodlust as his eyes caught sight of the fully exposed neck.

“Feed from me,” Jongwoon whispers, and the way he says it, so timid but determined causes Kyuhyun’s breath to catch in his throat.

“No, I can’t, my love. Like I said, I could go for another five years without anything. Anyways, we have the potions—“

Yesung reaches up and threads his small fingers through his master’s messy locks and pulls his face closer towards the crook of his neck. “Feed from me.” He repeats. “You’re our king. Nobody wants a weak demon as their king. You have me here, and I’m willing to let you drink. If it makes you stronger, I’ll let you feed from me.” He whispers.

Kyuhyun’s eyes were wide as his lips quivered in restraint, feeling, sensing, hearing, smelling the warm, crimson blood pulsing beneath the white skin. He pressed feather light kisses against the smooth skin, testing his will power as his hands clutched at the boy’s hips.

“I can’t,” Kyuhyun starts again, wanting to pull back. “I don’t want to kill you if I can’t control myself. I really can’t—“

“I trust you.” Jongwoon says.

Their eyes meet momentarily before Yesung gently brings the elder closer and Kyuhyun could feel his restraint breaking as his tongue flicked out and brushed the sweet skin.

Yesung gasps a little and shivers at the sensation as Kyuhyun presses warm, open-mouthed kisses along his neck, anticipating for it to happen. He could feel Kyuhyun’s hot breath brush against his cool skin when he opens his mouth and his sharp fangs graze against the skin.

“Are you sure?” Kyuhyun asks softly and the only confirmation he got back as the fingers tightening in his hair.

Without another word, Kyuhyun’s fangs pierced through the thin skin and he felt the boy tense in his arms momentarily. The taste that reached Kyuhyun’s tongue was unexpected as blood began to seep out from the two small puncture wounds. It was bitter sweet, a taste that he could never forget as a small moan of satisfaction escapes his lips, taking in more. The blood had immediately put out the burning feeling in the back of his throat for the past few years that Kyuhyun had learned to ignore, and he could almost feel the energy coming back into him immediately. This feeling was glorious, the beautiful taste dancing across his tongue, his mind hazy from the bloodlust and pleasured from head to toe from the sweet sensation of the essence of life filling him.

Yesung had eventually relaxed in the elder’s embrace. It had hurt more than anything when the canines sunk in, but the pain slowly eased away after a minute, turning into something more like a hazy pleasure, a soft sigh escaping the boy’s lips as he tilts his head to the side to give the elder better access.

Kyuhyun finally regains control after a few minutes, and pulls away, his body trembling slightly from the intake as he off any trace of blood on his lips.

“You alright?” He questions in concern at the pale figure beneath him.

Yesung nods meekly with a small smile, his face and lips pale from blood loss. “I’m fine.” He whispers. “That wasn’t so bad, was it now?” he says teasingly, referring back to how Kyuhyun had refused, his breathing uneven as his body tried to adjust to the major blood loss.

“You’re lucky I have more control than other demons.” Kyuhyun says, pressing a soft kiss to the boy’s forehead.

“Do you feel better?” Yesung asks, pushing the question towards his master this time.

“Much better.” Kyuhyun grins, gently taking hold of one of the blonde’s hands. “Thank you.”

Yesung just waves him off and slowly sits up. “What do you want to wear today? The royal blue robes? Or the silk green robes that you’ve recently gotten from China?” The blonde asks, straightening back up again and start getting to work like the responsible slave he is.

“Mmm…..doesn’t matter. You pick for me.” Kyuhyun says, still holding insistently onto the younger’s hand, even when the blonde had climbed out of bed and was trying to make his way towards the closet.

“Such an indecisive king I serve under.” Yesung says teasingly before pulling his hands out of Kyuhyun’s hold and disappears into the king’s closet to retrieve his clothes for the day.

Kyuhyun smiled and watched as the other left, leaving him alone in the room for a moment. Even though Jongwoon had lost some of his freedom after agreeing to come to the kingdom, the younger still held onto his sanity and smile. Kyuhyun was glad that he still had the childish side to him, making him more innocent and oblivious to the danger he is currently being exposed to.

But unknown to Kyuhyun, Jongwoon was in his most fragile state. Although he held onto that smile for the sake of his master, he had lost more than enough in life already.

Yesung’s smile had immediately fallen as he stepped into the closet, his eyes scanning over the many robes that were draped about. It was foolish of him to think that he could simply take revenge for his father’s death by simply killing Henry, but he needed something to satiate his anger. His only hope for ever taking revenge was broken when Kyuhyun proved to him that he was unable to do anything to help him. Jongwoon was angry, but he kept it in inside, not wanting Kyuhyun to see it.

Yesung reaches forward and picks up a robe of passionate red, reflecting his hate towards everything, and makes his way back out of the closet, plastering a smile back on.

“You must be wondering why we requested for this meeting.” One of the elder’s said as he stepped up after everyone else had settled. Kyuhyun had actually only expected the elder’s to be in the room and maybe a few high ranking beings, but he didn’t expect the whole palace to be filled into the spacious great hall where the throne was, estimating up to at least one thousand people.

Kyuhyun just raises an eyebrow in amusement and question as he leans back in his seat, the blonde once again settled comfortably in his lap, watching the meeting quietly as he kept his master company.

“It’s important, if that is what you’re thinking.” Another elder says.

“Stop going in a roundabout way. Hurry and speak out. I have more important matters to attend to.” Kyuhyun snaps irritated by the way the elders liked to annoy him.

“It’s about your pet.” ZhouMi calls out from where he was leaning casually against the wall, and Yesung notices the way Kyuhyun’s face twitches in anger at the term used for the boy.

“He’s not my pet.” Kyuhyun snarls, but quickly takes a deep breath as he tries to keep calm, trying to appear as professional as a king could be. “What is it about him that you have requested the whole kingdom of people to be here?”

“His loyalty,” ZhouMi says, a smirk making its way across his face. “Is wavering.” He finishes, and whispers immediately break out through the large crowd.

“What is there to doubt about his loyalty.” Kyuhyun says his tone calm but his eyes flickered a crimson red in anger.

“We heard he had a little…..fight, with you last night.” Henry speaks up, appearing next to the tall demon. “He wanted to kill one of us, isn’t that right, ZhouMi?”

Yesung feels his blood run cold at the two’s words. There were people eavesdropping onto their fight last night?

Kyuhyun was silent for a moment, along with the crowd of people, waiting for their king’s response to his rebellious slave.

“This matter has already been resolved. We do not need the whole council here to take care of such a small matter.” Kyuhyun says as he grip tightened around the boy’s waist.

“Small, your highness?” DongHae says and Yesung catches the glint of evil in his eyes. “The last time we had a human betray us was over one hundred years ago, when your father still ruled. The humans attacked us, your majesty, with their trained rebel army and over half of our population died out because of that one human servant.” Loud murmurs broke out into the crowd in fear at the information, shady glances being tossed about as they continued listening.

“Jongwoon will never betray us!” The king barks out, his grip tightening around the blonde.

Yesung’s heart hammered in adrenaline and fear in his chest as the argument went on. Why were they doubting his loyalty now? It was just a simple fight, right? He swallowed hard and clung onto his master, afraid of where this was going.

“Prove it,” ZhouMi says and the smirk of amusement was visible on his as he stares the blonde servant down from up on the throne.

“He does not need to.” The king grits out. “I trust him, and you all should put your trust in your king.”

“If he does not, we have the right to kill him.” An elder says and a small gasp was heard in the crowd, in which Yesung recognized as HanGeng. “He was the one who willing agreed to step foot into a community of demons like us. He should expect to suspected and earn the hearings along the way.”

“Jongwoon does not find us as a threat! He will not betray us!” Kyuhyun yells again and Yesung could feel the anger radiating off of his master.

“Prove it! Prove it to us!” Donghae shouts, and immediately, the crowd joins in, and Yesung could almost hear those satisfied smiles spread across the elder’s faces that were hidden beneath dark hoods.

Jongwoon cowards away from the scene before him, his eyes wide in shock as he trembled in fear in his masters hold.


Everyone’s voices stopped abruptly at the king’s request, but the sadistic smiles never left ZhouMi, Henry, or Donghae’s faces, knowing that the King had had to give in eventually.

“What is it that you want him to do?” Kyuhyun says, his voice wavering as his eyes dart about the great hall that were filled with council members that were swayed by the elder’s to disobey their king.

“Stand him before us,” Henry demands us, but Yesung refuses to let go of his master.

Kyuhyun holds the younger closer and presses his lips to the boy’s hair in reassurance. “I won’t let them hurt you, I promised. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Yesung looks up at the king with fearful eyes as he bit his lower lip. Kyuhyun leans forward and presses another kiss to his lips before releasing him, the boy slowly sliding off his lap and makes his way to the center of the room.

Yesung tried to hide the fact that his legs were trembling uncontrollably and how his face had drained of all color as the whole council stared at him curiously in silence.

“What do you want now?” Kyuhyun says.

“Strip.” ZhouMi says simply, and Yesung spins around in horror at the demons words, the audience gasping in shock.

“I will not accept—“

“But your majesty,” ZhouMi interrupts. “He has to prove himself, or we have the right to suspect him, and kill him.”

“This is no way to prove his innocence—“

“It’s his dignity as a human, or his death.” Donghae says darkly.

“Kyuhyun, please—“Yesung starts, but his master looked absolutely dreadful at the moment, caught between the two options.

“It’s your choice, your highness.” Henry sneers, pleased at the kings silence.

“Please Kyuhyun, I don’t—“


Yesung was taken aback by the demand that left the kings lips as their eyes met.

“Kyuhyun?” He asks, his voice cracking in horror at the betrayal. “Why—“

“Just do it!” The king shouts in absolute frustration, his expression stern and angry.

The boy flinches at the tone, his small frame trembling even more as he felt hundreds of eyes focused on him and him only. He reaches down slowly for the hem of his shirt as his own eyes met Kyuhyun’s, the king’s face stoic and expressionless.

Tears of shame forces their way out of his eyes as he drags his shirt up slowly, exposing more skin, inch by inch. His hands were sweaty and shaking too much to get a proper grip on the woolen fabric of his shirt, but he still manages to pull the shirt off.

More gasps were suddenly heard throughout the crowd when they saw the two marks on the servant’s neck, and the words that were passed around made more tears escape Yesung’s eyes.

“A pet.”

“He’s a slave for the king.”

“The king’s next meal.”

“The King has his own blood bag?”


“He’s just a toy for the King’s amusement.”

“Continue.” Donghae urges on, a permanent smirk on his face.

Yesung doesn’t bother to turn to look at anyone anymore, his eyes focused only on Kyuhyun’s, betrayal written across his face as his small hands make its way to the waist band of his pants. Not a moment later, Jongwoon was fully , exposed for the whole room to see as he wrapped his arms around his body in shame. Hot, silent tears streaming down his face as his most vulnerable state was exposed to all the demons to see, his dignity stripped completely away as he stood before everyone, bare of anything.

“This is going way too far,” A voice speaks out, and someone storms up the few steps up towards where Yesung is, and throws a black robe over his shoulders.

Yesung looks up in surprise with teary eyes to see Heechul standing there next to him, gesturing for HanGeng to take Yesung away from prying eyes. HanGeng quickly makes his way over to the kings servant and guides him away from the great hall, leaving Heechul to stand there instead, his facial expression screaming ‘death’ at everyone.

“Do you know not of pity when you ask a human to expose their most vulnerable state to hungry demons like you!?” Heechul shouts. “I am ashamed to be considered part of this council.” He says as he snaps his head towards where the king still sat at the throne, his eyes burning in anger before following after HanGeng and Yesung who had disappeared from the Great hall.

Kyuhyun falls back in his seat and presses his hands to his face as he swallows hard.
Had he lost Yesung’s trust completely now?





A/N: Sorry for the bad chapter guys. This was literally written right after school fo me, up until midnight.
But uh, hey! It'd be great if you'd leave a comment or two 'cos that'll be my encouragement of the year!





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395 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
395 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
395 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ