Chapter 7

Midnight Lovers



*Warning: Pretty rough chapter with bad grammar and no editing whatsoever.



“Kyuhyun?” A small voice interrupts the silence.

Kyuhyun closes the book he had in hand and looks down at the small boy that was snuggled to his side, using his thighs as his pillow because the elder was still awake and sitting on the bed, reading. “hm?” he hums in question, reaching down with one hand to gently pet the tufts of blonde hair.

“Will we really be alright?” Jongwoon asks quietly, his small hands grasping at the bottom of Kyuhyun’s shirt.

“Of course, love. I promised, didn’t I?” Kyuhyun smiles, setting the book away on the night stand and shifts a little, causing the boy to slide off his lap and allow the vampire to properly lie down next to the younger, pulling the blonde close.

Jongwoon moves a little so he was on Kyuhyun’s chest, listening to the other breathe in and out slowly. “Will SungMin and Ryeowook help us?”

Kyuhyun let out a breath at the younger’s question, running a hand through the boy’s hair a little. “I don’t know. At a price, I guess. But I’m unwilling.”

“What is it that they want back?” the blonde asks as he turns over onto his stomach on top of Kyuhyun, the answers just spurring the boy on even more.

“Why do you want to know?” Kyuhyun teases with a chuckle, tapping the boy’s button nose lightly.

Jongwoon’s face scrunches up at the cute treatment and face plants into Kyuhyun’s chest to avoid the teasing finger. “Because,” came the muffled reply.

They were quiet for a moment as Kyuhyun continued the boy’s hair softly, hoping the boy would just fall asleep already so the questions would stop coming, but not a second after Kyuhyun thought that, the boy raised his head again.

“Kyuhyun?” He asks, knowing that the other was still awake. “Do Sungmin and Ryeowook hate me?”

The reply didn’t come as fast as Jongwoon would hope it would. The boy sits up with a small frown on his face, the covers falling off his petite shoulders from when Kyuhyun had pulled them up to keep him warm.

“Why are you asking something like that?” Kyuhyun says with a disapproving look, pulling the covers back up around the boy.

“Just answer me.” Jongwoon whines a little, fidgeting in place just to annoy the other to answer him.

“No I will not answer you.” The elder says, his brows furrowing together as he tries to hold the boy still.

“Why not?” Jongwoon pouts, finally stopping his insistent movements and scoots his way up the man’s chest. “They hate me, don’t they?” He mutters, his lower lip trembling a little.

“No, that’ not it.” Kyuhyun reassures, sitting up so the boy slid back down to his lap and again and pulls him close. “Otherwise they wouldn’t have been with us yesterday, would they now?”

The boy just shrugs and snuggles closer into the elder’s chest, being his usual stubborn self, sticking to what he thought.

Kyuhyun lets out a small sigh as he adjusts the boy in his grip and leans down to press a small kiss to the boy’s cheek who still had his face buried in his chest. “Get some sleep. We’ll talk about this tomorrow morning.”

“But I’m not tired.” Jongwoon says, slightly muffled by the others chest.

“Not sleeping is not a choice for you.”Kyuhyun says sternly, causing Jongwoon to just flop backwards in his arms in exasperation, making loud groaning sounds and complaints.

“Oh hush and quit being such a drama queen.” Kyuhyun says, a small chuckle of amusement escaping his lips as he watched the boy put on a show, pulling the boy back up. “It’s bad for you to stay up.”

“But you do it.” Jongwoon whines again, reaching up with his tiny hands and presses Kyuhyun’s cheeks playfully with them.

Kyuhyun leans forward with a wide grin and presses teasing kisses to the boys face, watching as the boy writhe in a mess of giggles because of the ticklishness. “I’m a grown man, Jongwoon. I could do what I like.”

“That’s unfair.” The boy says between giggles, pressing his right hand to Kyuhyun’s face and pushes him back away. “I’m a man too!”

Kyuhyun pulls back and raises an eyebrow in doubt as he stares down at the pouting boy on his lap. “Keep wishing.” He says, and embraces the blonde again, dropping back into a lying position.

“unfair,” Jongwoon repeats, his bottom lip sticking out further.

“You’ll grow up soon.” Kyuhyun smiles, staring up at the ceiling as he gently the boys soft hair. “Don’t worry.”

“Will I be as handsome as you?” Jongwoon asks, turning to look up at Kyuhyun with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

“Prettier.” Kyuhyun says with a grin, watching as the boy tilts his head in confusion.

“Girls are supposed to be pretty. Not boys.” The blonde says.

“Who says? You’re pretty and adorable.” Kyuhyun smiles, pulling the boy higher up and presses a kiss to the corner of his lips.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Don’t need you to.” Kyuhyun shrugs, and turns over onto his side so the boy was now resting on the bed instead of on his chest.” Now sleep or I won’t take you to the pond to see the turtles.” He says, propping his head up with one elbow as he gazed down at the boy.

“You’re mean.” Jongwoon says, punching the others chest half-heartedly before snuggling closer to the elder’s warmth, his arms tucked between their bodies before he finally closed his eyes. “But I still like you.”

Kyuhyun smiles at the boy’s words, and not a moment later, the child was already asleep, quiet snores falling from his pink lips. He was about to carefully lay back down next to the boy and maybe get some rest too when he felt an uneasy presence around them.

He sits back up quickly, a low but quiet growl escaping from the back of his throat as his arms reach down to pull the still sleeping child closer to him.

“Oh look ZhouMi. Look at his new pet.” A voice calls out through the dimly lit room.

Kyuhyun bares his teeth and growls again, his eyes flashing dangerously as they dart about the empty room. “Show yourselves.” He calls out.

“We’re bringing the pet with us. So don’t harm him.” A new voice joins in just as two figures appear.

“ZhouMi, Henry.” Kyuhyun says in distaste as the two materialize before him.

“Hello, Cho Kyuhyun.” Henry says, tilting his head to the side in a mocking way. “Or should I say, your highness.”

“What do you want?” The man in the bed snaps as he feels the child in his arms stirring awake again, pulling him closer.

“You know what we want.” ZhouMi says, leaning back against the wall casually.

“No, I don’t.”

“Stop playing games, your highness. I’m sure MinWook has already warned you beforehand of some consequences coming your way because of your foolish choices.”

“Kyuhyun?” A small voice calls out in confusion as the blonde moves a little in the others protective embrace.

“Look, the pets awake.” Henry says, pointing at the child shamelessly as if it was an animal.

Kyuhyun sits up with the boy still in his arms, his body in defensive mode as the boys turns and looks over his own shoulders to see two strangers standing in front of the fireplace, his eyes widening in fright.

“Grab him.” ZhouMi says, and the smaller of the two unknown males lunged forward with an excited growl.

Kyuhyun lets out a feral growl of his own as he moves the child behind him protectively, his long canines glinting in the dark as he catches Henry by the front of his shirt, holding him back.

“Sorry, we’re late!” Another voice joins in as a figure stumbles a little unsteadily from teleporting.

“Blame Donghae. He wanted to see some fish first he said.” Another man says appearing next to the man who had just face planted from the loss of balance.

“Shut up, Eunhyuk. They were pretty.” Donghae snaps s he gets back up on his feet again.

“Doesn’t matter right now. We need to bring them both back to the palace.” ZhouMi says with a glare at the two. “Our majesty is putting up quite a fight though for his little pet. He would’ve followed us back by now if it weren’t for that human.”

“Hey Kyu. How you holding up?” Donghae says, looking over at the man who was struggling to fend off two vampires at the same time when Eunhyuk decided he wanted to join the fight.

“Kyuhyun!” the child cries, afraid for his protector rather than himself as he clutches onto the back of the others shirt.

Too busy with Henry and Eunhyuk, he didn’t notice ZhouMi moving until he heard a surprised cry from behind him.

“Jongwoon!” Kyuhyun calls out, his defense faltering momentarily and was immediately pinned down. “No! Let him go!” He says, struggling against the other two’s strong hold. “I’ll leave with you guys. Please, just let him go.”

“No.” ZhouMi says quickly, holding the resisting boy tightly to keep him from escaping, nearly crushing the poor child with his inhumane strength. “We need him too.”


“This is not of your concern right now, your highness. You need to return and focus on your subjects that you have abandoned for so many years.” The tallest of them all says, before gesturing for them all to leave. "The elders are waiting for your arrival."

Yesung grumbled impatiently as Kyuhyun was forced to sit through another meeting with the elders who held them captive, making Kyuhyun's role as true ruler feel forced. He leans against the royal mans legs as the said latter reaches down and gently runs his long fingers through the younger’s soft hair in comfort, hearing the quiet complaints he was making.

Jongwoon has been living with a community, or to be more correct, and kingdom of mystical creatures for the past eight years now, his age at fifteen in human years.

The young blonde was currently sitting at the foot of the king’s throne, his back against the golden throne and head resting on the king’s thighs as he was gently petted like a feline in need of attention. In order to protect the child from any lurking dangers, Kyuhyun made the boy his personal servant, serving Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun only, leaving him unavailable to anyone else.

Yesung closes his eyes tiredly as he listened to the elders mull on and on about stuff that went through one ear and out the other for the blonde. It’s already been at least two hours since the meeting has started, and Kyuhyun seems to be unaffected by the long meeting, but it was obvious that the man didn’t want to be there and probably has better things to do than listen to ancient mythical creatures debate over stuff.

A gentle hand on the boys shoulder causes him to look groggily questioningly up at his master. Kyuhyun gestures at Yesung to come and join him on the throne so he was no longer sitting on the floor with his legs folded uncomfortably beneath him or to the side. Hesitantly, the blonde slowly gets up, his expression wary as the elders look up at the servant in distaste for interrupting them. A gentle hand grabs Yesung’s thin wrist and guides him downwards, Kyuhyun pulling the boy into his lap and holding him close.

The room was silent as they watched the two interact, the elders sharing uneasy and disgruntled glances towards each other, but Kyuhyun paid them no heed and gestured for them to continue their endless arguments. They gave the king a long stare for a moment, before finally resuming back to their monotonous conversation.

“Tired?” Kyuhyun whispers softly by the younger’s ear, his lips brushing against it lightly.

Yesung nods once and turns his head so he was facing the elder, staring into Kyuhyun’s concerned eyes. The younger smiles and presses a chaste kiss to the elders lips in reassure that he wasn’t going to collapse on him or anything. They hadn’t really started kissing directly on the lips until recently since Kyuhyun found it uncomfortable doing it to such a young child, but now they just do it whenever it was appropriate. Kyuhyun would like to consider it not ia since Yesung was still growing, and Kyuhyun wasn’t going to be aging much anytime soon, so they’ve still got forever to be together, not wanting age to stop them from anything.

“I’m sorry you have to go through this because of me.” Kyuhyun says sadly, gently running his hand through the others hair again, but the boy just shrugs a little and rests his head on the curve of Kyuhyun’s neck, curling up into the familiar body.

A sigh of content escapes from Yesung’s lips as he closes his eyes again, feeling an arm wrap around him to gently hold him in place and soft lips brush against the crown of his head as the other’s free hand came up to rub his arm comfortingly.

Nothing had happened much within those eight years that Jongwoon has been in this mystical kingdom. Many questions were still left unanswered, but he never prodded too far in questioning, knowing that Kyuhyun didn’t appreciate being asked those. Knowing it was better for his safety, Yesung kept his mouth shut and did whatever his master Kyuhyun told him to do, not wanting to ever leave Kyuhyun’s side.

Although there was still a thread of hope in Jongwoon that one day, just maybe, he would be able to see his father again and be able to be forgiven. It was a hope less truthfully, but Yesung still held onto that thin thread of hope, wanting to have someone to call family someday.

During his time there, Yesung had only made one friend. His name was HanGeng, a Chinese human who was only a year older than him that Yesung had met in the living quarters for the human servants. HanGeng was Heechul’s personal servant. Heechul is Kyuhyun’s personal instructor, but Yesung would gladly debate against that, thinking that Heechul was more like Kyuhyun’s personal fashion critic instead. HanGeng wasn’t much of a speaker, but he liked to be around Yesung sometimes and enjoyed hearing out other people’s problems, and tries to give them some advice through his broken Korean.
Although Yesung didn’t understand or speak Chinese, he was still able to understand the stuttering words that leave HanGeng’s mouth, turning Yesung into HanGeng translator whenever HanGeng had something to say.

It wasn’t an exciting life per say, actually more dangerous than comforting, but Jongwoon still survived. He was cautious of everyone that he comes across in the large palace. Humans are known greatly to be victims to such creatures, those beings eyeing him hungrily for his blood, or for the lust of a human body to pleasure themselves with.

Yesung at first didn’t understand those lustful gazes or cat calls coming his way until Kyuhyun got pissed at a demon for eyeing Yesung that way and threatened him a sentence to death if he didn’t leave immediately, causing Yesung to question why his master got so angry. Kyuhyun looked uncomfortable at being asked such a thing and avoided answering it by taking the blonde to the palace pond to see some turtles. But in the end, curiosity got the better of Jongwoon and he ended up going over to Heechul for an answer since he managed to get close to the diva through HanGeng. And because Heechul had gotten quite the liking to Yesung, treating him like a little brother rather than a servant for Kyuhyun.

When Yesung described the scenario to Heechul, the elder just stared at him for several seconds before bursting out into boisterous laughter, screeching out about Kyuhyun being possessive or something along those lines. After Heechul’s long laugh fest, and odd glances being shared between the two human servants, Heechul finally shamelessly explained why. In the end, Jongwoon left Heechul’s room with a burning red face from embarrassment.

Heechul had explained that humans were a rare thing to come across for the mythical beings. They crave hungrily for humans, because if humans were to ever willingly have a ual with r a mythical being, the pleasure and passion is greater than anything. How Heechul explained it was “once you try it, you’ll never go back.” Humans were now hard to come across, considering that the demons are restricted to ever have interaction with any human beings. It is only if a human approaches them that they are allowed to interact at a limit with them. And if the human agreed on their on free will to follow the being, then they are allowed to be together as friends, or as partners.

Kyuhyun had questioned the deep blush on Jongwoon’s face when he entered his masters chamber, but the blonde just awkwardly smiled it off  before crawling onto the kings bed and into Kyuhyun’s open arms, pressing his red face into the others chest as he willed the blush away. The next morning, Kyuhyun immediately went to Heechul’s room, asking demanding what the hell he had told his servant, Yesung waiting patiently outside of the room, only to see his master walk back out not a moment later, pinching at the bridge of his nose in irritation, his eyes clenched shut.

Kyuhyun finally moves his hand away from his face and runs it through his unruly curls as he lets out a deep breath, looking down at the blonde who was staring up at him with such an innocent expression.

“No really.” Heechul suddenly says, poking his head out of his room, soon followed by HanGeng. “Ask him. He was the one to ask me that. Maybe you should try to control your temper a little better so he doesn’t question such things.”

“Oh never mind.” Kyuhyun snaps, glaring at the diva who simply shrugged. “Let’s go.” Kyuhyun had said, and guides the blonde away from the sniggering instructor.

It was hard to get used to those erse looks and calls from other beings, but Yesung had learned to ignore it all, not wanting to dwell much further on that subject. Other than that, Jongwoon had held a fairly normal life. At least as normal as it could be as the servant of a king that ruled a kingdom of dangerous creatures.

Perfectly normal here.





A/N: yeah, sorry for the rough and very l;ate chapter guys. But hey, school has started for me so I'm dying already.
Enjoy and Please leave comments! (Upvotes would be greatly appreciated too ♥)






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395 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
395 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
395 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ