Chapter 20

Midnight Lovers




Kyuhyun woke to a light, pressing weight on top of him, warm and comforting. He shifts a little on the bed and glances down to see that it was Yesung resting next to him with his head on his chest, eyes open but dazed.

The former king reaches up gingerly and runs it through the raven’s dark and soft hair, stopping when the other suddenly tensed at the movement.

Yesung shifts and sits up, missing the crestfallen expression that crosses the former kings face.
“You’re awake,” he mutters, gazing down at the brunette blankly.

“I…yeah.” Kyuhyun says, sitting up too. “I meant to come and check up on you, not fall asleep, sorry.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck guiltily. Yesung just waves him off, and they both fall silent.

“So uh, how are you feeling?” Kyuhyun asks, reaching up cautiously again, letting the tips of his fingers to graze the other’s cheek lightly.

The dark angel doesn’t reply for a moment, just relishing in the soft and gentle touch against his face, tilting his head a little to lean into the touch more. He suddenly reaches up though, grabbing Kyuhyun’s hand to halt his movements.

“Who am I, Kyuhyun?” the angel whispers, staring down intently at his own lap.

“You’re the soldier for this kingdom Siwon is currently ruling, a warrior. A fallen angel that many believed to have ceased to exist anymore.” Kyuhyun explained matter of factly.

“No, that’s not what I mean.” Yesung sighed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “Who am I really?”

Kyuhyun is silent for a moment as he tried to find the right words.
“A slave,” he whispered. “A servant, a tool, a toy,” he listed. “You’re being used so other’s can make it higher.”

The raven falls silent, seemingly hurt by the information.
“Who am I to you then? What am I to you?”

Kyuhyun opens his mouth to respond, but then closes it, only to repeat the action again, unsure of what to say exactly. Yesung scoots a little closer to the brunette, intent on hearing the other’s response.

“You’re my Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun whispers. “The one I love most, the boy I protected and the person who has finally made my cold heart beat once again.”

“But am I really him, Kyuhyun?”

“I don’t know,” The former king sighs, pulling the other closer and presses their foreheads together. “Everything about you is so much like him. But you have no memories of us….”

Yesung reaches up and gently runs his fingers through the other’s soft brown curls before letting his fingertips graze against the Kyuhyun’s cheek and jaw. “Would you let me be him for you?” he whispers.

“No,” Kyuhyun suddenly said, pulling back. “My Jongwoon is irreplaceable. We’ve been through a lot together, and I can never forget that just to replace him with someone who simply looks like him.”

You are me. A soft voice cries within the back of Yesung’s mind. Dark Angel, you are me.

“But what if I am him, Kyuhyun. What if….What if I just have no memories of being Jongwoon?” Yesung stammers in panic, lost and confused about his own thoughts.

“Then I won’t let anything happen to us anymore. I won’t let anyone take you away from me again, let any harm touch a single hair on your body, or ever let our love disintegrate.” Kyuhyun said, reaching forward and grabbing the other’s chin to pull his face close again.

Yesung gently wraps his arms around the taller male’s neck and presses their lips together softly, keeping it light and innocent. Kyuhyun’s arms find their way around the dark angels, pulling their bodies tighter together as they held onto the lingering kiss, moving his lips only just a little as his eyes fluttered shut. The delicate brush of fingertips against the nape of his neck, the timid nuzzling movement of the other’s soft lips and the softly curved body pressed against his own was all so familiar, too much like Jongwoon’s.

Yesung deepens the kiss but allows the other to dominate when Kyuhyun’s tongue swiped out to brush against his lips, begging for entrance. The angel parted his lips obediently, letting out a small satisfied sigh as Kyuhyun’s tongue slides against his, tasting each other thoroughly.

Kyuhyun broke away for breath after a minute, only to move his lips to the angel’s pale, unmarked neck, his teeth grazing against the smooth skin as he nipped and on it eagerly.

“You want to feed from me,” Yesung chuckles lightly, more of an amused statement than a question.

“You smell just like him, I can’t help it.” Kyuhyun laughs breathily, his cool breath brushing against the other’s neck causing a shiver to rack his body.

“Feed from me then,” Yesung whispered, pressing his lips to the other’s ears, nibbling lightly at the earlobe. “I want you to feed from me,”

Kyuhyun didn’t need to be told twice as he presses his tongue against a certain pulse point, feeling the light beat against his tongue before he let his fangs pierce through the paper thin skin. His tongue was immediately met with the sweet taste of crimson blood, filling his unquenchable thirst for blood.

A light moan falls past the angel’s lips as Kyuhyun’s hands slide beneath his shirt, rough but long fingers grazing against the silky white skin on his back before pressing lower past the waist band and cupping the raven’s backside, squeezing it lightly.

The room door suddenly flies open though with a loud crash, halting the both their actions. But their first reaction was not to pull away in fear of being discovered for their sinful and forbidden acts, but to hold and protect each other, Yesung clutching the former king closer as Kyuhyun wraps his arms protectively around his lover, a low growling escaping from deep within his throat.

They were both met with the sight of an infuriated Siwon who stood alone by the doorway, his eyes glowing a dark red in anger. 

“No one touches my Yesung!” He shouts, running towards them in an ungodly speed and grabs the angel by his arm, successfully tearing him away from a shocked Kyuhyun.

“S-Siwon!” Yesung stammers in fright, trying to pull away from the elder but the other had an iron grip on him.

“Let go of him!” Kyuhyun shouts, seeing the pained expression on his lover’s face as he gets off the bed quickly, but with a flick of his wrist, Siwon sends Kyuhyun flying across the room, colliding with the opposite wall roughly.

“You dare touch my angel!” Siwon shouts, his voice filled with hatred towards the brunette. He crouches down to where Yesung had fallen and grabs him by his hair, pulling his head back sharply. “Look at him! He is mine and mine’s only! You ever dare touch him, let alone drink from him; I will kill you, Cho Kyuhyun!”

“Why are you doing this?!” Kyuhyun shouts, sitting up painfully as he brought the back of his hand up to wipe at the corner of his lips where blood was dripping from, the room dropping down several degrees as his eyes flashed with anger.

“Oh your powers are useless against mine,” Siwon said with a smirk. “Remember where you stand, Kyuhyun. I am an elder no matter what. “He said, his grip still tight in the struggling angel’s hair, the raven unable to defend himself because Siwon had imprinted on him, making his powers useless against him.  “I am doing this because you were a horrid king. You abandoned your subjects and you expect your kingdom to still stay loyal to you once you came back? Look at you, Cho Kyuhyun. You’re merely a human-loving vampire who’s lost your family and lover. You are weak. I am strong. This difference allows me the upper hand in being a reliable king.” Siwon sneers.

“K-Kyuhyun,” Yesung whimpers out, reaching forward for the other and Kyuhyun instinctively tries to reach for him too, but Siwon throws him back again with a flick of his wrist.

“Leave him alone!” Kyuhyun screams, scrambling to get back onto his feet again. “If you love him than leave him alone!”

“Oh I do love him, Kyuhyun. But do you know what I love more?” Siwon asks with a quirk of his eyebrow, an amused grin spreading across his face. He turns Yesung to look at him, the raven’s face tenderly for a moment before kissing him roughly.

Yesung struggles against it, sobbing against those intruding lips and tongue. He was so confused and lost. He yearned desperately for Kyuhyun, but yet his body continues to tell him that he belongs to Siwon because of their imprint.

Siwon finally pulls away with a sinister smile, a little bit of blood smeared across his lips from being too rough but he the trace away as he looks back at Kyuhyun. “I love watching you suffer.”

Kyuhyun was stunned into silence. He was disgusted by the fact that Siwon would rather hurt his lover just to watch another suffer. It was cruel and ruthless.

“Guards!” Siwon called out, and running footsteps were heard in a distance, Kyuhyun just sitting on the floor in defeat as he gazed sadly up at his crying angel.

Two demons stumbled in looking a little disheveled, probably trying their hardest to impress the current king so they could get some sort of promotion by arriving fast.

“Take him back to the dungeons.” Siwon said, gesturing towards the brunette with a jerk of his chin.

“Y-Yes sir!” The two demons said in unison, before they each grabbed an arm of Kyuhyun’s and tried to drag him away but he shook them off roughly.

“I can walk on my own.” He snapped, getting up and striding out of the room angrily with the two demons trailing after him quickly.

“Look, my dear Yesung. He is weak.” Siwon said, turning his attention back to his lover, grabbing his face with one hand and turning the raven to look at him sharply. “Love me, my darling, love me only. I am strong, and powerful, I could protect you against the world.”

Yesung says nothing and just stares tearfully at the king, deciding that it’s probably best to keep his lips sealed before he says something he’ll regret later.

“You approached him again, didn’t you?” A small voice speaks out into the darkness.

Kyuhyun chooses to ignore it as he pulls his knees close to his chest on the makeshift bed of his prison, the chains around his ankles ringing loudly in the silent darkness.

“You know how protective Siwon is of Yesung, considering that he is his lover and the warrior of this ‘new kingdom’. Why would you do something so ruthless?” The voice sighs in exasperation.

“Because I love him.” Kyuhyun whispers into the dark.  “Ryeowook, I’m sure you understand the limitless things you’d do just to keep your lover close and safe to yourself.” He said, finally lifting his head up to stare at the fire user from behind the bars of his prison.

“Is he worth it, Kyuhyun?” Ryeowook says, reaching up to grab the bars as he stared at his former king. “Do you really think Jongwoon is inside of him? That he has only just lost his memories?”

Kyuhyun was silent for a moment, staring intently down at the straw covered ground, before nodding once hesitantly. “I can recognize him anywhere; his scent, his eyes, the taste of him and the mere presence of him is like Jongwoon’s. His aura is tainted and evil, but I know it’s him, Ryeowook. I can feel him in the Dark Angel.”

“And you want him back?” The fire user asks.

Kyuhyun gives the other a look, annoyed that he was stating the obvious. “Yes, I want him back. I’d do anything to get him back.”

A sly smile suddenly appears across Ryeowook’s face as he gazes at the brunette before him. “Then Kyuhyun, may I ask of you to sacrifice one more thing in order to retrieve your lover back?”

Kyuhyun looks up at the boy with confusion and curiosity his brows furrowing together in interest.

A distant explosion answers his thoughts though as his jaw drops open a little, his eyes widening in realization, Ryeowook grinning even more.

“Fight with us.”



A/N: Yeah, sorry for not updating for so long guys! I'm so sorry >.<
And I know, it's sort of a small and disappointing chapter, but I'm sure TheGreatRinnim will not disappoint for the next chapter :D Anyways, enjoy and please leave some comments! 





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395 streak #1
Chapter 27: I'm not sure it's a happy ending or not 😅 but thank you for sharing the story! I enjoyed it so much!
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: From kyusung, then yekyu 😂
395 streak #3
Chapter 14: That between sungmin and wookie 🤭
395 streak #4
Chapter 6: I manage to read until this chapter tho I'm sick right now 😂

It's fantastic and made me want to click that next chapter button
Chapter 27: But ai kinda am still broken hearted for Yesung the angel. Sure Kyu has Jongwoon now, the human, the vessel. But how about Yesung? He has the memories of Kyu, but they cannot be together. I am sad. Well.. Bittersweet. Such a bittersweet ending :'(
Chapter 13: Oooooh I was seriously waiting for Siwon. Now this KyuSung fic is complete! (Oh of course, a happy endingg I guess will make it more perfect haha but I'll get to that later)
Chapter 10: I always like KyuSung stories with Heechul being protective to Yeye as a brother or as a friend.
Cenya14 #8
Chapter 26: Great story, happy that Kyu got to be with Jongwoon in the end
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 27: this is so precious... a fic full of emotions, its just beautiful but i feel kinda sad but at the same time grateful with the last chapter... Kyuhyun reunited with Jongwoon... But poor Yesung, i still couldnt understand why he cant be just Jongwoon.. but still its a happy ending... Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 27: No .... my pooor Yesung ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ