Shattered Dreams

A Joker's Life: What Am I to Lose?

It was a great Monday morning in Seoul. Just as stated in the weather forecast the night before, it was a morning full of warmth and sunshine. The slightly crisp morning air made water droplets to condense on people's windows. At 7 am sharp, people of all ages started waking up, ready for a busy day ahead. Some slightly groaning at the memory that it was Monday; the worst day of the week. A day which most people all over the world dread.


One of these people were none other than the Joker himself, or his real name, which would be Yong Junhyung. He was still sound asleep until the damn alarm to his phone started ringing.


Everyday I just can't control

Every night the loneliness my lo-


Groaning, he turned off his alarm and continued to be in deep slumber with a promise of waking up after 5 more minutes. Comfortably snuggled up against his blue bolster, he reassumed back to his dreamland. The only place where he can find peace and actually be happy for once. No one was there to hurt him with their selfish ways and bitter words. Well not anymore. That was all in the past. Since the pain in his life started, his dreams have only been horrifying, containing all of his worse fears. They couldn't even be called dreams anymore. Nightmares suited them better.


When it comes to time, especially if it involves sleeping, Junhyung is never good at keeping promises. After 5 minutes -which was actually 10 minutes really- he finally got up and dragged his heavy feet to the bathroom to get ready for school or as he preferred to call it, for hell.


After 20 minutes time he was all clean and smart in his school uniform. Pinning his name tag on the left side of his indigo blazer, he took a last look at the handsome reflection on the mirror and immediately went downstairs with his black schoolbag slung on one shoulder. Downstairs, the dining table was full with many varieties of food. From toast to kimchi fried rice, you name them. Junhyung decided on a piece of plain dry toast as he doesn't really have an appetite in the mornings. He preferred to just skip breakfast altogether, but if he did that, he knew that his mother-like maid would shove the nearest food to her inside his mouth. Leaving Junhyung no choice but to eat the easiest eaten food he could find. Chewing the last bits of toast carelessly, he took a sip of plain water from his plastic blue cup to wash the toast down.


Walking the front step of his house, he sat down and put on his shoes. He made sure to lace them up nice and tight so that they won't come undone and create trouble. As if he doesn't create enough trouble at school already. He stood up and watched the view before him. He lives in a friendly neighbourhood where everyone knew each other. A tiny smile crept on his lips upon seeing two middle schoolers, probably siblings, walked to their school while chatting happily. Junhyung's house is located near a middle school.


Taking a glance at his expensive wristwatch that his dad gave to him two years back, the smile dropped as fast as it came. 'Where is this old man?'. Feeling slightly irritated he wondered again, just like every single day before, why his dad is always late.The old man could never be on time even if his life depended on it. This just made Junhyung's irritation grow even more. The front door opened, breaking his train of thoughts, signalling that his dad was finally ready.


Ignoring the old man, he shifted his feet and got into the car. When they drove off -finally-, Junhyung thought again about applying for boarding. His school was located too far from his house that with a dad like his, he always makes it to school barely on time. Early enough to not get him an unwanted appointment with the vice principle. This is a problem though. Junhyung actually wanted to apply for boarding, anything to escape his house, but he really couldn't even if he wanted to. He isn't a spoiled brat or anything, in fact, he's a mature boy who can be independent at the right time. But because of that problem, there's a possibility that he won't survive boarding. With a little disappointment, he had to say goodbye to any chance of escaping his house. University is his only chance left available.


During the long drive, his dad gave him advice, lectures and told some boring stories based on his experiences. This happened every morning since he started high school. Usually Junhyung would entertain him, but on Mondays, his mood is dampen all over and he ignore the stupid lectures. In order to not hurt the old man's feelings, he pretended to listen intently to his dad. The old man didn't even notice. A silent smirk appeared on Junhyung's lips. 'Works every time.'


Luckily for him, there was no traffic or ty drivers that morning. With the help of the gas pedal, Junhyung managed to arrive at school in 20 minutes or so. Bidding his ad goodbye, he just stayed silent hearing his advice. Always the same every morning since middle school; pay attention in class.


Junhyung climbed up 4 flight of stairs, 40 steps in total every morning. Imagine the calories from the morning's breakfast already burnt. Every morning felt like he was in P.E. class. His luck that the 1st year students' classes were on the 3rd floor. Sometimes he hates his school for being too big. Irony cause being big was the only thing he likes about that hell apart from the friendly seniors. He is just grateful that his class isn't on the 4th floor, the highest floor. It takes him about 2 more years to land a class on that floor. For people who aren't familiar with the school, it would look more like a campus instead of a high school. And Junhyung is more than proud of that.


By the time he got to is class, he was struggling to get some big gulps of air into his lungs. He doesn't have what people call a good stamina, and knowing that he had it was only worsening his condition. He took a seat at the desk at the very back of the class and rested his head on his folded arms which were placed on his desk. Sighing, he closed his eyes and waited for class to begin in a couple of minutes.


The day went on like usual ; boring as hell. All the subjects on Mondays are extra boring. To make it worse, they have to serve an extra period too. Junhyung either slept or spaced out on all the subjects. According to Junhyung, these were the only ways of surviving a boring Monday while keeping himself relaxed and entertained. Moreover, he usually loses sleep on school days. School has been a keeping them occupied with piles of homework everyday. As to why Junhyung has to sacrifice his precious sleep time to finish all of them. He thinks all the teachers teaching his class are asses. Don't get him wrong, the teachers are nice and all, but they're all too boring for their own good.


The worst is their homeroom teacher who also happens to teach them Science. She's extra picky and nags a lot. She wants things to be done only according to her way. While Junhyung has always loved to do things his way, a clash of opinion happen. So Junhyung does his Science work the way the wants it while still maintaining his way. It's a win-win situation where both parties win.


By the end of the day, Junhyung woke up to the feeling of his seatmate slightly shaking him.When he fully woke up, he thanked his seatmate and quickly packed his things. Then him and a couple of his classmates were on duty. He leaned against the wall outside that faced his class and waited for his seatmate to be done. He doesn't even know why he always waits for his seatmate. They may seem close, but he hates his seatmate with all his guts. They all do; their old classmates and their new classmates. Even his former homeroom teacher during middle school isn't very fond of his seatmate.


His seatmate is a kind-hearted and an innocent person with a very innocent face which often makes Junhyung feel like he's just using him. Junhyung pretends to be nice in front of him when Junhyung's actually talking behind his seatmate's back. Junhyung and all the people who hate the innocent kid aren't jerks, but no one likes spoiled brats, right? Spoiled kid who gets everything that he wants done his way. Plus, he always complains about his life to Junhyung. As if Junhyung ever cares!


He mainly complains about not having a dad anymore. 'Oh, grow up! You're not the only one who has problems! I bet my life is harder than yours! I've known many people who loses their parents at a young age and none of them ever complained or asked for pity! Besides, you think having family is always great, huh?! Naive brat!', Junhyung secretly yells in his mind after having enough of his seatmate's complaints. But his seatmate is only hearing, "Be patient. I know it's not easy but just be strong." from Junhyung's mouth. Junhyung doesn't know if the innocent kid knows that he hates him, but he really couldn't care less.


After thinking, Junhyung noticed the spoiled brat standing in front of him, all ready to go home. They went downstairs, in which Junhyung doesn't exhaust himself at all cause going down uses less energy than climbing up. They bid each other goodbye. Junhyung went into his car and when his dad asked him how his day went, he answered the usual 'boring'. And once again, his dad tried convincing him that no way such an elite school could be boring. Little did his dad know that he's only convincing himself. 'You think I'm a 5 year old kid? Your non-effective convincing won't work on me, old man.' Junhyung ignored his dad and looked out the window. 'Stupid school!'.


There's a reason why Junhyung hates his school so much. Mainly because his school is a Science school. What he really wanted was to further his studies at an Art school and become a music producer. However, before he could even ask his parents about the Art school, he heard that they wanted him to become a doctor and study at the family tradition's elite Science school. He had no choice but to comply them even tough his passion for Science isn't nearly as strong as his passion for Arts.


Since young, little Junhyungie actually wanted to follow his siblings' footsteps and become a doctor or engineer, but since the beginning he only had passion for art crafts at first, which slowly developed into interest for performing arts. Music to be exact. He couldn't lie to himself anymore and decided to stand up for his passion. Alas, it didn't work and he had to hope on university. Until now his parents never knew about the existence of an Art school application form in the drawer, safely hidden from others.


Elite or not elite, a mere Science school isn't gonna shatter his dreams for a second time. He ain't giving up or his name isn't Yong Junhyung.



Finally, the 1st chap is up. Hope you all like it. Don't forget to comment or even better, subscribe! And what is the problem that Junhyung says he's been having? Read the coming chapters to find out!

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GBaby06 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet! Please update
Soon!!! ^^
yumimitsuki #2
when are you going to update??^^
yumimitsuki #3
Chapter 1: your story seems to be ecxiting and all....please keep updating i can't wait for the second chapter!XD
Chapter 1: so... hwaiting on this story.