First Encounter ♥

The Secret
Your POV (Ji Eun)
The rain was pouring down on to the pavement mercilessly and the splatters of raindrops on umberellas sounded endlessly. People rushed through the streets of Seoul and escaped to taxis and coffee shops. It was the first night of your 3rd part time job of the week and being late was not acceptable-the weather wasn't helping. Just like any other part time coffee shop job you've ever done, serving and cleaning tables didn't seem like a tiring job anymore. 
You were holding a cup of coffe in your hand when suddenly, someone walked in to you and you spilled the coffee all over him. You gasped in surprise and without hesitation, you quickly bowed and said multiple apologies hoping that the person would forgive you so you wouldn't lose your part time job because you really needed the money. However, reality was harsh, as always, and as you lifted you head, an annoyed faced guy was brushing off his expensive suit and by the looks of it, getting ready to shout at you- as expected. 
"Aish! Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" yelled the faced guy and attracting attention so the manager, the workers and the customers were all staring at the scene.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" You stuttered while afraid to look up.

"Is your sorry going to do anything? How dare you spill coffee all over me. Are you going to pay for this? Because if you are, it'll prevent you from loosing your job," smirked the faced guy.
That was when you finally looked up and stared at him hard, full of hatred. You weren't going to let someone so arrogant make you lose your job. Besides, it wasn't even you who crashed in to him, he crashed in to you first and now he's trying to make me pay? Is this guy mental or what? Yoy blew your fringe away from covering your eyes and continued to stare at him while he stared back
"Pshh. For starters, I didn't even bump in to you so you can take back what you said, which leads on to the money which i will definately not pay," and you walked back to the coffee machine to re make the coffee you dropped. 
The faced guy wasn't going to let this go. How dare she just walk off like that? I will definately get her fired from her job. Just you wait pretty waiter girl.


HEY GUYSSS!!! I have finally updated lol. Well this is the first chapter of the remake. Yeah, so it's really mysterious and everything coz you dont know who the guy is :o It might be really obvious.... but leave who your thoughts are of the guy in the comments ^^ 
Hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter thoughh. ♥



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Kenzie8590 #1
Chapter 1: Yeahhhh update soon please