Happy Birthday JiYongie~

My Cookies Monster

JiYong's eyes goes wide when he looking at DaeSung holding a big scissor right in front restroom door. JiYong blinking for several times while waiting for DaeSung realizing that he can’t come out from restroom properly if DaeSung keeps blocking him like this. But the object seems like too busy searching for something and even don’t have time for looking at his leader.

“DaeSung, what are you doing?”, and finally his maknae turning his body around to facing him, his face look so confuse.

“Hyung, do you see TOP hyung?”, he is frowning now.

“SeungHyun hyung? No. Why?”, JiYong then pointing a big scissor in his hand. “And why you bring that scary thing?”

“Oh…I will explain it to you later, after I find TOP hyung.”, he then give JiYong bitter smile and walking slowly leaving confuse JiYong. JiYong takes a deep breath and closing the door behind him.

Today is their first time photoshoot as BigBang after 3 months ago they were stand together on stage, at JiYong’s solo concert. After that everyone so busy with their solo activities and never have time to gather like this. Seems like everyone so exciting, especially SeungRi who will have come back in 4 days and YoungBae who already finish with his project. Dae looks happy like usual, while JiYong coming with a tired body and mind. SeungHyun still with his calm and mysterious aura, he just said ‘Hi’ to JiYong an hour ago then busy playing with the rest maknaes except him.

“Stupid me.”, JiYong talking to himself while walking slowly to rooftop, he wants to smoke. Alone.

Yes, he thinks he is alone on rooftop before seeing a big blue cookies monster with so many fur sitting head on his knees behind the door. What a day, JiYong blinking so much today.

“Great, so now I get a hallucination. Maybe I am too tired.”, JiYong say and rubbing his forehead. Suddenly the cookies monster looking at him and stand up, he grabs JiYong’s shoulder and talking when JiYong screaming.


JiYong,its me SeungHyun!

But all that cookies monster seeing now is a confusing  and scary JiYong.

JiYong, It’s me!

The cookies monster then let JiYong go and take 2 steps back, his hands trying to scratching back of his head. JiYong standing infront of that strange cookies monster for about 3 minutes just for watching he scratching his back, struggle to open the costume. JiYong who scared at first now walking closer to him and offering his help.

“Can I help you?”

Yes, please.

JiYong smiling and walking to the back of cookies monster and see some fur get stuck in zip. He tries to pulling some fur, but end up make the costume bald in some area.

“Oh, the fur get stuck in zip. I am afraid if I pull it, it will become bald.”


The cookies monster can hear a little laugh right after he hits his knees, he turn around and see JiYong laughing. “Your face is so funny. And I know you trying to say something, but all I can hear is sound of whistling.”

SeungHyun smiling inside the costume, its been a while he doesn’t hear Jiyong laughing like that. It’s so refreshing, making him forget that he stuck inside the costume.

What are you doing here? Photoshoot will start in for a moment.

“Hm? What did you say? That’s a long whistle.”, JiYong hold cookies monster hands and stand on his tiptoes trying to look inside the costume through a pair of stupid round eyes. SeungHyun bending a little, he can see JiYong’s eyes too, a strong yet pure and tired eyes.

This is useless,Ji.

“You have same tall with SeungHyunie hyung.”, JiYong let cookies monster go then walking to fence and take his cigarette out from his pocket. “DaeSung searching for him, bring a big scissor.”

Ah! That’s for this costume!

“Where is he? Why he always going alone? Is he doesn’t need me anymore?”, JiYong talking like he doesn’t hear a whistle before. SeungHyun actually surprise listening at his last words. “Oh, don’t mind me cookies monster. I just, well you know...”, he waving his hand and back enjoying his cigarette.

SeungHyun walking difficulty with all fur goes near to JiYong who looking at sky now. JiYong’s body so thin right now, with a pale colour. SeungHyun know he is a workaholic, a mature man who can take care of his body, but he know he is a person who  never fail to make him worry too. He is special person in his life after all.

“Oh, do you want too?”, JiYong looking at cookies monster with a big grin that standing beside him now. Then he laughing, “Sorry…well you remind me of SeungHyunie hyung. You looks so funny and warm and we always smoke together on rooftop, always…but, well…not anymore…”


“He is busy and I am busy too. When he called me, I can’t answer and vice versa. Distance eating our relationship.”. Silence growing between them, cookies monster keep looking at JiYong, while JiYong keep smoking until his first cigarette finished. A fur hand stoping him when he wants to take the second cigarette. JiYong looking at him.

Stop! You are not enough sleep and eat, you will sick, JiYong. You can smoking with me later at villa after this.

SeungHyun trying to talk, but all JiYong can hear is a whistle with Happy Birthday melody. He frowning and shake his head. JiYong put the cigarette back, then take out his phone. “I don’t understand, cookies monster. This is my phone, so you-“

The cookies monster hugging him. JiYong’s body so small, now a big costume full of fur covering him. But he doesn’t feel afraid at all, he doesn’t feel worry. His eyes suddenly full of water, he needs this hug, he needs this warm feeling.

“You will not eating me, right cookies monster?"


"I just need him. I miss him.”

I miss you to, JiYong. Happy Birthday, my lovely boy.

They hugging each other for some minutes, SeungHyun let JiYong go when he hears his phone and JiYong’s phone ringing at same times. JiYong looking at screen and his manager id showing. Everybody must be looking for them.

“Oh, I have to go.”, JiYong running go to the door and stop then turning around his slimming body. “I don’t know who you are,but since you in this building I bet you are our crew. Anyway, thank you. I will ask someone to help you. Oh, and because of you, I think I can say that I miss him right when I see his perfect face.”, JiYong bowing and disappear behind door leaving SeungHyun head down blushing inside costume.

You always a kind heart Kwon JiYong. What if I am a Ssaeng fan?! You are so small until can fit in suitcase and can be taken away easily. Stupid!

I miss you too, I miss us.

“Hyung?!”, SeungHyun jump on spot when he hears DaeSung’s voice.


“I’ve been searching for you! What are you doing here?! Thank’s God no one seeing you like this.”, DaeSung coming closer with his big scissor.

I am so shy, that’s why I am run here. We just playing with this costume and how I am end up stuck in this stupid costume?!

“Yeah yeah~ I don’t understand, hyung. You just keep whistling in my ears. Now turn around, let me help you. JiYong hyung waiting for you.”, SeungHyun grining wide when he hears that.

Yeah, I am waiting for him too.

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Shakilla #1
Chapter 1: Ohhh...how adorable that :*
Chapter 1: Why did you stop there? I need more ;A;
That wass sooo cuteeeee i cry ;A;
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa cuutteeeeeeee <3 those two really need some time to spend their time together and make their relationship work again and happily ever after <333
Chapter 1: awww so cute >__< I can totally picture Tabi playing around in a cookie monster costume and getting stuck, so cute <3
rujakcingur #5
Chapter 1: Oh my...can i have seunghyun in cookie monster costume for me please??? this is cute.
Jiahyunnie #6
can't wait!!!!!!