Andy's Muses

JinDy 30 Word Drabble Challenge

A/N: The previous drabbles were generally in Junjin's POV. This second half focusses more on Andy ^^



16. Pregnancy


He recognises melancholy in Junjin’s eyes when they see children playing in the park. Junjin thinks he doesn’t notice.

He does, though. And wonders if this relationship is a mistake.



17. Roses


Andy stares at the bouquet. ‘...Seriously?’

Junjin grows adorably defensive. ‘I didn’t know how else to make it up to you, OK! I’m ... sorry ... for hurting your feelings...’



18. s


They’re awkward at this, fumbling and slipping up. It’s a first for both.

But that’s how they learn each other, Andy breathing Junjin’s name in his ear, again and again.



19. Future


Andy thinks about it often, fantasising, worrying ... How things will end up for him.

Recently, his fantasies have changed. Since when did Junjin enter the picture of his future?



20. Wedding


Of course it’s Junjin’s idea to elope to Canada. Find a church – tie the knot, he says.

Andy calls him insane, but the idea is now stuck in his head.



21. I Love You


Andy says it just once. Junjin, too.

Several years later, they still haven’t uttered those three words to each other again. They have never needed to. Not when it’s obvious.



22. Dance


Andy is a good dancer, thank you very much.

That doesn’t stop Junjin from finding excuses to “help” him, though, his helping touches here and there lingering for too long.



23. Home


Andy’s not the cheesy type but, as he admires how the first rays of the sun dance on Junjin’s sleeping face, he thinks that home is where the heart is.



24. Relief


For too long has he held back, afraid of rejection. But as Andy waits for Junjin to respond, he thinks to himself what a relief it is to finally confess.



25. Cheating


Andy refuses to pay up. ‘You cheated.’

Junjin cackles, still doing his victory dance. ‘You can’t cheat at bowling, Andy-yah! Admit it, you finally lost to me. At bowling. Hah!’



26. Different


Something is different. Something is wrong in the way Andy acts around him, looks at him. It’s unnerving.

Especially now, when Andy has him cornered, piercing eyes dark with lust.



27. Beginning


Who knew a simple poke on Facebook could be the beginning of a whole new chapter in his life?

Andy’s not complaining, though. Not when he finally meets this “Junjin”.



28. Holding hands


It’s the most normal thing in the world for them, being Shinhwa. So, the first time his heart speeds up when Junjin takes his hand, Andy thinks nothing of it.



29. Sparkle


Andy resigns himself to trouble the moment he sees that naughty sparkle in Junjin’s eyes. It takes him by surprise, though, when Junjin pounces on him and kisses him soundly.



30. Beauty


Andy will never admit it, but sometimes, he looks at Junjin and sees the beauty he himself can never attain.

Little does he know Junjin sees the same in him.



A/N: I finaly got a bit more time to finish off these drabbles xD I hope you enjoyed these little things. I had fun writing them ^^

As always, comments and feedback are highly appreciated <3


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Yay done! Last half of the drabbles are now up, people ^^


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sue_erin #1
i've fallen in love with jindy..jindy so cute..please write more jindy
Chapter 2: I want all the stories to continue. So. Badly.
Awesome! Even though there are not so much words behind it has a full chapter. Good luck writing!(^.^)
Chapter 2: Omg, this was such an awesome read :') something different from the usual rush of oneshots and full length fics.

You're just such an amazing writer, for me one of the marks of a truly amazing writer is being able to tell a full story even through limited words. You're awesome ♥

And these are so cute! I'd definitely be reading this again and again. Awesome ♥♥♥♥♥♥
fallendrops #4
Chapter 2: omg it's really cute and......................
cute ><
thanks for these jindy drabbles!:3
Really cute ^^ If you ever planing on doing this thing to a story, please tell me, I wanna read it ^^ (A)
Chapter 2: this is really good <3
Chapter 2: Love the way you write! it's very realistic and so cute :) hope you do some other jindy fic . I will definitely read it ;)
Chapter 2: They're still so cute, they make me go aww, and then Smile, the next moment one will make me frown, I just love them :D They're so cute :D I just love your writing in general I think :P
Chapter 1: Aww, this is really super cute, it's like, quote's or something, that people always put on facebook or twitter, so people will ask about what you meant :P And as I read the last one, I totally remembered that moment :P These are so good, I really can't stress that enough, they're really enjoyable, and if they're quick to do, I would definitely love for you to do them as you collect you thought's for Bondaries :D I just love reading your Jindy :D