
Four Brothers and a Wedding. STORY START

I apologize for this not being a chapter update!! I really am, I've been MIA with my stories cause of block and school. Man why is high school tough?! Well, I really am in the process of chapter two, its just that I can barely think anymore let alone function! I just have such a hectic schedule! I have to memorize some dance for my dance class and be able to perform it next week like what?! And my guitar teacher frustrates me because she's so picky! Anyway, I'm sorry for my rant about my personal life. LOL. Well I guess you guys know more about me now? xD Well, trust me, I'm trying my best to type in chapter two hopefully it will be up sometime this coming week. Again, my apologies I know you would rather read a chapter and not my bickering. 

Author Out!~ Ppyong!~

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Lost two subscribers. WELL THEN. LOL,it's alright, their choice


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Chapter 9: Update soon XD..!!
Chapter 9: oh my gosh, the brothers and Haein are so cute together.
LOL at eunji's character, she put a spider in Hyunseok's room? poor Hyunseok...
Victoria, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and IU are finally there!! I like it, that means there are love scenes coming, right? I want love scenes..
I see that you changed the third brother into an oc, and also Yongguk as the groom. that's good !!
ohh.. the last part, the brothers finally met Yongguk, what will they say? it's such a cliffhanger authornim, please update soon..^^
Chapter 9: LOL i like this eunji character xD
you lost two subscribers? I feel bad for you, and I even saw that one of those who unsubscribed, applied to this story as the third brother. I saw it in the comments. I'm a stalker, I know... I hope he/she just accidentally unsubscribed, and didn't do it on purpose. (T-T)
Chapter 9: LOL at the title, Update/Rant..
I understand author-nim if you are busy, don't pressure yourself much, because I'll wait for chapter two patiently, hopefully the others will too.
fighting author-nim..~!!^^
Chapter 7: the brothers are so problematic, so cute !!^^
congratz to everyone, literally !!^^
LOL at Hanbyul and Hakyeon arguing in the middle of the airport, while Byungsoo and Hyunseok running around.
I just love them ..!!
I wanna know what Haneul will react to her brothers, hehe..
update soon!!
Chapter 5: loled much at this guys reactions.
they're full of expressions.
haneul is really luck- unlucky to have such a protective brothers cx
and the professor's student..... LMAO.
this is the best teaser ever.
/singing 1d's best song ever/
looking forward for the first chapter xD
Chapter 5: bwAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! their reactions were so cute though~
they're all so over-protective of her c':
makes me wish that i had an older bro ;c
owwh, poor haneul.. cx
it happened to me this morning though o u o;
i love the third brother, he's just so caring.
and the second oldest brother is pretty much everything any other guy would be jealous of.
the poor professer doe ;; and can't his students have more respect? like seriously..
i probably would've ran up to the professer to see if he was still breathing!
and the little brother seems so cute~
even though there wasn't much to describe about him hahaha.
Chapter 5: I like the teaser !!
Hahaha, everything about this teaser is cute and funny.
LOL at their reactions !!
Haneul got splashed by water, If looks can kill hehe... I'm guessing it's the third oldest brother.
The students, really? poor professor. Definitely the eldest.
wow, just wow. The second oldest really has everything, car, suit, building, language[english], everything's perfect.
Haha, oh my, when the 'singing grown man' said 'what?' to make sure the youngest brother didn't start a fire, haha.. It's just so funny.
thank you so much for the teaser !!^^
Chapter 2: lollolloll~ so you are a khuntorians huh? but it's kyeontoria here x) /slapped/ glad you loved my scene requests. thank you for the review and good luck for your story too :D