I was wrong.

Fight. Make-up. Loss. Realization.





Reader's POV


"You think I like you?" He smirked. He flashed his evil smirk that I loved. Used to love. I bowed my head down. I felt like

loosing my breathe. Tears brimmed on my eyes. Wanting to be let out. I stayed shut in silence.

"See? You can't even answer. *sigh* You can go now. I don't need you. Never will. You're not even pretty. I hate girls like you. Clingy. Tss" He threw those words to me like big boulders of rock. I am not the type of person to shut up when I think my pride or I'm stomped down by a person. I will always fire back and prove my points. But today, I didn't had the courage to speak up. There's a ball of silence trapped down in my throat. And if I was to speak, my voice just will crack and sobs might just came out. I was still able to get out of the room without any words to speak. I got out of the apartment. Drops of water and a thunder awakened me and brought me back to reality. It started to rain. Hard. It's as if the sky is crying with me. I walked not caring if I get wet or what. Goodbye Kim Heechul.




Heechul's POV


I shot those words to her. I looked at her in my most disgustful face. She didn't speak, nor flinched. She just stared at the ground. If she could just see my face. Tears forming in my eyes. Good thing my voice didn't crack up. Her tears flowed from her cheeks. ! I told her I hate her. I was hoping she would fire back. It isn't really her to no to speak up. She always fights. I become a totally different person whenever she starts to speak and defend her points. I want to hear her voice for I guess, the last time. She backed away a few steps without even raising her head. She turned back and walked out of the room. I sighed in deep. My mouth hanged agape and tears flowing non-stop. I fell on my knees. I punched the floor. If only she knew how ironic my words really meant. I cried. On bended knees. I heard a thunder. I shot my head up. It’s raining. I paused. Thinking if I should go to her. Think Heechul think!


'I have to have her!'


 Now, Heechul, stand up!


'No, I hurted her already. I've created a deep whole in her'.


'No! I have to catch up to her!'


'But Heechul!'


'You bastard! Stand!'


My egos argued. But then, my heart gave me the strength to stand up, I grabbed an umbrella and ran, hoping that I'll still catch up to her.




3rd Person's POV


____ walked away in sadness. Still crying. The rain pouring hard. She didn't know where to go. The street is empty. She hears nothing but rain falling to the ground and to her skin. She hugged herself. She starts to feel numb from the coldness. For some minute that she had walked, the rain suddenly stopped pouring on her. She looked straight, there still rain. She got confused. Then the sound of rain pouring on something like an umbrella was heard. She looked up. She turned her back a little to her back. And to her surprise, Heechul was there, holding the umbrella, breathing hard.


"Heechul" she softly said.



There was a moment of silence.






Heechul started to speak.

"____ I was wrong. I don’t hate you. I can't hate you."

"Why are you like this? If you are just pitying me or toying with my feelings, then this has to stop. Heechul, the damage has been done. You hurted my too much. I'm tired. You'd said too much. You can't just eat those words that you already spitted on me. I'm through loving you. Let’s just stop kidding ourselves." _____ started to walk away after she said those words but Heechul grabbed her hand and closed the closest gap between their faces and their lips meant. Heechul felt like new. He dropped the umbrella and held ____'s face and deepened the kiss. _____ felt a sting on her body. She liked it but she knows it's wrong. They loved this feeling. After the blissful kiss, _____ held Heechul's face,

"I'm sorry." she said and walked away. Heechul can't believe what he is seeing. He thought that everything will be alright already. He watched ____, his love, about to cross the street. Until continuous honking, screeching tires and a loud thud was heard. He froze. _____ was thrown feets away from the truck and meters away from him. Her body was bended, lying lifeless on the ground. Soaked in water and blood of her own. Heechul came closer to her. Dropped on his knees. The driver went over panicking. He starts to call for help. The rain pours so hard. Heechul kept on murmuring _____'s name. And the next thing he knew, he stands beside a hospital bed, ____'s body covered with white cloth. Hechul raised a shaking hand and uncovered _____'s body. He shut his eyes tight. Scrunched his face in agony. The one he loves is now a dead corpse. He hugged her body. Tight. It felt cold. It hurted him. He screams her name. Telling her to be back. Wishing for her to be alive and hug him back.



"I've never really realized how you meant to me until you're gone. Now I just want to turn back time to let you feel how much I really love you."

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congrats ^^
Congrats :))
Chapter 1: Congrats on the random feature :3
congrats :3
Congratulations on the random feature!! :D