
Love At First Sight

40 seconds ago did Daehyun just pass by a handsome young man, sitting alone at an open table of a cafe. 

50 seconds.
He was still walking, but he wanted to stop.
60 seconds.
He wanted to turn back.
Past a minute.
He froze. He wanted to turn around. He probably looked like a crazy person, walking away speeding in one direction then back the other way even faster. He didn't know why he just turned around. Maybe. He just felt he really needed to. He reached the cafe, and despair reached him. The table was now empty.
        Same path, roughly the same time, Daehyun walked by the cafe again the next day. The man was there, at the same table. This time he wasn't going to miss.
"Hi" he said to the man. He turned to face him, and Daehyun scrutinised his face. Fair, full lips and big bright eyes; he was gorgeous.
The man smiled. "Hi" he said. There was a momentory period of awkward for Daehyun before he pulled up the chair and sat down.
"I'm Daehyun, Jung Daehyun." The man stared at him, still smiling. "Youngjae, Yoo Youngjae." The corners of Daehyun's lips pulled up; was he blushing? "So..... Uh, do you come here often? I mean , yeah you probably do, I see you sitting here everyday. Not that I stalk you or anything, I mean, I walk past this place everyday to go home... So I noticed you and... yeah..."
Smooth Daehyun, smooth, he mentally face palmed. The man, Youngjae, laughed slightly at his flustering. "I like to sit here. You get to feel the cool breeze" he said. Daehyun nods. "Yeah, feels nice. Calming" he said. Youngjae smiled and took a sip from his large mug of coffee.
"Do you drink coffee?" He suddenly asked Daehyun, lashes staring up from his mug. Daehyun's insides froze for a fraction of a second befre replying. "Uh, yeah, I guess every now and then." Youngjae nods. "It's very-" He puts his mug down. "Calming. Coffee." Daehyun mechanically nods again. Youngjae turns  his head to the street.
"You are not calm most of the time. School. Work. But every once and a while, you need that time of calmness." Abruptly Youngjae gets up. Daehyun was frozen again as he tried to comprehend, till Youngjae passes him a napkin. "It was nice talking to you, Jung Daehyun."
The napkin had Youngjae's number on it.
Daehyun gets up, feet stumbling on air. "Youngjae!" he yells. Youngjar stops and gracefully turns around. "Wha- What is this for?" he asks, holding the napkin out at him.
What happened next was beyond his wildest expectations.
Youngjae leans in ad kisses Daehyun square on his lips.
Square. On. His. Lips. It was chaste but Daehyun is already dizzy.
Youngjae smiled, mischieviously maybe, and says "Just so we can talk again."
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DaeJaeGyu #1
Chapter 1: Ooooooookh Dae fell hard
Jaejae knew that hehehe
Goid one i like it