Chapter 17 : Truth , Bitter Truth

Our Love Like This
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Excuse my grammar error .. my head almost burst when i write this and sorry to my friend Pio because i keep bothering you hahaha

Later at night , I almost fell asleep when I hear someone knocking on my door.  And I’m surprised to find Eric , crying . He doesn’t say anything and just pulled me into his embrace . I lead him in my small living room and close the door behind. It was night and I don’t want my neighbor to get the wrong impression about me or Eric.

I help him to sit on the couch . He presses his head on my chest as he cries louder like a child who lost his mother. I his short hair try to give him a comfort . I don’t want to ask him what happen so I let him be.

We stay in our position for almost two hours before I laid his head on my lap . I his hair gently . I smile to myself when I feel he snuggle closer to my stomach . Thanks to God that he already stop crying.

“ Hyesung ah .. Can you sing a song for me ? “ He said with a weak voice

“ What kind of song you want to hear ? “

“ Anything , “

I close my eyes for a while before I open my mouth and sang for him ;

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I open my eyes and found him close his eyes but I know he’s didn't sleep.  I still continue to his hair .

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

I was getting emotional when I reach the reff , I close my eyes as I feel the tears fell on my cheek. I recalled the incident today  when Eric saves from Minwoo and I do the same for him and the night when I save him from the accident. He gives me strength to get it through. I always been a weak boy but he make me feel stronger.

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

“ Hyesung ah .. You cry ? “

I look at Eric on my lap and he looks so worried . I touch my cheek , and wipe my tears . I smile at him , “ Gwenchana .. I just carried away with the song , sorry is my voice is not that good .. “

Eric smile at me , “ you have an angel like voice , I almost fell asleep before I feel a tear on my cheek , “

“ Thank you .. “

“ Hyesung ah .. “

“ Hm .. “

“ Minwoo .

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i write this on the midnigjt since i can't sleep =_=


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Chapter 23: Despite errors in grammar I was able to enjoy this story. It's fast paced, interesting and most importantly its a happy Ricsyung ending ! Thanks author-nim. Too bad Minwoo is the villain in this story. Hehe and I really felt bad on how they hurt Hyesung in the beginning of the story. Thanks for making it all better as the story goes along! Bravo to you author-nim for creating such a lovely story!
balicucha #2
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: A heartwarming story. Thank you Author-nim.
anurim #3
Chapter 23: so cute!!!!
ayuwannie #4
Chapter 23: finally finished :) Yeeee. The story is very sweet, I really liked it, the story line flowing, fun to read, and thank you for entering all shinhwa members, especially dongwan, I really like the character dongwan here. And I like how the romance scene between ricyung shown, their skinship shown really so sweet . .
feelgyo #5
Chapter 23: Ummmm...sweet overload.... (>̯͡⌣<̯͡)
Trnyata udh complete, hikss hikssss...
Hyesung emang ketje, badan baja(?), n urat malu tebel, wkwkwkwk...good thing is he is with Eric. Better is Eric loves him back <3 <3 <3
Thank you thisiswinddz-nim for your cute story (˘́⌣˘̀ʃƪ)
deeora #6
Chapter 23: Endingnya manis bgt!! >///< thank you for the beautiful story, authornim!! Waiting for your other stories.. :)
hyuu_hikari #7
Chapter 23: aku br subs skrg... my bad...
the fic is beautiful <3<3 kyk yg nulis *kedip2*
Chapter 23: awww.....i hope you'll do a sequel this authornim!! =(( coz it actually made me want for more!! this is really daebak!! =)))
milan0613 #9
Chapter 22: Please update soon au
Love this fic
deeora #10
Chapter 22: Mr jung is so cruel!! How can he do such harsh thing toward his own son!!? Hyesung ah... By the way,authornim thank you for the update!! \o/