Her one sided love


"omma please Give me my bag ,oh god i forgot to take it upstairs .hurry up mom im late to go to school " ."yaaaahhh this kid........aisshhhh!" *throw her bag from upstairs* .omma thank you .i go first im so late to go to school .love you omma muahhh !:* 

When she go out form her house she saw her bestfriend myungsoo ."yaaa myungsooshii! " myungsoo turn back "yaaa Y/N! Lets go to school . Im nodded ."myungsoo why you look so happy today? Have something to tell me?" he give her a cute,big smile .my heart was just like asdfghkllhjaqwshnxn oh god mungsoo please dont smile to me like that im melt so hard!  I talk it to my heart . "i'll tell you at school ok not now" . Then he play with my hair and we keep talked ,laughed so much . (myungsoo i love you but you dont know how i feel for you . My heart just beat when i see you ) ."yaaa myungsoo i have something to tell you too but i'll tell you at school :p "


 Now we had a break at school . Im waiting for myungsoo at his class ."Y/N!! Here ! " he scream out my name .  "Myungsooshii you know what? Im waiting you at your class  but you are not there .erghhh ! "  i glance at him . " Y/N dont angry babyyy alolololo ." then he give me forehead kiss .my heart just like wanna stop .! Yaaa  ige boyaaa   My face start blushed . "ehem ok then tell me why you bring me the rooftop?" .myungsoo just smile then he said " actually i like kim yeon and i had a crush on her for 2 month , just now i just tell her that i like her so much and i wanna dating with her and you guess what she said?!  , she said she wanna date with me too !! Yahoo!! " (  my heart just crash  im about to cry at there but i cover it and say)"serious?oh wau congrats myungsoo :) . " i cant hold my tears anymore . "Y/N thank you " then he grin to me . "myungsoo i had a work to do see you soon " i gave him a fake smile . Y/N wait a minute .just now you said you have something to tell me right? What was it? " "oh nothing i forgot what i wanna tell to you " .then i just go with my heart breaks. 

------------------after school

i go back home lonely because myungsoo go send his girlfriend home with his car . On my way to go home ,tears just falling down like rain seriously . I cant stop crying (now i know how one sided love feel. It just hurt so much . ) i go upstairs cause wanna go to my room .but my mom was there and she ask me " Y/N ahhhh what happen? Where myungsoo? Are you fight with him?"  " nothing omma it just small things :) " i go into my bed and i cried so hard . " why myungsoo why?! You dont know how i fall in love with you . I love you myungsoo..i love you " ! Then i just fall asleep with my tears and nightmare .

I go to school lonely again and again because yaaa myungsoo was so BUSY with his girlfriend and he was about to forget me hmmm .:(  he forgot who is his bestfriend . Then i just arrived at school . While im walking to my class i heard a voice that i know well . Its myungsoo with his.......girlfriend . Myungsoo laugh with her then i saw he kisses her lips . I was just like WTF!! . I ran to the toilet and i cried . I cant hold it anymore . I go back home . Then i just tell my mom that i want to change my school.my mom just suprised eith my dicision but she know everything because she heard every single word form her daugher at her room . 


Why Y/N not come to school today . Is she sick or what . Oh waht happen with you myungsoo!! Why you wanna care about her .dont you forget that you have kim yeon at your side? My heart just ask me . Aaaahhhhhh!! .

Today myungsoo dis not send kim yeon go home because he said he have somthing to do . Actually he goes to my house .~~"Y/N !! Y/N ahhhhh . He call out my name when he arrived at my house . My mom open the door and she saw myungsoo "myungsoo ahh .....yu came here to see Y/N ? " yes Ommonim  where is she ? Why she didnt come to school today? "" myungsoo,act Y/N love you ,she had a crush on you since you two kid . But when you say you had crush on someone else ,she had a heart break .and today she just change her school,she goes to england and now she at airport . ( Y/N !!!why you dont tell me that you love me ? ) im sorry cause im never know this .)

---------myungsoo drive his car to the airport


i have cried so many for you myungsoo . And now i wanna forget you from my life . Just go away . You just hurt me so much.she cried when she heard and announcement about her flight . 

Myungsoo just arrived at the airport . He ran into the airport and he saw a girl who was hurt because of him. He ran to her and hugged from behind "Y/Nshiii dont leave me alone .im so sorry  i dont know that you love me .

Im just shocked .my tears start to flow . He turn my body to his direction . "Y/N ahhh speak something. " " myungsoo ,im so sorry because i got to go . I love you . Take care :) " im about to go but he pulled my hand and suddenly i hugged him " please dont leave me alone .i love you too honey " he smirked . I open my eyes ."really?you love me too?" " yaaa i love you too sorry because of me  you hurt your heart . Im just smile.

Now i not go to england because of him . Now we are dating . I love you myungsoo 

                               THE END ....


This story about a girl with her bestfriend .she fell in love with her bestfriend name kim myungsoo .they know each other since kid .I hope you all enjoy . This is my first fanfic . Sorry because im not good in english . Dont forget to subscribes


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