Number Five

You Ruined It
Lunchtime. Your favorite time. You would escape the sea of students by slipping into the gym behind the school. This was your favorite kind of building. It was deserted and no one would come in during lunch time so you could just dance to your hearts’ content. The gym floor was great because it looked like the floor you find in a dance studio so you actually had a good grip on it.
With a bag containing your dancing shoes you walk through the entrance and start making your way to your usual place. You pass closed doors that lead to a gym area. Like being struck by lightning, you feel chills going up your spine. An uneasy feeling churning in your stomach. These are the same chills you felt this morning. You stop walking and listen. You take in the quietness of your surroundings when suddenly, you hear a dim sound. You perk your ears but you can’t really make out what it is. But by the way your body reacts, you know it’s music. The chills had left and a euphoric feeling took over.
You have always had this when you heard music. You started developing a habit of moving when music was nearby when you were a baby. Subtle movements, like twitching of the fingers. Now it was upgraded, so sometimes you even start to compose a new choreography inside your head. Nine out of ten times even trying it out, then and there.
This time, though, was different.
The warm fuzzy feeling was still there but the chills came creeping back again. You fist your hands to stop the twitching and walk towards the dim sound. At the end of the hallway, you notice a door that is half open. The sound, which was indeed music, was louder here. As quiet as you can, you walk over to the door and peek through the small opening.
Your heartbeat fastens and your hands turn clammy. I thought I was the only one who knew. There, lying on the floor, was a boy. A hooded upper body, legs propped up, arms spread around his body, tapping fingers on the beat of the music. There were speakers standing above his head, connected to a device. Probably a phone, you can’t really make it out. You jump when the boy stands up. You can’t see his face because of the hood. He spreads his arms.
You were in awe.
It was like he was trying to find a steady beat to follow because his movements were a bit erratic at first. But then he found it. A small smile finds your lips when he starts to move. Flowing but sharp gestures. Elegant but powerful movements. Happy but concentrated facial expr-
You gasp and back up against the wall opposite to the slightly opened door. Your breathing starts to get uneven and you hold your chest. That bastard! You hear the music stop and panic. He can’t see me here! You bolt towards the door you came through earlier. You arrive outside just in time to see his head pop out of the door. You keep on running until you are inside the school building. Did he see me?! Your lungs start to burn but you don’t stop. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God did he see me?! Your mind’s going crazy. You arrive at your classroom and fortunately for you, nobody is there. You run in, slam the door shut and lean your back against the door.
“That er!” you exclaim. You ruffle your hair and start pacing.
“Aish! Why did he go there! That is MY area!” You kick a chair, only to hurt your toe. You shot your hands to your foot. “Ack! Damnit!” You slide down onto your bottom and just sit there with a helpless expression and foot in hand. Why was he there!
Last hour of school. Still feeling irritated with what happened at lunch, you listen to your teacher. Through the whole day you noticed that the mysteriously irritating boy never fully left your mind. The first meeting donkeyballs, he ruined the gym for you and to make matters even worse, he was handsome as ! You suddenly hear a snap and look down. Not knowing your own strength you snapped the pencil that was in your hand. You sigh and throw the pencil pieces on your book. You groan and rub your face in frustration. You cannot let that boy get to you! How could anyone have such an influence on you.
You decide you have enough of the monotone voice of the teacher so you zone out and stare out of the window. Not concentrating on anything in particular, something comes into your vision. You blink your eyes a few times before concentrating on the sight in front of you. A bobbing head full of brown hair. Tanned skin. Closed eyes and a stupid grin on plump lips you just want to rip off his face. The bastard had balls, you had to give him that. But he also had a ing death wish if he decided to show up in front of you again. How can he just SIT there and enjoy the sun while I’m inside, coming up with ways to kill that idiot! The bastard is ing everywhere! You groan again with your face in your hands and slide down your seat, like the good student you are. That er is going down.
Tired and frustrated, you leave the school area and make your way to the bus. You REALLY need to go to the park right now. You had changed into your outfit for dancing, loose clothes and Nike high tops, before you left the school. The bus arrives and you enter it. You walk to the back and sit next to the window. You pull out your headphones, plug it into your phone and play your music. Stage one of forget irritating er – complete. You watch the trees and people zoom by outside. You really need some fresh air and a good work-out. The park starts to get into view so you push the ‘stop’ button. The bus stops as you stand up. You exit the vehicle and stretch your arms. You breath in the fresh air and let out a big ‘aaah’. Finally.
“Yes baby, it’s okay. Mommy is back.”
You smile to yourself and start making your way to the grass patch. You look around and notice that it’s not as packed as normal, which is weird because the weather is just right to take a walk. You shake it off but still feel a bit uneasy.
Please not now
The closer you get to the grass patch, the more your stomach starts turning. You start shaking your head and speed up a little.
No no no no NO, please no.
The path that splits the patch starts to come into sight and all you hear is the buzzing voices of people and sometimes enthusiastic exclamations. Your stomach is making somersaults by now.  
God, Buddha, Allah, somebody! Don’t let this happen!
A crowd comes into sight and you know it’s done. You sprint to the crowd with your bag hitting your thigh but you don’t care. You have a feeling a certain er is ruining your patch and you won’t stand for that. Feeling like Moses you yell at the people to move. The crowd splits and you run in, occasionally saying thank you to bystanders.
You stop.
There he is. And he’s not alone. You feel people looking at but you really do not care at the moment. All you see is the bastard that has been invading your mind all day and ruined your biological system like a period that never goes away.
You point your finger at the tanned boy. He stops his movements and looks you in the eye. His partner is confused and looks between his friend and you. You throw your bag out of frustration on the floor and start marching up to them boys. Then you see the sound system behind him and with a final fierce stare you decide to make a detour. You walk past dumb and dumber, straight to the sound system. You see the power outlet and crouch down. How did he even know he could get power here!! I didn’t even know! Gritting your teeth and only feeling more frustrated than you already were, you pull out the plug with a dramatic scream.
Silence is golden.
At least, right now for you it sounds like music to your ears. Your is heaving from all the adrenaline leaving your body and you throw the plug on the floor. You stand up and turn around, only to be greeted by a another heaving chest.
“What do you think you’re doing?” a husky voice inquired.
Wrong move bastard.
“ME?! What am I doing?!” you scream to his, well, you wanted to scream at his face but because of height and space you screamed to his chest. You lift your hand and push the boy out of your personal space.
“What am I doing?! WHAT THE HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TODAY! You have been ruining my day from the moment I woke up!” you poked his chest with your finger. You brush your fingers through your hair and let out a short scream. The boy jumps because of your sudden outburst and backs away. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You finally look up and see the boy looking at you with raised eyebrows. You raise your hand with your finger spread out in front of you.
“My seat.” You pull down your thumb.
The boy raises his eyebrows in confusion.
“My gym.” Index finger goes down.
The boy finally understands and smiles at you.
“My patch.” Middle finger follows.
The boy starts moving into your direction.
“And just now, my freaking personal space!” Ring finger goes down, leaving only your pinky up.
And stops in front of you.
“What do you plan on taking more, HUH!?” Pinky still lifted.
The boy leans in smiling and whispers.
“Your lips.” And closed the space between you.
Your pinky finally goes down.   
A/N: So omggggg! What is this thing! It's turning into a monster! I changed my mind and it'll be a threeshot. Thank you guys so much for subscribing! This means a lot, man. Enjoy this chapter, and please comment! ^^
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Chapter 2: This is such a fun read and I love the way you depicted the characters especially the girl's side. I'm not a person who is into dance but reading through this kind of gives me an impression of how people who take pride on dance feels. (And Kai is soooo fit for his role in this three-shot) I would love to know what happens next tho, or Kai's side of the story. Ah and I also loved the mention of Baby Don't Cry (I even halted for a moment and played it then proceeded back to reading lol)~ that'd be all, I'm blabbing a lot. XD hope to hear more KaiOC fics from you in the future. Hwaiting!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
PennyB912 #2
Chapter 3: Super cute and fun read :)
Chanpuppy #3
Chapter 3: I guess dancing is one of your hobbies, right? Maybe I'm wrong but the way you depicted it through the character point of view make it seems like. The character is funny, she seems so laid back and oblivious type (I loved the way you showed how oblivious she is, so oblivious that she didn't even know she was lol) but then when a foreign feeling hits her she just seems to lose it. The way she reacted to the kiss was refreshing, because we are often used to have a girl who would be still, slap the guy or just run away, so her punching him made me smile. Moreover, the strong personalities of her is something I fancy very much because too often female leads are dully portrayed, they too often appear as weak beings in need of protection. Oh and special mention for Baby Don't Cry, I relished that part, even reread it with the music as BGM. I think I'll stop here before I exceed the limit again. Another great story from you!

PS. I am kinda curious about them, like if she ended admitting falling for him.
PS2. And Kai... Needless to say you did great portraying him, I could totally visualize him.
noonanoni #4
Chapter 3: so cuuuute. cant stop smiling. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh my feels!!
gorgeouszhang #6
Chapter 3: Did they know each other before the 'seat incident ? how come it goes so smooth for jongin go get into her lifeㅋㅋㅋ cute and fluffy tho... love it! ♡
Chapter 3: Awwwwww cute and sweet good job ^^ ♡
JRustina #8
Chapter 3: Oh my god, it was so cute ! I love how she just can't stop hitting him haha
fyeahkkamjong #9