Confirmed Members

KMW Entertainment Auditions -Black Halo- ~CLOSED~

~Confirmed Members~


(Ulzzang: Jung Min Hee)

Name: Kwon Su Ah

Stage name: Su.A

D.O.B: 21/10/1991

International age: 20 | Korean age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean American

Birthplace: Houston, Texas

Fluent in English & Korean

Height: 166cm

Weight: 48kg

Personality:  Although she not may be the brightest fish in the tank, her natural presence fills the room with harmony. She is quite wise and humble as a person, knowing she has been through much experience with troubles. She can be very cocky at times, but better than having low self esteem. She isn't one to mess with since she will stand her ground for what she is rooting for. Even if she may seem unapproachable at times, she is very sociable.  Because of her quirky flair, she is able to bond with others easily and make  friends. She treats everyone with respect and is polite most of the time. She isn't very quiet and is known to talk alot but she is usually what keeps people very interested and attracted to her.  She isn't much of a slacker, and puts 110% into anything she works on. Even if she stumbles upon a road block, she will figure out a way to overcome it and will not stop until she does.

~Leader, Main Rapper, Sub-vocal~


(Ulzzang: Lee Eun Ji)

Name: Kim Ruree

Stage name: Ruree

D.O.B: 23/09/1993

International age: 19 | Korean age: 20

Ethnicity: Korean 

Birthplace: Cheonan, Korea

Fluent in Korean, knows conversational Japanese, knows basic Chinese and English

Height: 165cm

Weight: 49kg

Personality: The first thing you need to know about Ruree is that she can talk for 2 hours straight. It could be about anything, movies, songs, even coffee. Her members are amart and block out 90% of what she says but she doesnt care, as long as she is talking she is fine. When you are around her there are no awkard silences. She will talk to you  or anyone even strangers.Ruree is very friendly and social and can make friends very easily but she can also make shy people uncormfortable. Rurees words just come out of without her thinking about it first and she is very blunt, which is very good for variety shows making her get popular fast. She is bubbly, cheerful, and kinda out of the ordinary.Ruree loves pranking members and friends and she almost never gets pranked on. She likes to got to sleep really late in order to draw on all the members faces, take a picture of them, and post it on  twitter, which is one of the reasons why she is the visual. Its one of the reasons why she has so many people that love her but she also gets a lot of fans that dont like her as much. They hate her for drawing on their idol's faces and ruining their image which upset Ruree because she does it for fun but she immediatly cheers up seeing her fans defending her. She isnt a very good visual either. She loves making people laugh so she just does gags, dances, and even facial expressions leaving fans to wonder why she got put in charge of visuals. Althought Ruree is a joker and a prankster, she is a perfectionist and a hardworker. She once stayed up all night to practice a dance in order to make the dance look perfect   not eating anything because she was on a strict diet. 

~Visual, Main Vocal~


(Ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye)

Name: Jung Boyun

Stage name: BB

D.O.B: 25/01/1994

International age: 19 | Korean age: 20

Ethnicity: Korean 

Birthplace: Mokpo, Korea

Fluent in Korean and English

Height: 150cm

Weight: 32kg

Personality: At first glance Boyun may look innocent and cute  and a looks like a  person who would use aegyo every second of everyday, which she does on occasions if she wants something, but the truth is Boyun is mega ditzy. She literally has butterfingers and two left feet, always dropping things and trippong over her own feet or nothing! She is also quite gullible, and will believe almost everything her label mates tell her, which they use this for their own entertainment. Boyun is a slow learner and is always the last one to learn new dance routines, which makes her frustrated all the time. However, She is normally a bunddle of joy and very hyperactive. She works hard and always tries her best, even if it doesn take her forever to understand things.  Shes always trying to make her members happy by fooling around , as she hates seeing people sad.

~Visual, Lead Vocal~


Name: Lee Mina

Nickname: Minnie

Date of birth: 27/04/1996

International age: 17 | Korean age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese

Birthplace: Washington D.C., Maryland (USA)

Language: Fluent in English, Korean and Chinese

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 37 kg

Personality: Quiet. At first, she doesn't speak unless asked a question, but as she becomes more comfortable, she starts to talk more. She's also usually very cute, but when she gets mad or annoyed, she becomes an evil maknae and can make someone cry with just her words >:D mwahahahaaa (lol I'm so weird).  She doesn't talk or do much when there's a camera filming her because she's afraid she's going to say something bad. 

~Maknae, Dancer and Vocalist~


Name: Park Kaeun

Nickname: Noe (brain), Beauty & the Beast

Date of birth: August 17

International age: 18 | Korean age: 19

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Language: Korean (fluent), English (basic), Japanese (basic), French (learning)

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Personality: Kaeun is like an open book; every emotion is as clear as day on her face. She has a strong sense of loyalty and wouldn't betray someone unless she felt betrayed herself. She is also very sensitive and a bit of a perfectionist, often resulting in long hours of practice and even breakdowns. Kaeun is afraid of failing and disappointing those around her, resulting in the hard-working girl she now is.

~Lead Rapper~

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