We don't have to be friends y'know

We don't have to be friends y'know [hiatus]

~ ~ ~


Friday came around and the sound of Kevin's phone beeping broke his thoughts. It was a text from Kiseop: I'm finished now

Kevin looked up at the sky and sighed. He locked his phone and stood up. He was sat on a bench outside the collage. He watched the students walk in and out of the building, some leaving some going to their next class. He spotted Kiseop coming through the doors and stood up so Kiseop could see him. Kevin waved at him and Kiseop walked quickly over to him.

“How was school?”

“Alright. I don't have any work to do today so we're free to do whatever.”

“Park?” Suggested Kiseop.



At the park the two sat on a bench facing the pond in the middle of the green. Kiseop turned to Kevin.

“So, what is happening with us?”



“There's an us?”

Kiseop faced Kevin more directly


“No. There is no us Kiseop”

“Wait” Kiseop rubbed his temples “I'm so confused now. Why did you kiss me then?!”

Kevin shrugged his shoulders. Kiseop sat back.

“Guess I...I guess I just wanted to”

“Okay. Listen” Kiseop sat direct to Kevin again only this time his face was up close to him. Kevin could smell the faded mint from his toothpaste on his breath.

'Don't breath in...don't breath in...'

“I'll prove you and me are ment to be more than friends.”

Kiseop grabbed Kevin's wrist and they both stood up. Kiseop brought him over to a large tree.

“What are you doing?”

“Climb it”


“Climb it. Climb it until you can't climb any higher”

Kevin just went with it. He lifted himself up onto the first branch. He got up to the second branch, the third, the fourth. He started to see the town in the distance as he got higher.

'This guy surely can't get any weirder than this. Some exercise I suppose...ouch! He better not abandon me or some sh-'

“You doing okay?!”

Kevin turned to look down at Kiseop “Fine! If you leave I'm gonna hunt you down!”

“You can stop there!” Kiseop shouted up

“Kevin looked up into the tree “Why?! There is still more branches I can climb!”

“There is fine! I...I'm...I'm afraid of heights. I just want to prove what I said”

'What is this guys deal?!' “Are you actually going to climb up this after me?!”

Kevin noticed, even from above the ground, that Kiseop was beginning to shake.

“Stay...s-stay in the tree!”

Kevin sat onto a strong and wide branch. He waited and watched Kiseop begin to ever so slowly place his hands on the first branch and stand on his toes to try and start up his challenge.

'This'll be a while...' Kevin looked out between the branches and looked at a couple lying on the grass holding hands. 'Hm' He smiled 'maybe it wouldn't be all that bad'

Kevin looked down at Kiseop again. He had made the first branch and was clinging for dear life onto another branch to help him balance. Kevin laughed at the terror in Kiseop's face.

“Kiseop, why are you doing that to yourself?!”

“Shut up! Just wait there!”

Kevin leaned back comfortably against the trunk of the tree.

'I guess I am being a bit confusing. I want to be with him but I just get scared or something at the same time. Poor guy. It's my fault really. I know he really likes me. He's not afraid. Not at all even though he's a mess'

Kevin turned his head quickly to the side when he heard a faint “ow...” coming from his left. He peered over the branch and giggled as he witnessed Kiseop fighting back some thin branches from his face. Once the fight was over, Kiseop grabbed onto the branch Kevin was sitting on and pulled himself up. He got himself settled onto the branch and sitting beside Kevin but when he accidentally looked down he froze and grabbed Kevin's arm into a vice-grip. Kevin covered Kiseop's eyes and turned his head to face him. He gently pried Kiseop's fingers from his arm and uncovered Kiseop's eyes.

“Kiseop just don't look down. Look at me. You did well. What was it that you wanted to prove?”



Kiseop swallowed and mentally forced himself to stay looking at Kevin.

'Okay, it's alright. Kevin is here, he won't let me fall. Stay looking at him. Just look at him. It's all you can do'

He took in a deep breath and calmed his voice “Kevin, you know pretty well that I do like you”

Kevin was about to speak but Kiseop stopped him

“But did you know that I started to fall in love with you?”

Kevin went very quiet.

“I'm not lying. I couldn't. The reason of me climbing up here, even though it was no big challenge for you it was for me, and” He sighed “Basically me climbing this was to show you that I would do anything for you”

Kevin was still quiet.

“Kevin this just keeps going around in a pointless circle. Do you, or do you not like me? Just tell me truthfully”

Kevin's voice came out a whisper “I'm afraid”

Kiseop's eyes widened “Seriously?”

Kevin nodded.

“Can you just give us a shot and then if it's not working, we leave it for good then. Heh, I should be the one whose afraid” Kevin was silent again but ever so feebly and almost barely, nodded his head.

'Okay, I'm going to do this' Kiseop leaned in slowly. He gently placed his lips on Kevin's. 'This feels a little different than when we first did it...it's better...I hope he thinks so too'

Kiseop pulled back slightly. He looked at Kevin's face. It was somewhat blank.

“Kiseop” He whispered “Can you do that again?”

Kiseop grinned and kissed him again. He wanted to lean in even closer but his body didn't want to move due to the height issue. But Kiseop felt Kevin moving in closer to him. Kevin parted from him.

“Are we taking advantage of the little rhythm for two people kissing in a tree?”

Kiseop laughed “I hadn't even thought about that! Kiseop and Kevin sitting in a tree” Kiseop began to kiss Kevin inbetween letters “K...i...s...s...i...-”

“Sh! Just let it play in your head!”


'First comes love, second comes marriage...yeah...sounds good...'


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milkythings #1
Chapter 15: Please update!! I love this story so much!!
elyon12 #2
Chapter 17: So did jaeseop knew kiseop?!! I'm confused!! :s
Update soon ^ ^
Chapter 17: Hmm~ Kevin I'm not sure if Kiseop and Jaeseop living together is a good idea.
I hope that Vinseop will be fine

I think this is the first time I comment but really like this story. Thank you for the updated and I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 16: I love this chapter I wonder if Jaeseop will make any more appearances in the story I wonder
Chapter 14: Ok nice 1.
Chapter 14: Omg I love this chapter so cute especially when he told him why he loved him
Chapter 13: Nice story~
Chapter 13: omg im crying right now so sad but beautiful moment *sob sob* well i can't wait update soon