New look

Dumpster Buddies


Jinki uncomfortably shifted a little. Sure, he kept his cool, but it didn’t mean his mind was doing the same. His mind screamed ‘red alert’ at him, but he couldn’t find the power to utter a word. Well, damn Lee Jinki. You run from the hyena and end up with a lion. Good going, I’m proud of you. Jinki snapped out of his daze at Jonghyun’s voice.

“I know I’m hot, but you can stop staring now. What? Want my number? I have expectations, so you’re off the list.” Jonghyun commented with a wave of his hand.

“Pfft…” Jonghyun raised his eyebrow at the boy in front of him. Was his holding his laugh? Jonghyun frowned in disapproval.

Jinki tried, he really did, but he still burst out laughing. “Hahahahahahaha… Oh my God, I’m sorry, but… Hahahahahahaha.” Jinki heaved a long breath while he held up his hand at Jonghyun in a ‘stop’ sign. “Wooooh! Okay, I for one will never go for that.” He motioned his hands up and down Jonghyun. “No offence, you’re quite good looking, but I also have expectations.”

“Wa-… you…” Jonghyun couldn’t piece his words together. This kid was asking for a beating. How dare he insult him? Jonghyun shifted his eyes momentarily at the student blazer Jinki was wearing. Four stars, thought Jonghyun. He’s a senior?

“Well, excuse me. I happen to be the most sought after individual in this academy.” Jonghyun placed a hand o his hip and glared at Jinki.

“Why, excuse you. You only happen to be among some of the sought after people in our academy.” Jinki said, but his was mentally slapping himself silly at his own words. Damn it, Lee Jinki. When will your mouth learn to shut itself and not start provoking people?

Jonghyun fiercely glared at Jinki and the other returned the look with a blank one. The clock ticked by.



Jonghyun and Jinki were sitting opposite each other on a table beside the dumpster. Jonghyun made mini structures with his pancake and Jinki indulged himself in typing away on his phone. They didn’t realize that they looked like friends who had known each other for ages with the type of comfortable atmosphere that was surrounding them. Jonghyun was first to break the silence after he had given up on making the pancake look like hello kitty.

“So, why were you running like a wild animal just now?” Jonghyun couldn’t help asking.

Jinki pushed out his bottom lip in a mini pout with a frown forming on his forehead. “Kim HeeChul was chasing me down to join the music club. Like hell I would.” Jinki replied.

“Wow, no wonder you ran. With how you were being chased, I thought you pissed that evil hound off. Wait, that means you must have a great voice if Heechul personally chased you. I still don’t get Minho being involved in all this.” Jonghyun said in one breath making Jinki blink at him. “What?” Jonghyun gave the older a confused look.

“You know, for a jock, you speak a lot.” Jinki commented. Jonghyun raised his hands up in mock surrender. “Aww… You caught me, detective. Will you throw me in jail now?” Jonghyun said sarcastically.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Jinki replied with an eye roll.

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Which question?”

 “Why was Minho chasing you?” Jonghyun said with an irritated tone.

“I don’t feel like telling you.” Jinki replied defiantly.

“Why? Why, why, why, why, why, why?” Jonghyun continued whining making Jinki snap. “Oh, for crying out loud… You’re acting like a child. He did ‘cause HeeChul told him to!” Jinki screamed shoving a large chunk of pancake into Jonghyun’s mouth.

Jonghyun spit the food out in disgust. “Ew. Why would you do that?” He shouted at Jinki. “We’re at a dumpster for God’s sake!”

Jinki crossed his arms. “What? Why did you bring the food for then? Besides, the dumpster is clean and for your information, I don’t smell a fowl smell from anywhere around here.” The older waved his arms around to make his point.

“It’s still a dumpster, though. Clean or not, I’m not eating here.” Jinki frowned at the reply. “Then why make a dumb bet on all this? It’s either you guys are stupid or you guys are stupid.”

Jonghyun spluttered a bit. “That doesn’t even offer a good reasoning to all this. And that’s only one option you’re applying!”

“Still don’t care.” Jinki said making Jonghyun fume. “Well, why did you come here then?!”

“I was trying to save my own life there.” The reply made Jonghyun shut up, only for a few seconds though.

“Hah! Now that HeeChul knows how you look, there’s no escape. He’ll totally hunt you down.” The younger triumphantly smirked when he saw Jinki visibly shiver.

Jinki rubbed his shoulders and whistled a sigh. “I guess changing a few things here and there will do the trick. Well, buh-bye, Kim Jonghyun.” The bell rang exactly as Jinki finished his sentence.

Jonghyun watched Jinki walk away and disappear around the corner. He couldn’t forget the parting smile Jinki gave him. “Oh, I forgot to ask his name.” He rubbed his face in irritation. “Stupid, Jonghyun.”


That night Jonghyun had a restless sleep with constantly being haunted by a boy with a half visible face covered by raven locks.





Jinki played with his raven bangs that covered half his face. He looked at his own reflection in the large mirror and saw that he looked like some depressed ‘emo dude’. Now that he decide to change his hair style, he might not look all depressed anymore and perhaps he won’t have to sit for hours in a fancy salon getting his hair fixed for private events.

The crescent eyed boy shook his head. JaeJoong won’t let him off the hook that easily. He sighed at his own predicament and straightened up when his publicist and the hairdresser entered the room.

“I leave it up to you, Haeri shi.” JaeJoong said and walked out. Jinki’s eyes met the woman’s and he smiled charmingly. “Let’s get started then.”






The next day, Jinki warily eyed the golden gates as the car came to a stop. He held his seatbelt and sighed.

“I think this might be a bad idea. Let’s go back home.” Jinki told JaeJoong. The older male smiled kindly. “Get out and attend your classes.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Jinki frowned at JaeJoong. “Yup.”

“Oh, come on! This will get me more noticed than needed and I told you to instruct them to do it simply.” The younger whined with a cute pout.

“As much as you look cute doing that you’re still getting out of this car one way or the other.” Jaejoong smirked at the younger male.

Jinki’s eyes got wide and teary with a quivering pout. “Hmm…?”

JaeJoong looked everywhere but the younger boy. “Okay, out!” He literally shoved Jinki out. The car door shut close as JaeJoong sped away cheering himself for not falling for the other’s cunning.

Jinki sighed and ran a hand through his honey coloured locks. His hair was shorter and the hair that covered his face most of the time was gone. He walked inside and felt the preying stares from the students. “I hate you, Kim Devil JaeJoong. Oh, how I hate you.” Jinki silently cursed as he cringed from the squeals that erupted like landmines around him.

It’s not that Lee Jinki was overly confident in his looks or anything, but he knew the stares he got were nothing short of innocent when he got dressed and attended private gatherings. Yes, Jinki knew he was attractive to a certain level, but wasn’t really prepared for the attention he was getting at the current moment. The student body and a lot of the girls were getting stirred up much to his displeasure.

 I guess people like to go to the extreme wether it be private or public schools, thought Jinki with a shake of his head and smirked. Bad move. Girls started googly eyed at the senior. But aren’t they taking this a little far? Jinki cursed mentally as some of the girls were holding up banners. “Where did they manage to get that?” He whispered.

Sure, Jinki himself mentioned that he only enrolled in high school to get a taste of high school drama, but that certainly didn’t mean he wanted to be part of the drama or the centre of it in any case. The first half of classes rolled away with a teacher chasing away the squealing girls sticking their heads inside the class room from time to time. Jinki swore he was going to place a voo-doo cursed on JaeJoong when he got home. He had enough material from his island visits from summer break.

Break came and Jinki sighed in relief. Now he could have a peaceful lunch. Oh, how wrong was Jinki when he realized that he was getting stalked to the cafeteria. “I should have stuck to home schooling instead.”

He dragged his feet to the counter and ordered his meal. He eyed the wide eyes girls and boys? Jinki shivered totally freaked out when they started taking notes of his order. He thanked the male who served him his order and smiled sheepishly when the man recognized him. “Hang in there.” Jinki nodded in appreciation when the guy gave him a ‘fighting’ stance.

Jinki sat on his usual seat and lost himself in the world of tasty food while his overnight fans clicked pictures of him and gushed about him. He came out of his little world after the meal and choked back a curse at the number of people gathered around him. Jinki momentarily blanked out not knowing what to make of the situation.

What happened to personal space and privacy? He thought. “At least they’re maintaining a safe distance or else things get ugly.” He mumbled silently.

Jinki heaved a sigh standing up and cringed at the alert reactions he got. Sweet chicken, what the hell is happening to the quite life I prayed for every night? Are you too busy with chicken holiness to pay attention to me? He walked cautiously towards the exit highly aware of the shuffling feet behind him.

“Here goes nothing.” Jinki straightened his back and swiftly turned around with a glare. The stalker students took a step back in surprise.

Jinki tilted his head at the person who was smirking at him from a fine number of feet behind his creepy fans. Choi Minho? Well I got to run now, no time to start thinking about hot body and y face. Jinki smiled to himself and made a run for it. Those who had been shaken from his momentary glare got to chasing him while some got left behind in their little dreamy states.




Jinki ran around the compound with the will of a deer running from its predator. “Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh sh*t! Sh*tty sh*t! Wait, I must be stupid or something.” Saying so, Jinki skidded to the left and dashed towards the back of the building.

He placed his right hand on the left side of his chest and took in big gulps of air. Jinki straightened himself and dusted invisible dust off his pants. He stiffened in shock at the sound of Jonghyun’s snappy voice.

“Glad to know you regained your breath stranger.” Jinki rolled his eyes and turned to face Jonghyun.

“Why, aren’t you chummy today?” Jinki commented sarcastically making Jonghyun stare at him for an uncomfortable five minutes. Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows and asked uncertainly. “Senior with long hair?”

“Glad to know you’re not that dumb.” The older boy said slumped on a bench. Jonghyun stared a little more at Jinki and sat down.

Jonghyun stared at Jinki’s pouting lips as the older boy placed his chin on the table. No wonder they were chasing him, thought Jonghyun feeling a little funny. He suddenly got the urge to scold Jinki for cutting his hair. That face should be Jonghyun’s to stare at and he was even dreaming about the older boy yesterday. Those girls and boys had no right to up and decide to chase the person he had noticed first. Jonghyun widened his eyes and literally slapped himself. When did you go gay, Kim Jonghyun?

Jinki stared at Jonghyun with an amused smile. “Your funny, you know that Kim Jonghyun?” Jonghyun crossed his arms feeling embarrassed. “Says the guy who gets chased and hides in the dumpsters like its normal.” The younger said trying to will away the blush on his cheeks.

“Haaa… This feels more peaceful. I should just come here every break time.” Jinki tapped his chin seemingly deep in thought.

Jonghyun widened his eyes a little. “You know that this is a dumpster! Well I have no right to-to tell you wh-what you should do, but…” Jonghyun said a little loudly and shuttered in the end unable to finish without embarrassing himself.

Jonghyun widened his eyes at the sound of sweet ringing laughter. Jinki couldn’t help but think that Jonghyun was cute when he was embarrassed and laughed.


“Your cute, Kim Jonghyun.” The words made Jonghyun tingle more than he would like to admit. He took an awkward glance at the senior and felt his breath knocked away. His eyes are so pretty, thought Jonghyun with a small smile.

“Stop laughing at me every chance you get!” Jonghyun’s pride wouldn’t let him be nice to Jinki. He would never admit openly that something stirred inside his chest when ever he thought of the boy. It didn’t matter the first time when Jinki’s face was barely visible, it didn’t matter when he could see Jinki’s handsome features, because Jonghyun was undeniably attracted to the senior student. But he wasn’t going to admit that anytime soon.





Unknown to the two bickering males, just behind the corner a tall boy stood leaning on the concrete wall with his hands in his pockets. “You’re a lucky ba*tard, Kim Jonghyun.” Minho whispered and went back to eavesdropping on the conversation like it was a normal event for him.





Jinki waved a hand at Jonghyun as he stood up and left, the bell rang just as he disappeared around the corner. “Talk about great intuition.” Jonghyun mumbled and stood up from his seat. He stopped abruptly and messed up his coloured blonde hair.

 “Ah! I forgot to ask his name again!” He kicked the table and yelped at the unexpected pain from the impact.










Ola! Okay, I think Jinki is suffering a lot now, huh? *not guilty at all*

Okay, don't start expecting rainbows and pink petals floating in the air. We've got a long way to go until Jongyu holiness works a miracle. *lol*

How was the chapter? Isn't Minho being a creeper? Oh, I see Jonghyun starting to feel something. kekekekeke *creepy fangirl*

Enjoy and drop comments ;D

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harlibug #1
OO I can't wait to read this
sikily #2
Can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 3: This is awesome! Minho like jinki too?! Update soon ^^
it's long time since you last update
update soon, will you?
Chapter 3: i am enjoying this.. ~ oh well i am subscribing to it ^^
Chapter 2: Really enjoyed it!!!xD
Why was Minho eavesdropping?? Well creeper Min is good too!!xb
I want more now!!!xD
Jessii #7
Chapter 2: That's so funny !! Heechul and Onew are hilarious !! ^^
shaonew #8
Chapter 2: perfect chapter.Its so funny.I love Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, Heechul... OMG! I love all characters here.