
My Mistake

Mingyu stared as Wonwoo continued to dig his spoon into the ice cream cup. After their morning practice, he decided to take Wonwoo out for some ice cream despite the cold weather, which caused other mere citizens to look at them as if they were crazy. Mingyu wanted to ask Wonwoo why he lied to Seungcheol even though he knew that Seungcheol had a bad temper when it came to practice, however, he decided to drop the subject and just admire how adorably his boyfriend was eating the ice-cream. He let out a chuckle and leaned over to Wonwoo with a napkin in his hand. “You’re eating with a spoon, how come you still eat so messily?” He wiped the sides of Wonwoo’s mouth.
Scrunching his nose, Wonwoo touched the corner of his mouth.
“Yah, I wiped it off already.” Mingyu chuckled.

“Yah, I’m still older than you.” He stuck his tongue out at Mingyu ironically like a child.

Mingyu rolled his eyes and chuckled before leaning over once again to flick his forehead. “You may be older, but you act like a child.” Wonwoo stuck his tongue out again and ate the last scoop. They both stood up as Wonwoo went over to put the bucket in the bin, the spoon however still in his mouth.
They walked out of the ice-cream parlour side by side. From the distance Mingyu spotted Seungcheol along with some of the other members, laughing happily. His eyes froze when Seungcheol’s eyes met with his and slowly moved across to Wonwoo who was looking at the scenery. Not being able to trust his elder he intertwined his fingers with Wonwoo’s and dragged him into a sharp turn around the corner. Wonwoo let out a surprised gasp at Mingyu’s actions. When Mingyu slowed down the pace, Wonwoo hit him on the shoulder with a frown.

“What the hell?!” He exclaimed. “Why’d you run out of nowhere?!” He hissed.
Mingyu shrugged innocently and smiled. Swinging their connected hands in a forwards and backwards motion, they walked around the city, looking around to see if they could do anything. They were mostly window shopping since all the clothes in this district of the city were a lot more expensive than what they could afford.
Slowly, the sun started to fade as the streets got nosier from the traffic jam.
“We’ve been walking for awhile.” Wonwoo laughed.

Mingyu laughed along. “Yeah, a while. More like 5 hours.” They both synchronised a laugh. Intertwining their hands together, they decided to head to the bus stop. Despite his happy expression, Mingyu was actually really anxious. He wanted to ask Wonwoo. He wanted to tell Wonwoo, but he could never find the right timing. Especially knowing that it could hurt him and damage their relationship.  
The bus arrived as the couple walked in, paying the bus driver. The seats at the front were filled up so they had to head towards the back seats, and quite coincidentally, quite a few of their classmates that went out for some late night shopping were sitting there. Their loud chatter lowered to an almost mute level as Wonwoo and Mingyu sat in the corner of the back seat. Mingyu mentally let out a sigh.
Here it comes...
Even though they were whispering to each other, Mingyu knew what they were talking about.
“Hey, I heard Wonwoo lied to the teacher about his parents being in Japan.”

“Oh? He told me they went to China.”

“I don’t know why Mingyu’s going out with him.”

“He’s such a liar.”

“Luckily he has good looks; otherwise I would’ve hated him.”

Mingyu’s eyes glanced over to Wonwoo who stared at of the window with an emotionless expression, almost identical to the one he had when Seungcheol had scolded them. Sighing, Mingyu intertwined his fingers with Wonwoo’s and started to caress the top of his hands.
He knew. Mingyu knew that despite having that emotionless face, Wonwoo had heard everything and he knew what everyone thinks of him.

The bus arrived at Wonwoo’s stop as the couple got out and walked to his house. Mingyu knew that Wonwoo’s parents were at work and wouldn’t come home before 10 so he decided to stay over.
As they entered the house, they immediately fell onto the couch. They stayed like that. Wonwoo lying on Mingyu’s chest while Mingyu had his arm around him and played with his fingers. It was all peaceful and actually quite calming. However, Wonwoo broke that moment with a question.
Mingyu raised his eyebrows and looked down towards Wonwoo with a confused face.

“Why? Why do you date me if you know what I’m like?”
That shot Mingyu straight in the heart. Wonwoo’s never asked the question even though they’ve been dating for 3 years. He decided to choose his words carefully.

“Because I love you-”

“I’m being serious Mingyu.”
Mingyu sighed as Wonwoo got off from his chest and looked at him with serious eyes.
“Why? You know. You out of everyone should know. So why? Why are you dating me?!”

“Is there a reason as to why I should be dating you!?” Mingyu raised his voice. “Can’t I just love you because I do?! God Wonwoo we’ve been together for three years!”

“Yeah, three years.” Wonwoo scoffed. “Mingyu, you’ve told me this before when we were kids, you told me that I was the Boy Who Cried Wolf. So shouldn’t you be suspicious of anything? For all I know, I’m a liar, Mingyu. I could’ve been lying about loving you.”
Mingyu’s fists curled as he felt his tiny nails engrave into his skin. For some reason those words made anger to rise in his body.

“No, I never doubted you because I trusted you. You were my best friend and now my lover. So I trusted you when you said you loved me.” Mingyu whispered. “Are you telling me now that you’ve been lying to me?”
Wonwoo sighed as he shook his head slightly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that I just-”

“No Wonwoo, I’m glad you brought this up, I’ve been meaning to talk about this for awhile.” Mingyu cut Wonwoo’s sentence. “Tell me Wonwoo, why are you always lying? Lying to hyungs, to dongsaengs, teachers, sunbaes, everyone. Why?”
Wonwoo’s emotionless face came back, that’s when Mingyu’s blood started to boil more.

“Because I can.”
Mingyu threw the pillow across the room.

“You’re really interesting, you know that right?” Mingyu scoffed. “What about me? When you said that you loved me, was that a lie?”

Wonwoo’s eyes widened. “No of course not! I love you Mingyu, we’ve been together for 13 years and in those three years we’ve been dating!”

“Yeah, I’ve been with you for 13 years, you’re right. So I’m pretty sure I know when you’re lying.” Mingyu hissed as he stood from his seat.

“And to think that I was asking you this question 5 minutes ago...” Wonwoo whispered.

“Hyung, please tell me honestly, do you or do you not love me?” Mingyu whispered, loud enough for Wonwoo to hear.

“I love you.” Wonwoo said with his usual emotionless face. Mingyu’s body started to shake as he could feel tears well up.

“Hyung...have you ever loved me at all?”

“I have.” Once again, that emotionless face was shown.

“Lies...” Mingyu whispered. “It has always been a did I not know...?” Mingyu laughed silently.

Wonwoo reached out to the younger, but to his surprise, Mingyu slapped his hand away.

I hate you.”
Those words rung through Wonwoo’s ears. His eyes travelled to the ground as he showed a bitter smile. He was able to feel the tears forming, but he refused to let them escape. He hated showing his weak side, especially in front of him.

“I know...” Wonwoo whispered.
He saw the shadow walk past, followed by the slamming of the door.  His lifeless fingers started to curl up as he could feel his tears welling up. It wasn’t long before he saw them drop to the floor.
He couldn’t help it. It’s been a thing ever since he was young. Throughout his life he had always been lying, because he wanted attention. Now after saying one lie, another follows and it wasn’t long before his whole life started to slowly become full of lies. Mingyu knew about Wonwoo being a liar, but he thought that it’s because Wonwoo’s just afraid of showing his real self. However, now things are different. Mingyu couldn’t handle it anymore.
He couldn’t handle being with a liar.

Wonwoo walked into the practice room, expecting to see it filled with the other members practicing, but frowned when he found it entirely empty. He carefully walked inside and placed his bag down. He pouted slightly as he saw his reflection on the wall mirrors. He walked over and touched it. His face was a mess, his eyes were still puffed red. His skin was pale as well.  He stifled a gasp when he saw a figure appear in the reflection.

“Mingyu...” He whispered.
Wonwoo turned to look at the younger.

“There’s no practice today, if that’s what you’re wondering...” Mingyu mumbled.


“I think we should break up.”
The world stopped spinning as those words escaped from Mingyu’s lips.

Seeing that Wonwoo wasn’t replying, Mingyu nodded as he muttered a farewell and left the studio, leaving the elder alone in the studio, with all of the wall mirrors reflecting him. He looked around as he saw his reflection on every side of him. He saw it. How pathetic he looked, and he was mad, mad with himself.
He stared at the mirror for a longer time before walking up to it, tracing the outline of his face. When he saw a tear drop from his eyes, everything lost its chains. He punched the mirror as it cracked. His tears started to fall faster as his bloody fists fell lifelessly to his sides. He dropped to the floor, crying out loud. Due to being in a enclosed room, the sound echoed.
So this was his true self. All these times he’s been living a life full of lies to hide his inner self.
Now he knew why.
And wish he never did. 

                                                                                         wtf okay awkward ending. I deserve to die. FAREWELL //3 -dies-

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Chapter 2: Okay, I know I read this alittle late but like... holy crap, I cried a river. TT^TT

I can't even, my heart stopped for like 2 seconds when Mingyu said, "I think we should break up."

Loved it though :'D
Chapter 2: /sobs wHYYYY
lookingthesky #3
Chapter 2: omg.... why so sadd???? T.T i loved it tho ^^
Chapter 2: lemme cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
this was just ... /speechless/
odg It's start with fluffy 3rd year anniv and kaboom..
It's so easy to read this fanfic , in the positive way , many seventeen author have beautiful story but sometime the grammar still confusing me ,
How cruel wonwoo to mingyu , i mean at least he should say the truth , because liar is the worst , but I think he really regret it, sometime there's this kind of people in our rl life who always lying to all of people. If there's sequel it will be nice , thanks for writing this fanfic ^^