The Monster in Renn

The Monster In Renn


“ANDHEWASDANCINGWITHTHISTHINGANDOHIJUSTWANNAKILLHIMAND blah blah blah blah blah blah...” This is what Ian was hearing in his head.


“Blah blah blah blah blah blah ANDTHATTHATIWILLKILLSHETOUCHEDMYHO'SCHESTAND blah blah blah blah blah...”


Ian felt really sorry for himself.




“CALM YO , RENN. It's just a music video!” Ian shouted at her from the floor, throwing his hands in the air in annoyance. They've been in the dance studio for an hour and he was listening to the girl whining nonstop. “It was just for the video. Do you understand?”


Renn just stared at him for a while, and continued. “OHIWILLNOTANSWERHISCALLSANDIWILLTURNOFFMYPHONE blah blah blah blah...”


Poor Ian. Poor Ian.


They heard the door open, and Ian was really thankful his ears could rest even just for a minute.


“Are we interrupting something?” Chance asked the pair as he entered the room with Junsu, and he kind of regretted it when he saw Renn's shiver-inducing, pee-dripping, life-scarring glare.


“YOU. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M HERE? I OWN THIS PLACE. GO AWAY OR I WILL EAT YOU ALIVE. AAAAAAAAAAARGH.” Renn's foot steps were heavy, her arms extended and about to grab Chance's neck.


"Oh shi- Let's go!” Junsu pulled his friend out of the room before they die an instant death.


Renn returned to her seat beside Ian, her gaze blank. Ian leaned close to her and touched her shoulder to snap her out of her whim. “Are you okay?”


She turned her head fast towards him like in horror movies. “NOI'MNOT.THATIWILLKILLTHATANDJUNHOOHGODIWILLPINCHHISSSOHARDHEWON'TFEELANYTHINGFORWEEKS blah blah blah blah blah...”


Ian filtered her out some more. It's okay, Ian. You can do this. Your suffering will not be in vain, he thought to himself.


He sighed as he prepared his poor ears for another hours-worth of ranting and whining.


But yes, his ears will not suffer in vain.




Renn was inside the soundbooth, poking random buttons with a pout on her lips. She was lost in her thoughts which pretty much involved rants about Junho and the thing he was dancing with in their new music video, to the point that she didn't even here someone walk in.


So I heard you had a little talk with Ian the other day.” She heard the voice she didn't want to hear, and she saw the face she didn't want to see. But it was too late to shove him out of the room because he was already sitting on the chair beside her.


Renn didn't look at Junho. “Yeah. And why do you care?”


She could hear the smile in his voice. “I care because you're just so cute when you're ranting. Ian recorded the whole thing.”


Ooooh Renn was soooo going to kill Ian. “Yeah, so?”


Junho held her chin with his fingers gently, and made her face him. “Don't be mad at me anymore. It's just for the video.”


She rolled her eyes at him, shoving his hand away from her face. “Go ahead and party with that thing. I don't care. Party all you want.”


The other man just smiled at her, and brought out a plastic bag that she didn't notice he had. “I bought you Lays and grape juice.”


Manipulative son-of-a-Ho. She snatched the bag away from his hands, opened the bag of chips and munched on them angrily, open as she chewed loudly. She felt Junho's eyes on her as she ate, and this was starting to annoy her. “Stop staring at me.”


Junho smiled even more. “But you're so cute.”


Munch. “Stop calling me cute. Cute means small but ugly.”


Then I'll call the girl I danced with 'cute'.”


Renn decreased the intensity of her chewing and looked at Junho shyly. “Y-you're damn right she is.”


The vocalist moved his face close to hers, a silly grin playing on his lips. “So you're not mad anymore?”


Renn didn't answer, and just continued munching on the chips, her eyes on anywhere but Junho. This gave Junho the chance to kiss her on the cheek.


And he did.


And this made Renn furious.


But Junho had calculated everything. He was able to get out of the room before Renn could even react.


And when Renn was able to react, she only said one thing.



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congrats ;)
Congrats :D
Coffee2s #3
imemyself07 #5
I laughed so hard!
elliptical #6
congrats x
Chapter 1: me back in 2011 when the MV first came out
congrats ^^
Congratulations! ^^
congratulations :)